Die Another Day /General/ starting Now


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worst brosnan

For what purpose? Movie is slippery, wet dogshit.

pre-title is great, first half is good, second half is shit.
Also title song is good but badly arranged.

God Brosnan was a great Bond cast in some of the worst fucking bond movies. Shame, really.

decent start

I saw this movie when I was a kid and growing up I found out that I remembered it as 4 different unique movies that I forgot were the same movie


The only good part of this movie is Rosamond.

daddys home get the weapons away

Graves and the sword fight!

invisible car is the gayest gimmick of all time

Madonna theme sucks one of the worst

You cant debate this list

Decent intro. did bond get raped?

pleb list

First half=Classic Bond

Prove me wrong.

14 months of jerking


Craig is the best actual agent of them all. People hate on him for no good reason.

very on spot

bond's being traded!


how so?

One of the best title sequences, actually continues the story instead of just having shadowy women dancing around on silhouetted guns.

Best opening sequence?



Tomorrow never dies was the true Brosnan kino

Tomorrow never dies.
The world is not enough.
Die another day.

Madonna song pure kino in 2002.


>can we all agree on this Pierce Bond ranking.

The world is not enough > Tomorrow never Dies

yeah Denise Richards and Sophie Marceau > some chink and Terri Hatcher.

Literally horrendous list
Was going to suggest changes, but I’d basically need to start from scratch

Do it then you pleb, or are you scared

The Dench Rankings-:

Tomorrow never dies
Casino Royale
The world is not enough
Die another day
Quntum of solace

>QOS not dead last

>DAD isn't DAD-tier

>Casino Royale below Tomorrow Never Dies
fuck off you turbo nigger faggot.

I worked on Penny Dreadful.Timothy Dalton is a 5 star top tier cunt to everyone for no reason.

>Its a Craigfag
It really isnt that good, they spend 45 minutes sat around playing poker. In a Bond film

He sells the physicality better, for starters. He’s able to emote more and quip less than most, create non-cheesy sexual tension, showcase the psychology of the character effectively, and maintain verisimilitude within plot context (half the Bonds oscillate between goofy comedy, a corny pastiche of seduction, and dangerous stakes with reckless abandon)

Such a funny villain, second only to Sean Bean in the Brosnan films. Meanwhile Halle Berry is the worst actor in a bond movie of all time.

>t. brainlet

Casino Royale was the most true-to-the-source Bond film in like 40 years, the 2nd half of the film is almost a literal adaptation of the novel

and it's not like it's devoid of action, either. The airport chase? That fight scene in the stairwell? That sinking house in venice? Fuck off

>He’s able to emote more
No he isnt, he has one emotion. Angry blonde manlet

Damn, Dalton was a good Bond. Super accurate to the original character but is enough of a scenery chewing ham to cover everything from Bond to an evil supermarket manager. Love him.

>Casino Royale was the most true-to-the-source Bond film in like 40 years, the 2nd half of the film is almost a literal adaptation of the novel
>Reddit spacing
>Clearly never read the actual novel before
Kek lad

Awful ranking

You just made it worse

Tough call between Denise Richards in TWINE and Tanya Roberts in AVTAK with Halle Berry in DAD. Not sure if Halle really wins this one.

>People who defend QOS
Literally the worst posters

Hey! I like shadowy naked women.

>Pike in her prime

waifuism is a terrible curse

Feel free to post your own versions of this

>Best bonds


>Best films

The Living Daylights

>Best themes

Nobody Does It Better
Live and Let die
Diamonds Are Forever
Tomorrow Never Dies

Indisputable truth:

- Pre-title is excellent. That hovercraft chase is a work of art.

- Title sequence is great, but is marred by the most laughable title song in Bond history.

- Michael Madsen is hilariously bad and sounds like he's reading his lines off of cue cards.

- That part in Cuba is cool.

- Halle Berry literally can not act.

- Graves is cheeseball in the best way.

- That sword fight between Graves and Bond is one of the best things in any Bond film ever.

- Christ almighty, that Madonna cameo. It's like granny drank too much chardonnay and started making double entendres about dicks.

- The >hurrhurrinvisiblecar is bad but not as bad as people make it out to be. It's no more cartoony than the stuff from the Moore films.

