
Qt Bajoran popes edition

pastebin.com/qh3fPmBt if you want them books

>you explicitly told everyone you don't want to get disturbed and want some private time
>this mushroom fuck keeps appearing in your door

what do

about time, so fappabele. and that is a complement here on the chan

as long as she has pizza under that hat, it's all good


>the ships bartender was a better counselor than the actual counselor

What did they mean by this?


Troi always fucking stated the obvious. She was useless.

>Sir, I'm sensing you're upset

it means they completely fucked up Troi's character. I always wondered why they didn't make her an ambassador. It would make more sense for her to be on the bridge then, right by Picard. And you can build a ton of good storylines around that.

hot tho, brah

Whoopi wanted to be on star trek so they probably stole half of Trois character moments from her.

Threadly reminder thanking based user for uploading his Trek books

>use one cuss word towards a klingon

made me spill my hot coco

Fuck user, that's a great idea.
Also, comfy blanket here I come.

>make one dismissive comment towards a Romulan
>Romulan smirks: You'd do well in the Romulan Senate

sometimes I think everything was said and done in star trek. there was more and more repetition and lame shit, they should have ended it after voyeur

>star trek voyeur

Now that sounds pretty fucking hot

End your life.

what. the. actual. fuck. user.
not cool, brah. NOT COOL.

>making characters wear shirts with the series name on it

So desperate to make people forget about their STD

He's doing better now yeah...

I don't like nog

This is what I would use a time machine for

Dat grey fat arm!
well done, user

Why did the starships never seem to use video surveillance anywhere, even the prisons?
A heck of a lot of episodes could have been resolved if they simply looked at some footage.

The weird thing is they even have the ability to use it already, Janeway brought up live video of the infirmary in an early Voyager episode.

Why do Andorrans drink so much

>The story follows a starship full of people with voyeuristic tendencies as they go across the galaxy to spy on aliens having weird sex. They document their findings to Starfleet.
I'd watch it.

Just, just go with it, dude. jeez

Best to keep their hands occupied

>.........now I can get fat :)

White people are so fucking nasty. You can see their veins through their skin, it's positively revolting.

>it's positively revolting.
so you're getting aroused?

How come Starfleet could communicate with aliens when they were not wearing their comms badge/universal translators?

that grey fat is a sign of being kept inside, protected and warm. unaware of the evils of the world.
positivley sexay

This is a picture of my forearm what do u think of it ?

I know you're shitposting, but I've said it before - when the lighting on your ship is the most sterile blueish colour, then no white person with very pale skin is gonna look good, so the makers of STD should've thought of that when they got a fucking redhead as one of the "main" characters.

dis not /fit/ breh

paranoid much there, mr. user?

They're all about fightin' and fuckin'

ya but it has veins :B

I like it, do more wrist curls


Depending on who you ask Universal translators are micriscolic ear implants




TNG Q episodes were so good. Why did they keep on trying to make them work on Voyager?

>TNG Q episodes were so good
Q is worse than the temporal cold war

dAyum Kai winn looks like that?!


delancie couldnt even pronouce omnipotence lel. true. watch the tng bloopers

because they'd die of the heat if it wasn't for the mask

nobody. gives. a. shit. about. the. fucking. BREEN.

they attacked starfleet HQ

what do they look like underneath those helmets?

Spiner? Did I miss some news?

I hear their planet is actually quite nice, the winter hellscape is a myth to drive away intruders


I like the fact that they are introduced with this secret EM-like weapon that destroyed a federation alliance fleet just to be looted and countered by Kira spy ops and those cardassian rebels 3 or 4 episodes latter. like a lot of stuff in season 7 rushed as fuck

never turn your back on a breen

Giant puppies with big floppy puppy ears.

It's well established that Breen actually are RL furries and there's a muzzle underneath that mask.
They just hide it because they fear furries on ST conventions

do they like cheese?

no furries, thanks

You're not saying Porthos...no...couldn't be...

everyday we stray further from God's light


Captain, do you think I'm getting fat?

LEAVE HIM ALONE! He had a bad back and couldn't work out. LEAVE HIM ALONE


>Will, we've been having this conversation for years now... Yes, you're getting very thicc and it's time you stopped eating gagh and letting Troi feed you chocolate cakes.

>it's a you suddenly remember worf has a son episode

Can't spell "Riker" without "thiker"

have you seen him on DS9? it's sad


Without resorting to memes give me five reasons why Voyager isn't the best series.

name a more blatantly anti semetic character.

Protip: hot nuts

What are those on ther neck? They look like boils.

Baneway and EMH are the only good characters.

cardie out

>the storylines could've been interesting, but they're never presented in that way so it gets really boring trying to force yourself through an episode
>the characters were severely underwritten which was a shame since it was stiil a good combo of alien races together. EMH and Seven (and sometimes Janeway) had to support the entire show and the writers focusing only on them as time went on meant the other characters were just there.
>backstage drama leaves a sour note to everything
>It never reached the same highs as TNG or DS9 and was throughouly mediocre during its entire run
>it should never have been episodic. I know they were desperate to catch the same tone as TNG since DS9 wasn't the ratings whore as they hoped it would be, but that completely neutered any drama the show could've had.


If you had a transporter twin, would you fuck them? I know I would, he'd be just as much of a degenerate as me so I know he'd be in to it too.

probably not, my twin would be as autistic and awkward as me.

just dropping your daily reminder that o'brien is a boring shit character that could have been totally cut from the series with no negative consequences

literally no one can refute this without resorting to a meme reply about me being from reddit or having to be 18 to post here etc.

this is an 18+ redtard

He's a good everyman. The genius engineer he became on DS9 makes it a little weird that he was just a transporter chief on the Enterprise though.


Akoocheemoya on this Friday we are far from the normies Akoocheemoya

Why was Riker such a dick to Tom?


1) Minimal character development. Cha-ko-tay doesn't change at all from season 1 to 7 - nor do Janeway, Torres, or a number of others; in fact, the only characters who grow are the EMH, Seven, and...well Tom gets in a relationship with B'ellana, but that's about it.
2) Pissed away its conflicts. The Krenim were like 3 episodes. They literally skipped Borg space. The Viidians barely ever showed up. No, let's focus on the Kazon instead. What a fucking waste.
3) Braga and Berman had to include tits and ass over quality writing because it aired on a shit network.
4) Example of how badly written Voyager could be: Endgame had zero denouement (not that you plebs would even know the term), and the episode before focused on a bad holonovel over the Measure of a Man Lite conflict at the core.
5) Everything it did it either did half-assed or TNG, TOS, and DS9 did better. Consider Flashback: all we get are a few lazy scenes with Rand and Sulu on the Excelsior. Compare DS9's Trials and Tribble-ations, a wonderful crossover that would have been impossible just a few years earlier.

Now here's five reasons why Voyager isn't the worst series:
1) Theme is the best of the franchise since TOS
2) The characters may not develop much but they're fun
3) Even the meme bad episodes like Threshold are pretty good if you turn off your reddit opinion
4) The Borg episodes are always better than TNG's Borg episodes
5) Alien makeup, when it wasn't a lazy reuse, was really good - better than any other series before or after.

In the end, VOY isn't DS9, but it ain't a steaming pile of shit.

When they play poker are they just gambling for fun with worthless chips, or is there some value to them?

for me, the single redeeming quality of voyager is that it had much more borg, and it was done better than TNG (excluding "best of both worlds")

the writers didn't know

for fun probably, since gambling on something is part of the game.

gold pressed latinum to be spent at quark's holosuites

Reminder there were 5 lights.
