Two great episodes followed by a piece of shit filler episode where Elliot babysits a fucking annoying Muslim kid

Two great episodes followed by a piece of shit filler episode where Elliot babysits a fucking annoying Muslim kid

What the fuck was Esmail thinking? Mr. Robot thread I guess

The kid wasn't real, but nonetheless this episode was complete shit chuckfull of lefty propaganda

>shoveling the leftist propaganda down your throat every episode
Don't know. why I keep watching, I guess I'm just in to deep.

the whole elliot is a filler, so far he had very little impact on plot

Ikr, I actually skimmed through that shit
The 1st half wasn't that fulfilling either, we don't need the other half of the episode of him whining about the other two dying

ending with annie was good

Boring episode, but it shows character growth. It also gets them lots of Mudbucks.

hahahahahahaha as soon as i saw this episode all i could think of was "oh man, this is gonna trigger those dumb altcucks gooood"

glad to see i was right. sorry that DUH JOOZ are still at their tricks again, making you not able to stop thinking about big black cock and praising allah. can you imagine being such an impressionable and insecure cucklord that you think that every tv show you watch is a targeted attack on your psyche?

>oh yeah.... well uh... s... s... soyboy! cuck!


Educate yourself nigra.

Holy fuck shills are desperate

>nothing to say


i liked it. A somewhat comfy episode before the shitstorm in the next two episodes

>UR A SHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Elliot needed a redemption episode for his arc and for the plot to move forward. Also the episode was top comfy.


>someone actually spent time making that shitpost
>you actually saved it

Are you ok?

>still no argument

>still no argument again

excellent BTFO magapede, you should archive this and spread the word on our HQ, /r/the_donald and /r/pol

>look, i am le reasonable one

sorry i took the wind out of your sails by pre-empting the default "soyboy" retort. better luck next time

Why is she so beautiful Sup Forums?

You do realise that this is Sup Forums not /argueaboutinaneshit/ (aka Sup Forums) right?

perfect cocksucking lips


She has a really unique appearance. I have a feeling some people find her really ugly while others get the biggest hardons for her.

because she is hot enough to get it up but not so hot as to still conceivably be in the beta league

The show outgrew Elliot. They should just focus on Tyrell and keep Elliot/Mr. Robot as a wildcard.

She's clearly a fucking gypsy, aka, scum with shit genes.

She's a Jewess. It's clear as day

You sound mad.

The show needed an episode like that though after the constant ramping up of this season before the two-part ending of the season.
I was hoping he would take morphine and we would have another trip episode like in first two seasons, but Esmail probably didn't wanted to repeat this gimmick and I can understand why

Clearly a Romani (name gypsies give themselves to hide that theyre gypsies from normies)

Thats why she should be a cumdumpster, not a person

>hehe u mad

xP gues u got me there hehehe

It's her puppy dog eyes and pouty face user. Men are genetically attracted to it.

Pace needed to be slowed.
You'll understand why in the next two episodes

shit man maybe you should try some anti-psychotics

I hope you get better user, best wishes

>t. sam esmail?

If you don't care about politics why do you mind moderate right wingers so much?

She's clearly said she's jewish retard

as a shitskin myself this episode sucked balls

A Jewish/Gypsy crossbreed clearly.
They've been experimenting with their genes for centuries.

I liked the episode. Far more slow-paced than usual but it's obviously for character-development rather than furthering the plot. Elliott is on the verge of suicide after the attack so obviously some character device had to save him from his breakdown or the plot wouldn't make a lot of sense. But it was good. Lots of good picks for the soundtrack and a really comfy mini plot about hope. It's cheesy, but I'm weak for that kind of stuff. There were some really good shots on this episode as well. Nice color palettes and symmetry. Really love the duality that is showcased in some of the shots. I hope Elliott smokes up with Darlene tomorrow, desu.

By that logic everyone is a crossbreed retard

Are her and Elliot ever going to fuck? Esmail is giving me blueballs with all this teasing and adding sexual tension between the two

>random crossbred offshoots affect the entire genepool
Are you retarded?

the calm verbal smackdown that elliot made on mobley's brother reminded me of the very first episode, where he describes how he found and hacked the owner of the coffee shop that was trading in CP or something. it felt like a nice callback to when elliot was just kind of a reclusive whitehat hacker, before he got involved in f_society and ended up fucking the entire country

It's clearly hard if not impossible for most to parse the meaning of various details in an episode. The previous episode was filled with meaning. It examples why Eliot's father has stayed with him.

The dialogue in the theatre among the patrons was kino and key.
A huge amount of Elliot's persona is traced to his childhood in his interaction w/ the young boy.

