Fucking based!

Fucking based!

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To the surprise of no one.

I struggled to get past the first 3 episodes. Is laughably bad, cringe and objectively terrible. No wonder it popular and its fan base is cancer.

I saw some obese 20 something lady wearing a stranger things black hoody. Yuck!

i want to fuck the redhead!

Based finn

Isn't this one of the only things that's making them money at this point? Why wouldn't it be renewed?

>scary monsters from another dimension

fucking silly

How are they gonna continue making this when the kid who plays eleven gets so fucking ugly between seasons?

Everyone is fucking ugly now, the Duffman bros have shit luck.

Roy Moore?

yeah no shit, it would be a fucking idiotic decision financially for them not to.

Then show us your own concept that's not silly by your standards, idiot.

Hoping they do like 10 seasons


>me on the left

It would be cool to see the kids grown up. See which ones become manlets and which ones don't.

I'd probably watch it if the different seasons were new casts and settings.
Le 56% kid gets tiresome to look at and their story would have been fine to end at season 1.

Why do they keep making Millie look like she’s 30 years old? What is the point of all the makeup? Compare that to the only other girl on the show who looks her age in all of the press releases.

K Trump go back to twitter


I mean, you would be able to do that either way, bucko.

She wants to make the Wolf HARD

I mean in the show

>waaaah hollywood is full of pedos
>waaaah hollywood made millie look too old

She probably wants to lock down the most successful cast member now before she becomes a nobody.

Why are you getting mad that somebody doesn’t like your dumb show?

Am I the only one that really didn't care that much for S2? I thought it was mediocre to bad at times.

I feel like I'm the only one.

Is red scrabbling for his meat? Look at her hand.

No you're not the only one. It lacked the charm as well as the suspension from season 1. Why so few seem to realize that I don't know but it's yet more depressing evidence of people's stupidity.

I want to have sex with three of these children

fucking WHORES

The only strange thing is how uglier they are

>getting to see the redhead with bigger tits and fuller hips.

Sup Forums is lying if they say they hate this idea

something tells me that the kid with the speech impediment and fluffy hair is gonna be huge, line a linebacker huge

He's one of the oldest kids and also the one of the shortest one

based, I hope s3 has even more independent kickass girls admired by everybody, also one interracial relationship isn't enough, it's a good start but the love interests are all too heteronormative

it's quite obvious they went out of their way to pick "real" looking actors. It's not so bad for adults, because their look doesn't change much, but weird looking kids always grow up to be monsters, so the chickens are coming home to roost

she's just afraid that they will force her to copulate with the negro again

That's pretty much the consensus around here so not really.


I just finished season 2. Even if they find a justifiable plot something, where the fuck are they gonna go with the arcs in another season? Season 1 was a lot of things happening and season 2 was characters dealing with the trauma from those things. That about wraps it imo.

if S1 was 9/10, then S2 was 6.5/10

i watched it mainly for my boy Will

Is this the famous American season spam I hear so much about.

He was in a coma for all season 1 so he didn't get in on the whole cameraderie aspect and now he doesn't get any of their injokes or fun stories so he's not in the clique

Wolfchad strikes again!

You got trolled. Don't take it so seriously.

Imagine being David in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Millie Bobby Brown, you fuckin' social, all full of conversation with your flat body and horrific androgynous monster powers. I would totally adopt you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck Winona Ryder in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be David Harbour and not only sit at breakfast while Millie Bobby Brown chomps her disgusting eggo in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing your disgust and syrup drippling down her chin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that facial expression. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her shitty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's THE NEXT BIG THING and DAMN, MILLIE BOBBY BROWN ACTS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her creased forehead as she concentrates and tries to use her powers menacingly at you, naively assuming that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "prodigious (for that is what everyone calls it)" acting, the acting she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know if your gun weren't just a prop you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking David Harbour. You're not going to lose your Netflix meal ticket over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I hope they make the white girl kiss the nigger again.

kinda bored with this meme shit now

Reminder that this was literally rape

You ever think the retarded one feels bad because no one wants to molest him?

What ugly, ugly children.

s2 sucked ass.

>and you know if your gun weren't just a prop you could kill every single person in this room
Sides gone.

that fucking face

Season 2 was fairly disappointing, and it felt like a retread of Season 1, only they tacked on that horrible Lost Sister episode.

If I have to see the characters from the Lost Sister episode for even one second during Season 3 I won't be watching.

That lost sister episode was bizarrely bad, it felt like an off-brand x men tv show and literally nothing consequential happened.


god damn it

holy shit
he knows

Unironically they should make Will and Mike gay. Fuck Eleven

They had to resort to shoehorning a random Londinistani and an interracial relationship to get brownie points with lefty reviewers, that's how much worse it was.

that kike is going to look like a fucking goblin when he grows up (not that he already doesn't)

Ah, so this is where the 56% meme came from. My research is now complete.

even this post is interracial


did Millie shave her head??

Yes, more shoe-in interracial couples and poo in loos please!

Season 2 was a steady slope down compared to season 1, I don't have high hope for season 3.

Fucking hell Millies tits are popping out now aren't they?
That just reminds me that I'm getting older.

Are they bringing back the grapefruit fucker for another season as well?


Why not. Every Other relationship is a love triangle in this show.

t. Pedo

are these 4 dudes gonna fuck that cute redhead?


do you think he did it on purpose?

He's a big star.

In other news the sky is blue and pizza is delicious. Back to you OP.

>pizza is delicious
Not according to Millie.


Giv gingy pusy

I wan to kiss millie.

The white boy is gonna grow up to be very handsome

The redhead shoehorned innas a love interest was lame. She should have saved one of the guys with her skateboarding and earned the spot on the team legit. They missed the opportunity.

What is he talking about?

Please don’t mention Finn browsing Sup Forums, he and his brother Dick browse Sup Forums sometimes and it makes them really uncomfortable when you mention him and his brother Nick browsing Sup Forums. Let them browse in peace

The left girl looks like a transvestite and the right girl looks like she doesn't have a soul

Dunkin donuts

Mullah Wolfhard

Damn, I thought he'd glazed Millie's bottom or something.


>Shitty blue pants instead of based cargo pants

>even doing that shitty dance black guy aces it and whitey fails
Why are white boi genes so bad?

Well it's the niggers who did low IQ dancing around fires n shiet in Africa. White people were building Empires at the time so we didn't get your "gifted" genes.

Several million people disagree with you

He’s 15 and 5’4

>Implying popularity = quality
I like ST too but come on.

>wasn't an anthology series
Fucking ruined opportunity

oh god I hoped Sup Forums wouldnt love reddit things