Toy Show hype thread

Is everybody ready for Ireland's favourite cringe inducing annual spectacle

Starts at 9:PM Irish/UK time.

What's the drinking game this year?
>take a shot everytime Tubs plugs Ken Black
>take a shot everytime Tubs looks like he wants to strangle a kid

I'm ready for this years late late toy show to showcase and celebrate our growing diverse population

This. Stop watching TV.

Will we get something on the same level as fear the Deere, lads?

Report in lads
/Dublin/ here

>What's the drinking game this year?
Somebody posted the Toy Show bingo card.


The RTÉ player keeps showing ads but doesn't work when it's supposed to get to the actual show. Guess I'll have to go downstairs and use the actual telly.


Well, it is recorded in Dublin. They gotta be representative of the local populace.

As far as tokenism goes though, they will have the token culchie as per usual. And he will talk about farming-related toys.

>the inevitable book section that everybody treats as an ad break

They all sound like Americans.

What the fuck are you making me watch

RTE are already going overdrive with sheboon “Irish” presenter & kang CuChulainn
Only 4 Million of Us.
Wouldn’t take long to replace us with millions of shitskins..
Nationalism Needs to Hurry the Fuck Up & Arrive Here Before it’s too late.

>RTE are already going overdrive with sheboon “Irish” presenter & kang CuChulainn
What show is that?

I'm sitting here now watching it.

Stop phoneposting.

Also, why the fuck is there "theme" under the sea? Is Christmas a marine thing now?

Im so glad they didn't go for a beauty and the beast theme, but fuck, theres still disney masterbation

I'd fuck that unicorn


>Is Christmas a marine thing now?
It will be after global warming, just like everything else.

Irishman living in Poortugal here


what if conor mcgregor makes an apperance

Cork here

if that vespa doesn't break before the end of the night I'll punch myself in the dick

Pls no.

Go back to /toy/

Top quality from the RTE player

thats just what tubs looks like

why is ireland so cringe

A Stage production they televised last year.
Bunch of wankers.
There was always so unexplainably a niglet in Sing Street, a film about Dublin in the 80s ffs
And (((RTE))) want to increase the tax when they’re full of lefty pedos Everyone Hates already.
Fuck these cunts.
Literally what is wrong with posting from a phone?


ooh la la

Hello my fellow Dublinese user.

That doll is fucked

LITERALLY first kid of the night and it's a darkie

fucking HECK

wow tubs showing (( THEM ))

>Darkie from Kildare
It's fucked.

In fairness to Tub he actually seems to put in an effort.

Everyone in the Audience baby!!! It truly begins

Why can’t We Have a Proper Nationalist Party?
Why the fuck do we have to have imposter sinn feinn filling the role of Our “nationalist party”
Being Irish truly is suffering


>She's a big girl


>She's a big girl
For you, tubs.

>Black kid talking about my little pony.
cant make it up folks

Why isn't she naked?

haha watch out lads i'm coming for the lot of you hehe

>wow, how fun, now my doll is all wet and slimy


Based Ryan, getting a jab in at the government early about the homelessness. Taking the piss out of the annoying Manley president, based

We can tie our nationalism to Socialism or we can tie it to the Catholic church, either way someones gonna get molested.

>she's a big girl

Nah to be honest that little half-breed is adorable t b h lads

Get her browsing /mlpol/.

My little poo-ney, oh god Tubs no!

Noticed there’s been a surprising amount of niggerians spewing out of there
>Nogs going straight for the Wealthiest Area outside of Dublin
Fucking typical.
I want all these bureaucrat eu puppets to Hang.
Current merkel-bitch Fine Gael is a disgrace to The Blue Shirts.

It was very clearly explained.

what are you going to do with that hotdog ryan

>Sup Forums, /toy/, /mlp/ and /ck/ within the first 5 minutes

>girl gets her first period on live tv and gets Tubs' weiner all sticky

is there a fnaf doll ?

I’ll take The Church Over globalism any day.

Niggers are in Roscommon and Longford now. Since they don't work and choose dole as their income, they have extremely high "labour mobility" so they just move to where the rent is cheap now that Dublin has gotten expensive


1989 batmobile nice

Marvel on suicide watch

>Literally what is wrong with posting from a phone?
Everything. You should stop.

>Was planning on just watching this with family because it's comfy and I have nothing better to do
>There's actually a Sup Forums thread full of decent bant


>Ahhh my belt

That Batman mech looks ACE

Inb4 more baneposting

I'm sorry Ryan, but that's not muh Batman.

he's a big guy

>tubs getting legitimately angry at the kid with the batman toy

At least tubs doesn't look like he's on crack this year

Capeshit on my RTÉ?

Can you lads not be racist for one night lads, she was a child?

Ad breaks are a thing, user.

Jaysus, a black lad in Dublin in the 80s? That's madness, they've gone too far this time

He looks malnourished as fuck though.

Even on RTÉ you can't escape the /cape/.

>imprisons people in his heel
That's someone fetish.

Tubs is actually pissed off after being shot.

>Brexit on wheels

>toothless, sister shagging micks believe themselves to be white

>Ireland's only 4 star airline

Monaghan reporting in.
Before Alan Shatter it was just based Poles & Lithos.
Now it’s like we’re the fucking congo
There’s always at least 2 massive sheboons walking through the street in the middle of the day, & I have no shit seen some Polish bitch walking with a halfbreed in her pram sureounded by two niggers, literally can’t go through the middle of town without seeing at least 8 every day, it’s becoming almost as bad as Dundalk or Letterkenya
It’s like an israeli’s wet dream here.
I can’t believe People are so Proud of Breaking away from the UK but so ignorant of how we’re basically in the exact same position now but with the eu instead

conor mcgregor disguised as 6 year old

>Going to Florida for fucking Legoland

You mean we're not? Cool, where do I sign up to fuck your wife?


But the good one is in Denmark. Even the one in the UK is better than any shitty American "Legos"land.

>an*lo strides in acting Whiter than us
Don’t you have some pakis to be apologising to for not offering up your daughter faster?
Fuck outta here.

Use the 20k and go to disney


Too cruel, user.

Soyboy 8 year old.

>someone else who appreciates Legoland Billund

So, when's Pat Kenny gonna descend from the rafters and host a proper Toy Show?

sadly I'm not sure if he's going to get the shite beaten out of him on Monday, that's the kind of world we live in now