Thoughts on nerdwriter1

thoughts on nerdwriter1

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I hate these kinds of videos.

>I watch nurdwryter and evryframeisApictur

The single most reddit thing possible

I like them, they're usually not very long and are easy listening.


His Picasso video is pretty embarrassing

His videos are usually just one uninteresting and unoriginal idea stretched out into 10 minutes. It's the epitome of pseud youtube shows.

pic related it's people who like his videos

>dabid make quinoa

he likes to say....a few words...then pause...and repeat.

It's interesting to see how different people respond to films. These kinds of videos aren't meant to be rules or objective, just how they interpret film. Nerdwriter is aight.

pretentious cock sucker

Same kind of people that think The Big Bang Theory is a show for "nerds" rather than a normie show making fun of normie stereotypes of "nerds". It's not the worst youtube channel but I don't know why anyone actually interested in television and film would watch it.

I think you're right dude. Posting him on here was going to elicit shitty responses from most people, but I don't think he's half bad.

Some of his early stuff was pretty good and there's a few great videos in there too but since he started posting more often his stuff has gone downhill. A lot of his ideas are not fleshed out anymore

channel criswell and the royal ocean film society are pretty good tho

Which is harder?

Filming a sequence shot or drawing it?

Drawing it. I could film a shitty sequence shot with my phone in the fraction of the time it would take me to animate a shitty sequence shot with a pencil and some paper.

brainlet talking out of his ass, acts like he has a point but can't explain them very well, tries to piggy back off popular opinion instead of having his own. Watch his Interstell vid for some laughs. His popularity is proof of how many retards who think they're not are out there.

Mr everything must be made to seem "profound" no matter how mundane it actually is

The fact that he's still not the worst one of these channels says a lot about the quality of the Youtube video essay community. Of the well known flock of idiots, KaptainKristain is the worst.

>the director points the camera here because he wants you to see it. genius

There's this particular style of intonation, sharp diction and treble-heavy vocalization in almost every one of these cockstroking video essays that pisses me off to no end. Same shit "Binging with Babish" and every smarmy fag on NPR does when speaking into the mic-- they raise the tone of their voice and throw in these fucking unnatural inflections and pauses all over the place. It's fucking "creaky voice" for men.

it's called rhetoric. you don't listen to monotone bores. if you add drama to your delivery it actually engages people in the story you're telling.

you'd know if you actually communicated with anyone outside your basement

That's not what rhetoric means at all

>the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.
yes it is.

no wonder you don't know how to communicate. you can't even read.

Soy Boy Video Essay vs Chad Documentaries

Fucking faggot. He created another terrible template for virgin losers who think they know film to copy. All video """essay""" now have this vaporwave 80's VHS style and it's fucking annoying.

video essays existed before nerdwriter you dumbass.

film essays are what everyone does in film schools to present to class.

I never said movie essays didn't exist before nerdwriter, but he made this vaporwave chill template popular and now every YouTuber uses it in hopes to get bigger.

His social network video was a good one on the use of CGI the rest are mostly meme tier shit desu normies eat it up cos of the way he talks

OP And Connecting With user
Disconnection And Alienation With My Wife's Son
Soyboy: The New Alpha

I was happier when it wasn't cool to be a nerd. Those normies ruined glasses, coffee, movies, undercuts. I hate them.

Bobby burns is better way less pretentious

His taste in movies is fucking shit though. But most of his videos are good.

Nah, it's more than the standard broadcast style of voicing and storytelling. I would know: I work in the broadcast industry.

The typical style of broadcast rhetoric and diction is fine, given the person understands how to incorporate it properly with their personal speech patterns to keep it relatively natural sounding while still being engaging and varied. It's this overly bright and fake style that's been emulated more and more in the era of faggots that listened to too much "This American Life" that is fucking nails-on-chalkboard annoying. It lacks humanity and makes them sound like soulless cocksuckers that get off on the smell of their own farts.

He also has nothing interesting to say at all
this is better

I bet you like NPR you fag.

Its that Adam Curtis style of speaking its pretty dishonest but grabs your attention whatever the subject all the pseuds on youtube use it now

Wish he did more Music video desu. One on Steely Dan's Deacon Blues is a pretty cool video to listen to.

I'm not much of a music buff so learning about chords is interesting.

>his calling card is soy milk being poured into BLACKED coffee

probably the biggest cuck on youtube.

that's how he talks. he's a literature obsessed chad who pounds bears with his alma mater crew. his top ten films are all normie flicks like Lord of the Rings and Fight Club.

I dont get it

>he made [blank] popular and now every YouTuber uses it in hopes to get bigger.
I really hate that about youtube content creators. Also every video eassay youtuber uses the same pacing and cadance in their voice, it's really annoying.
Same goes to the whole volgger meme, it's like people now assume you have to have time lapses, lofi music and the style of editing fucking casey uses. it makes me want to anhero tbqh


I hate this faggot's speaking mannerisms. It's that annoying combination of slowing down while talking to emphasize a point because his vocabulary is too limited to properly express his opinion while simultaneously having a condescending tone.

Superior channels coming through:

>That's how he talks
It's definitely not given the exaggerated dynamics he uses which make it clear he's being intentional in his performance, but Imagine holding an actual conversation with a fag that talks like that. Jesus fucking Christ. The best way I can think to put it -- it'd be like if people went around talking to others with the kind of polite bankteller tone of voice many people use exclusively for strangers on the other end of the phone.

It's interesting but i feel like he's lacking in every video and uses music as a tool to control emotions, which is kinda criminal when you're trying to argue a point

He rips shit directly from Metamaus in his Maus video, he just parrots shit that you can better understand by doing even a little research

>If...I speak with....a lot of pauses...then maybe I'll appear to
>Hopefully no one notices I'm....just describing...very...obvious things.

Another faggot who thinks he's way smarter than he is.

I'm not sure it seems that there's tons of these channels nowadays.They always talk about the most basic stuff that is basically the first grader level of symbolism. I don't know perhaps there are some good out there. The worst offender is probably that stupid video about the first PotC. "See this scene is good because it establishes that gets important later" just the least impressive shit.

I cant believe people watch this shit, for real. Absolutely zero worth of time

>that terrible accent


astronomically cuck astronomically reddit

>This a thing. Now you might ask, what thing? But in reality we wouldn't thing, but in film, it things. Thats why when it things. Support me on Patreon.

>uses music as a tool to control emotions
Lmao dude, you're on a board dedicated to the discussion of television and film and you use this as a criticism?

You sound threatened

>just the least impressive shit
For you

You are a derivative human