Give me some examples of CGI that made you question if it was real. Or have some other property that makes you love it. Love you guys

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This. Only for the real appliance of actual mathematics to present us the visual effects of a black hole. This blew my mind when i first saw it.

>unironically taught me the difference between 2D and 3D

all cgi from inception is literally GOAT


>posters: 1
are you ok, OP?

I wish this shit movie was in space.

Too bad about the rest of the movie

Was it autism?

OP is busy taking the test. He was found this morning way off his baseline.


I bet you are the OP

>why don't we just... wait here for a little while...


the CGI in Pirates was top notch. it's odd to me that modern CGI doesn't hold up when they were able to make all the fishbois look so good.

I thought the CGI in Inception, Interstellar and Doctor Strange was all very impressive. I love the fractal environments doing impossible things meme though

Was the tiger from pi CGI ? Or some other technology. Anyway that tiger looked real af

>Give me some examples of CGI that made you question if it was real.
Well, we KNOW that it's not real, but CGI here is close to perfection.
That ice head probably had more polygons than whole Ultron model.

They made a sets of 4d library.

>that pic
Impressive, but there's no way that scene of the tesseract collapsing on itself was practical though, or the part where he's falling in this scene

this is not how I remember sentinels

Yes and no. They use parts of the real set, repeat it, and move it around virtually.

When I first saw real steel I was really impressed when I couldn't tell if the robot was ever a prop or cgi the entire movie

BR2049 looked so good because it was actually models a lot of the time.

They were still using 3D renders though right? I can't see how else they would do .
That'd just mean they made said 3D renders with photogrammetry of the actual sets, for consistency.

I hated this film. Throwing impressive sounding words and concepts around to try and reel people in. Physics is my field and I hate normal people trying to discuss anything related to what I've spent years studying. Stick to capeshit and leave me alone

This is another example of the movie using CG effectively

Blu ray fucking when

I wonder what they did with all the miniatures now that the movie is over

If i was a director I'd burn them all
The movie must stand as itself with nothing else

>I hated this film. Throwing impressive sounding words and concepts around to try and reel people in. Physics is my field and I hate normal people trying to discuss anything related to what I've spent years studying.
Do you not realize that Interstellar had Kip Thorne as their scientific adviser for the film? He helped them keep the movie as scientifically authentic as possible. The visual effects for Gargantua were produced by Nolan's team after Kip gave them sets of equations to create an entirely new rendering software just for modeling what a black hole would look like. It's an accurate model of what a black hole of that size would look like.

How was it so fucking kino

How did it even get made

Usually they stick it in a warehouse which burns down ten years later.

>Make a movie in the same way as they did in the 80s with practical effects
>Then use CGI to make it look even better

This is how CGI should be used.

If I were the director I'd use them to make a giant model train / monorail set in my basement

fuck you

The guy who builds them gets to stomp around pretending to be Godzilla.

put in a museum how hard is it?

I would be ok with this if they filmed it and put it in the blu ray special features

>Get myself a VR headset
>One of the most fun things I've done so far is go to Manhattan in Google Earth and pretend to be King Kong

Nolan is the greatest CGI user of our time

Just this scene. Made me remember why lightsabers are awesome.

going onto google earth in vr sounds like good fun

how long until we have the technology to actually record everywhere on the earth live so we can actually go out on the street like a hologram and see everything??

Alcon producers and Ridley Scott threw big money at it because they trusted Villeneuve and Alcon hoped it would give them a franchise.

That made me laugh, have a good night friend.

you will never contribute anything of value to the field


Um, sweetie...

Life Of Pi is up there with Pirates and Apes as having the best CGI of all time. Sadly the job bankrupted the VFX company.

Bullshit that includes a perfect scale model of an actual stellar phenomenon is just expensive bullshit.

the flying cars are CGI through right?

He wasn't the first. I see people talk about how the CGI in The Fifth Element still holds up today, without them realizing the CGI basically amounts to wire removal, matte cut outs etc.

>Bullshit that includes a perfect scale model of an actual stellar phenomenon is just expensive bullshit.
I guess physics are just bullshit, then.