- Invisibility aside, that super spy car battle between Bond and Diamond Face Man is actually fucking awesome and no one can convince me otherwise.

- That part with Bond surfing on the glacier wave looks like it was rendered on a Nintendo 64.

fuck tha song is orgasmic i feel like fingering my pussy

That’s not fair, user. It isn’t true. Watch Craig in Layer Cake, in Munich, in Defiance. He has range, and he brings that to the character - look at the range of emotions he display across his first three films, from cocksure narcissism to conflicted romantic entanglements to rage at betrayal to loss and the stage of grief to paranoia to calm acceptance to sheer bewilderment
You’re not arguing in good faith

No i am, he isnt suited for Bond. You're completely right in saying he's fantastic in Layer Cake, In Defiance and more recently Logan Lucky. Because he suits playing the thug more than the cool, suarve spie

Single Greatest Bond Film Ever Made Tier:
Casino Royale

Denise Richards just dials in a perky breasted performance to a very flat and boring character, Halle Berry seems to be actively as awful as the dialog she's given, its really bad even by Bond girl standards

Why dont we have fun Bond moments anymore?

That’s a different argument entirely than the (false) claim that he’s only capable of one emotion

Face it pleb, i'm right

>That part with Bond surfing on the glacier wave looks like it was rendered on a Nintendo 64.


>The World is not Enough
>Bond family motto
With a cool, dry motto like that he could be a Supervillain.

Controversial opinion: Natalya was just as bad

>Best onds

1) Craig
2) Dalton
3) Brosnan
4) Connery
5) Moore
6) Lazenby

>Best films (not in any order, just the five I'd choose if I could only have five)

Casino Royale
The Man with the Golden Gun
The Living Daylights

>Best themes

The Living Daylights
You Only Live Twice
The World is Not Enough
The Spy Who Loved Me

Damn I forgot about that one. That theme is actually really good.

>1) Craig
Terrible choices

I unironically liked Spectre and saw it twice.

Bond isn't high kino, it's fun schlock. Whatever floats your boat.

Your thinking of the N64 game. She breaks down a couple of times and its realistic (leaving the destroyed dish/just before Bond shags her on the beach) and shows off range in several other scenes. With Berry its just cringe inducing guff, Madonna almost acts her off the screen ffs.

>Halle Berry

academy award winning actress

it clearly not the worst, lets not kid ourselves here

even with the critical re-evaluation a few years after it came out, it's at least better than spectre

not memeing

>it clearly not the worst
Yes it fucking is, its not even a Bond film

Spectre is shit though

>Somebody else likes something I think is shit! They must be wrong!


>It was me, James. The author of all your pain.



spectre was roger moore tier cheese fest

I enjoy Die Another Day unironically.

Having never seen Quantum; what makes it so awful?

How did the first half start so good (esp that swordfight) and then descended into shit. Still a fun movie but was it rushed or something?

Its not a Bond film at all, its a Bourne film

die another day is truly a total mess of random scenes? after 40 mins or so,and once jinx turns up itreally starts to stink.

should have just stuck with the chink actor from the start


snooze fest

Showed promise early on but was pretty average up until the train scene which was great, then it went and took a nosedive with Waltz's introduction and the ridiculous last 30 mins or so, lost the plot completely.

>I worked on Penny Dreadful
are you the same fag with those eva green stories?

hope this was created prespectre as i dont see it in utter dogshit tier

>it's at least better than spectre
that's the only good thing I can say about the film that it's not as bad as spectre

Swap Dalton with Craig. Ive never met anyone who rates the Dalton films or the performances as being anything above meh, yet I keep seeing people here rate him highly, its a conspiracy or something.

>Ive never met anyone who rates the Dalton films or the performances as being anything above meh

One of the best bond themes wasn't even a bond theme


>casino royale not in ''literally perfect tier''

I'm okay with this. Majorly fucking overrated movie.

Kojima does love bond though


>Best Movies

gold finger
the living daylights
live and let die
casino royale
dr no

How has any of that to do with being a better agent?

his movies are some of the very best in the series you worthless prole troglodyte

horrible taste kill yourself

you and the people you know are just plebs