A huge amount of social commentary occurs.
The aftermath of the jarring staged suicide gets absorbed.
You get to take in the backdrop of the city... You get to see a deployed military.. Curfew. The viewer gets to take in and get updated on the backdrop and conditions.

A final breather leading into the last two episodes

well he did try once in S1... it was kind of a plot bombshell... maybe you should rewatch S1 to see why

Super comfy desu

Doesn't seem you've ever had an amazing bond w/ the opposite sex. It's like having a co-pilot. This one happens to be his sister. Calm down desu

thx sam, i have noticed the deteriorating conditions of life in america in your show, as well as the very obvious parallels between elliot and his dad with elliot and the muslim kid. it's not as subtle as you may think but it's still good

Wait how long has this show been garbage I think I'm just now realizing it

This post is so autistic it's making me right-wing.

Good call. In a lot of ways, Elliott is where he started mentally. The world has gone to shit, and while he has his problems, while bigger now, the opportunity to make a real change drives him forward.

uh huh, keep samefagging, soygoy. make sure you take notes to drop your redpills on redditors

What? This episode was great.

>posters go up

>Jarring staged suicide

If you were jarred thinking the main character was just going to kill himself like that you're emotionally unstable and I can't take you seriously

Yes, in a way this composition serves as an exposition of an all to real timeline. One of the biggest aspects of the show : digital coin currencies and how it was manifested and delivered into society is seemingly glanced over but is a reflection of all to real reality. Do these digital coins cause a revolution? No. It further enslaves people and is controlled by (((them))). This is an all to real possibility and yet everyday you see the coming enslavement furthered. What a fool Elliot was to think the masses would awaken.

I watch it for the cinematography. That quality is rarely seen on tv.

> Jarring staged suicide
The episode where the dark army suicides the two in the garage. Let your brain function longer instead of short cutting it.

ok so are you actually sam esmail? it seems like you could be but im about 5 beers deep (and not pathetic ameribeers) so i dunno if i should be buying this or not

Elliot is already taken

>That's actually her resting face.

A girl can never love a man as much as his sister could, God knows why they haven't fucked yet

you're clearly an only child if you believe that

It's not Sam, you retard.

Dont remind me

Agreed OP

The only good part of the episode was at the end with him and angela. I honestly thought angela was going to open the door and the episode was going to end with them making out

>end with them making out
You horndog you.

No Elliot is for Darlene only

No. I'm not Sam.

Lets get a discussion going on where she possibly is. Red hallways through and through... Black insides .. she in white dress. Elliot asks if she can open but there's 100s of locks on it. Is she in a padded cell? Was this a visit from him to her while she was in a psych ward?

>>end with them making out

Yeah I'm a sucker for sappy moments like that. I felt like it would have been the perfect moment and way to end the episode. Elliot was just about to commit suicide and angela is losing her mind. They're both vulnerable and yet they had eachother at the end

>psych ward

Damn that's interesting. But why would the locks be in the inside of her cell and not the outside?


Looks like a less dopey version of Kat Dennings w/o the tits

>Damn that's interesting. But why would the locks be in the inside of her cell and not the outside?

She's built her own cage. Her addled mind is her prison cell.

i like this

I want to see her wear it.

What is it about Jewesses that makes my dick harder than diamonds? These 2 and Illana from Broad City, the pale skin, the dark frizzy hair, the big titties the hairy bush. You just KNOW they dont shave down there. These types of jew girls usually dont it drives me crazy. I just want to pump them full of my goy seed. Is this some sort of jew magic? Can Sup Forums explain?

>Illana from Broad City


Black men are actually really effeminate and have little dicks, I prefer Dutch, English, German, Aussie, American, and Slavic men. Pakistani type Muslims are so repulsive my ovaries shrivel. Do Jews really exist? The white ones are just Europeans whose ancestors LARPed at Judaism in the 800s, and the actual Semitic darker ones tend to be short and weird looking, like Hobbits.

I just know you have sweaty palms, are really overweight, have bad hair, and a little greasy ploppy nose.

>it's an Elliot converts to Islam episode

The kid was Elliot, no?

What did they mean by this?

I considered making this exact shop, but lazy

Im glad you made this, user. CUNNY law is the only thing i read and my eyes just hung there for the whole scene.

did anyone else want to see Elliott start knockin down pills and make Mr. Robot come out. Maybe overdose is how Elliott deleted his memory right before the five nine

This season has been more garbage than the last two for sure

>he will never bring you flowers

Did anyone else get a boner during this scene?

Too much Sup Forums lurking
Reddit and Sup Forums
>Terrorist attacks happened just because "he had to ask twice"


Let this meme die

Was he real?

Holy shit. It's actually happening isn't it?

Regardless of whether he was there or not, he aint human.

that wyld stallyns song at the end though