>being this salty over a movie that went to great lengths to be authentic as a sci-fi film

Alcon Entertainment decided that they wanted a billion dollar franchise universe and figured Blade Runner was the way to go, so they made a crazy investment, all chips in the middle kind of bet. Underperformed, and due to the kind of contracts they signed, they'll end up taking most of the loss and probably go out of business.

I think so. In Fifth Element the cars were also models but digitally inserted into the scenes so they could get all the movements precise.

Those are future Sentinels. The ones from the comics are depicted as prototypes in the 70s. Have you not seen the movie?


Why is it that most kino flops and bankrupts companies?


I legitimately thought that was a gorilla holding a light saber from the thumbnail.

no, but I saw the cartoons

lol you're gonna be a failure

not enough quips


why is a gorilla holding a lightsaber?

You either die a hero...

2d when he interacts with it and obviously 3d when it folds in on itself

sounds kind of weird that they'd try to get a franchise from a 2.5 hr slow burn sci fi

I honestly don't know what they expected. It did 10 times the business of Ex Machina, which you'd think would be about as good or better than you'd expect it to do.


>Tfw if Denis sold out and made the movie like pic related it would have been a success

Villeneuve's use of cgi in 2049, Arrival and this were clever and differen.


The Social Network


they actually built models of the spinner in real life but when they're flying obviously that is CGI

Yeah. The journalist H.L. Mencken wrote this article complaining about tabloid journalism and the "near-illiterates" sucking it up, and it originated that paraphrase "you never go broke underestimating the taste of the American public."

It's always kind of a drag to see. I totally believe that you can make a billion dollar franchise with the Blade Runner IP, but they got distracted by trying to make a great movie, which is the wrong way to go.

What they did show is that you can make money with slow burn sci-fi for adults. Also, look at Ridley Scott's eternal alien franchise. Covenant did comparable to Blade Runner 2049, but they spent like $100 million less on A:C, so one's a disaster and one will continue. But yeah, with Blade Runner 2049 and Valerian as stillbirth twins, it's been a bad couple of years for big budget sci fi.

play WH40K

Valerian looked awful

I thought Sony fronted a large chunk of the budget?

No shit, dumbass.

That's what I meant by "the kind of contracts they signed". The deal they made with Sony is that Sony will front money, but that Sony gets 100% of the returns until Sony is paid back. So the way the gross is looking, the likely result is that Sony will recoup all of its investment and Alcon is screwed. It's like with a normal movie, the investors split returns as they come in, so with regular contracts everybody would get at least a percentage of their money back. With BR2049, Sony will get 100% of its money back before Alcon sees a penny. It's a real clusterfuck.


Why does that matter to Alcon, then? They didn't put a dime in the film, they won't get a dime out, that's it.

Alcon and Sony split the cost of the film. They each put in like $90 million before marketing.

this was good but still slightly off, certainly the closest I've seen to date

It was supposed to be off

She wasn't real?? usrs

Someone post some monkino webms.

Defend this, Lynchfags.
>b-but it's supposed to be bad!!!

Noting that about 87 of the 91 minute runtime in Gravity is pure CGI or CGI + live action and it's pretty flawless.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - VFX Breakdown by Digital Domain (2011)

the use of CGI was off you fucking moron, deckard wasn't looking at a fucking hologram

It wasn't though.

Eh, didn't look exactly like real space, sorry.

Still blows my mind how much of Zodiac was CGI.

That user was pointing out how the extremely slight uncanny "off" look here actually aids to the scene because she isn't the real Rachel and the entire scene is Deckard wrestling with the thought of a fake copy of Rachel being right infront of him, so having her in nearly perfect CGI only adds more impact to the scene.

Fincher used to work for ILM so he knows exactly how to prepare and setup a scene and how will the desired effect be achieved in post.
Every Fincher film has more CGI than a standard Hollywood blockbuster. Literally every interior scene is shot on a sound stage. Every time you see blood in a Fincher film you can be sure it's CGI. The Social Network has more VFX shots than the 2014 Godzilla. And no one ever notices a thing.


>there will never be a Godzilla movie with BR2049 effects

They even had the same specail effects teamin 2014 for fucks sake