DCEU Reboot

Lets reboot the franchise. One post, one movie/tv-series (give a one line synopsis). Lets start with:

>Batman: Arkham Asylum (Batman stuck in Arkham kicking ass the whole movie, villains galore)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Wonder Woman: Cocksucker (Wonder Woman sucks my dick throughout the whole film)

Just adapt the DC animated show, have a few Batman movies, a few Superman movies, a world finest movie and then perhaps some other heroes that all lead into a Justice League movie

I wonder who could be behind this post.

why have I not heard of this character before


Is that his superpower?

He's from the comic "The Boys." And the context is that he, and just about every other cape in that universe, is a fucking sex crazed degenerate ego tripping from their public image and their superhuman powers. There's a small arc where they go to a superhero gangbang island at one point. It's pretty foul, as you would expect.

Good comic though.

that sounds fun to read. I'll check it out

Already talking reboots.

You DC fans should "reboot" your lives...

i hate the DCEU, i love the animated series tho

Cartoons are the only thing those mental midgets can get right because their characters are too unrealistic and not meant for the modern world.

It shouldn't be difficult at all.

Start with Batman, but don't put him in Arkham yet. Start small.

>A dark, noir detective story
>Victor Zsasz is the main villain
>Movie is set in the present, but use rarely flashbacks to show him when he was starting out
>Compare and contrast Batman when he first started, to the more veteran vigilante he is now
>Keep it a small murder story, no city-wide or world-wide threats

Ferrario as Powergirl!

Fuck you, Ill reboot however I want.

Each phase is three set up movies movies, one a year. The final movie is the big group up. These movies might have some cross overs with certain heroes, like Batman featuring in a small role in the Wnder Woman movie

Phase One
>Batman: year one
>The Man of Tomorrow
>Wonder Woman

Phase Two
>The Fastest Man Alive
>The Green Lantern Corps
>Time Crisis

Phase Three
>Gotham by Gaslight
>Red Son
>Wonder Woman: Amazonia

The only reason everyone will meet is because of dimensional tears or something. The solo films are compleely unrelated.
Superman and Batman living in the same world is such a stupid idea!


They can use the Flashpoint Paradox time element to essentially retcon or reset whatever they want. That might actually be why they went through three or four directors already and still dont have a script. I think they will recast batman or have a passing of the torch. they will probably keep superman because they were willing to spend 30 mil on his mustache. They can change wonder woman's look but they will keep jew bitch cuz $. Aquaman will probably be a new ryan reynolds green lantern level of bad and is the wildcard that will cause further change and disruption if it is a huge bomb. I think they actually need to commit to these fuckin casts and characters if this is the direction they wanna continue in. I would try to get as many of the justice league characters into each solo movie as possible. make each movie kind of a justice league and really build up the inner team dynamics but make each solo character the focal point of each movie. The problem with DC charcters I think is that they are pretty over powered, even more so than marvel charcters in film and tv surprisingly and this needs to be adjusted somehow . Either that or really commit to villains, but I think marvel is kind of beating them to that. maybe the shazam movie could also be another launching point for a direction change in tone.

Insert a Plastic Man movie somewhere

why is green arrow red

yes please!

>Scarlet Witch