Director isn't Jewish

>director isn't Jewish

>waifu isn't jewish

>jewess is a slut

dont lewd about hershlag pls, she's a nice jewish girl

Shit-tier Jewess and waifu.


>lead male isn't circumcised

>jews were the real villains the whole time

is that a cup filled with semen
only cum has that off-white color.
wtf dude
i can't believe natalie portman drank a glass of jizz in public. weird.

She's my favorite actress!

I've never understood the hype about Portman.
I mean, she's not ugly, but I'd say she's about or even slightly below average in looks for Hollywood. Plus her curves are nothing special. She's a 5 or 6 out of 10 at best for Hollywood.

her face is objectively perfect

little known fact, hershlag subsists entirely on goy semen

She looks a million times better irl. Screens don't do her justice.
I saw her up close once she was signing autographs for AOTC.
She was flawless

Her botty is quite fat for a tiny skinny girl

This. It's not so much a "muh dick" attraction, she's literal waifu material.

should i mail her a sealed jar of mine, you think she would mail me an autographed headshot back?

>director is a woman

>a Spike Lee joint

Natalie Portman reminds me of Cytheria.

>the tits aren't Jewish

That must be why I'm attracted to Netta Lee

giv khazar milkers

Do you ever think that... The superiority of Khazar milkers is proof that maybe they ARE the Chosen People?

I heard she lost a bet with Scarlett Johannson that the loser would have to drink a glass of horse semen during her next press event. Natalie was determined not to fail, so she practiced in the weeks leading up to it by guzzling down as much as two quarts a day.

That's what I heard, anyway.

that they made hershlag and schermerhorn is proof enough that they really are the true master race

oh is it jews arent a race 'oclock?
i can never keep track it changes so often

>producer hasn't sexually coerced half the cast

>when you pissed your pants recently and need to feel sexy again

Heil Hebrew!


jews are a tribe
a tribe of succubi




>my eyes are up here, goy