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Parker sign this treaty. Mmmm. Mine. Won't sign this threaty. Nootka rawr.

The fact that I'll never get to see Hardy's Venom chocking Holland's Spider-Man is getting on my nerves. That's why we can't have nice things. Fuck you Sony.


He's a venom guy

imagine title of his biography
"Tom Hardy - On screen behind the mask"

they should get Dave Chapelle to play Carnage

If I take off that symbiote would you die?

it would be extremally painful

they casted Riz Ahmed


It's a big symbiote

we might get some Spideypool action if the mouse buys the fox

Isn't Carnage supposed to be some hillbilly serial killer?


>white male is venom
>middle-eastern male is carnage
unironically poetry

Huh? Carnage is Cletus Cassidy though.

for us

for eddie

is he the one that said they need to cast more muslims or get ready for more terrorist attacks?

>Fuck you Sony

Sony wanted Venom and their other "Spider-Man without Spider-Man" movies to be connected to Homecoming and the MCU, it's Marvel that prevented it from happening.

could've been worse. amy's original plan was for a thin, attractive blonde woman.

is he confirmed? i thought he was in the movie but his role was unknown.

so what? diversity is the new trend in Hollywood, besides gingers are replaced by poc in cobic book adaptations for a while now.

Hi, Amy

Carnage and Cletus Cassidy are technically separate characters.

Charlize Theron would have been dope.

I don't get it. Isn't venom normally attached to a white guy?

Nah, if I was Amy, I would be doing everything in my power to make the proposed "Spider-Man vs The Amazing Spider-Man" (starring both Tobey and Andrew!) happen. Venom would be a low priority.

>I don't get it.
think of them as adjectives instead of names.


spidey verse would be a better idea

oi vey m8

Ah, but they are, they are just adjunct to the MCU, kind of like how Legion is to the XMen movies

it works

and the memes will be great

I don't think he did his research before signing on if this is true

>CIA is the villain

A man can dream...

>Tom Hardy and Riz Ahmed beating and choking each other for two hours

I'm already erect

Only recently because his name is Cletus and comic writers are so creatively bankrupt they took inspiration from a Simpson's character of the same name.

Until like 5 years ago Cletus Kasady was an Irish Catholic from Brookyln New York. Not that many red necks in New York city.

The funny thing is that they were already in a movie together. Holland was Hardy's son in Locke.


No, you'll bring the incest faggots now!

Bump I hope Sony and Disney can work something out to connect the movies but it seems to late for that

Holland had the hottest "daddies" in his movies, I envy.

Ewan McGregor (The Impossible), Chris Hemsworth (In the heart of the sea), Tom Hardy (Locke), Charlie Hunnam (The lost city of Z), Joel Kinnaman (Edge of Winter) and Robert Downey Jr. (MCU)

what do you mean by this?

>finally put Cletus Kasady in a movie
>didn't cast Jackie Earle Haley

missed fucking opportunity

hollywood hates gingers

I haven't been this bummed about a missed casting choice since Lang didn't get Cable.



literally too intelligent to be funny

Mmmm. I have use for you, Symbiote


A really want them to do this. A movie where MCU spidey travels to different versions where he meet Amazing Spiderman and Raimi Spider Man. That would be so fucking cool.

>How I think Avengers: Infinity War is going to end.

Wait a minute, isn't he the guy who blew up those boston marathoners?


Have some ebic nootka posting from the days of old.

The Raimi scenes might go too far...

I'm hoping they do secret wars and then give him the symbiote seems to soon for the best arc.

How so?

Mmm... I have a use for u

Who is this fat, crack smoking jew?

it's really a bad idea to make these movies unconnected to spiderman or not featuring him at all. even a cameo would suffice like in a montage of venom's origin or something. just have some random in the homecoming suit and not talk so they don't have to have holland waste a movie of his contract (could work in a BvS batman opening kind of way with hardy's narration).

marvel should jump at the opportunity to expand their cinematic universe by featuring movies that don't have to have an impact on the overarching plot, but still add some depth to the franchise. seriously lacking in the villain department.

I just don't understand Sony's deal with Disney.

Nicely done, lad

This. Avengers 5 should be Secret Wars

Tom Hardy Venom is gonna be fucking amazing. I'm a massive Tom Hardyfag though, so what do I know.

Replying to my own shit, what if the Beyonder resurrected dead MCU villains for Secret Wars? Like Obadiah Stane comes back to life with his armor?

Sony wants Venom to be R rated like Deadpool and Logan, which obviously wouldn't fly with Disney.

he's probably playing one of the other symbiotes from the Life Foundation. Pretty sure Lasher or Hybrid was brown.

You havent been this bummed out since a scrawny manlet didnt get cast as a tall, burly man?

>MCU Spidey swings into Raimi's Spiderverse
>meets Raimi Spidey
>"Hey, I'm you from another ver-
>"You sound like some kind of faggot nigger"
>"I already told that quipping queer before you to fuck off."

Venom will be set in the MCU but will be distant with the rest of Marvel to stand alone in order for Sony to make their own Venom franchise.

I'd only envy him if Idris Elba was one of them.

Does anyone remember when they were gonna put the Oscorp building from Amazing Spiderman in the Avengers? I wonder how that would've played out.

Carnage's host is fucking named CLETUS and they hire the mudslime meme actor to play him.

Marvel expects a level of quality that Sony can't provide. And yes, that level is quite low but Sony is just that bad.


be very very careful now spiderman

can this movies be anything else than cgi monsters roaring and clashing with shit?