"my favorite actor is john bernthal"

"my favorite actor is john bernthal"

But my favorite IS Jon Bernthal!

how I hate that pretentious cunt gook. I need him to die, now

>my favorite actor is Ryan Gosling

ey OP mask u summin

he can't die, he's still working on his masterpiece

What do I mean by this?

>i wanna build a lifetime game
>Konami is my company

But he was hired as "Planner".
He doesn't have any video game making skills.

>still no Emma Stone or Goose announced for Death Stranding

He created a game engine from scratch when he made MG2.

Same goes for FOX Engine which is GOAT but sadly is in licensing hell.

He does, he did code when he joined Konami. He's just being really self-deprecating in that video. Also if you think that only programmers have video making skills you're dumb. It's like saying only cameramen know how to make films because they shoot them.

>He created a game engine from scratch

No he literally doesn't now shit.
But good for being such a fan

This is sad to read. Imagine being this pathetic and being BTFO so hard you can't even form a coherent argument :^)

I'll take the win. Thank you.

Ok Kojidrone

But he did

I'm in love with the Goose. No homo.


of course he was the fucking Planner and even the "making skills guy"

still waiting Goose

still scarier than any movie

working hard or hardly working?

why is there a single raw egg in a cup? what kind of ching shit is this?

when Kojiman is going to meet Ryan Gosling? seriously, im waiting