What do you consider to be the must have 4k movies?

What do you consider to be the must have 4k movies?

28 Days Later
The Blair Witch Project


lawrence of arabia
mad max fury road
planet earth 2
pacific rim( just because of HDR)

interstellar and dunkirk are not out yet but thats about it

Absolutely nothing, I still watch movies on DVD because I'm not rebuying shit when I've already seen the movie and the clarity is enough.

i could see that argument if you were talking about going from blu-ray to uhd blu-ray, but not wanting to move on from dvd is kinda ridiculous

E.T. looks AMAZING in 4K.

This. Most """4K""" movies actually 2K anyway.

These are the first 4 I am planning on getting. Amazon has a deal where you get 3 for $50 USD.

Planet Earth 2 isn't a part of that deal, so I have to pay full price for it... but I have heard such good things about it, I don't really mind.

I am tempted to get Pacific Rim, because like Planet Earth, I have heard a lot of good stuff. Not a huge fan of Pacific Rim, though.

Yea : /

Besides Planet Earth 2, none of these are native 4k


Unless your TV is tiny, even regular Blu-ray is a significant upgrade from DVD.

Plus both Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray are going to have a longer shelf-life than the DVDs, especially some of the early DVDs that are already succumbing to bit rot.

>Pacific Rim
Like said, HDR does wonders for it.

>interstellar and dunkirk

Really looking forward to the Nolan collection. Can't wait.

I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about the 4K release of Apollo 13.

its funny how older movies shot on 35mm have so much more resolution to work with.

TDKR obviously.

Anything shot on film stock bigger than 35mm.
Particularly Lawrence of Arabia.

transformers the last knight
mad max fury road
John wick
planet earth 2

>transformers the last knight
>IMDb: 5.2/10
>Rotten Tomatoes: 15%

It would be extremely painful

>Unironically liking nolanshit
What the fuck happened to this board?

If people are still buying dvd's and stores are still selling dvd's, what chance does 4K have? Honestly?

>Mad Max Fury Road
>Pacific Rim

Why is the purpose of releasing 2K movies in 4K?

Oldfag here. The jump from VHS (quality) and Laserdisc (cost) to DVD was huge.

DVD to other HD formats...eh, it's not worth rebuying over, that's for sure.

Mad Max and Life Of Pi are both 2K movies. What exactly are you paying for that having them remastered in 4K will give you? You can't ADD resolution. You can only take it away.


Pfister claims some 35mm stocks have a resolution equal to 6K or even slightly higher.

Still photography 35mm stocks have much higher resolution than 4K, so maybe it's not crazy.

The big reason is that I really like those movies, and find them both very re-watchable. I wouldn't want to own a physical copy of a movie that I am only going to watch once.

Secondly, from what I can tell from looking at reviews- they are both upscaled pretty nicely. Both are supposed to benefit greatly from HDR, particularly Life of Pi.

That said; I wouldn't consider buying them if I already had them on blu-ray.

>Both are supposed to benefit greatly from HDR

According to people selling HDR.

That's a pretty heavy manipulation of the original image. It seems really wrong to do that ot a movie. Not on the tier of colorization, but not far off.

>According to people selling HDR.

For Life of Pi, it was recommended by Linus from LTT. There is no way he gets any money from shilling movies.

But I am having doubts about Fury Road, now. I am gonna try to find more information before I make my purchase.

Do you have any recommendations? I need a third movie to get the deal on Amazon.

The human eye is only 100 mega pixels

How's the 4K Starship Troopers look? Anyone seen it?

>Ctrl-f avatar
>0 results
Plebeians the lot of you.

first of all, don't just look for 4K, look for HDR as well. that makes a big difference

wait a fucking second, they released a 4k version of Lawrence of Arabia??

like shit

The Martian

Ones i own that i would recommend:
>Planet Earth 2, a must buy
>Blade Runner
>Zero Dark Thirty
>The Revenant
>John Wick 1 and 2

Ones that come out soon and i want to get:
>Nolan collection
reviews say it looks amazing, a well made transfer and since it was shot on film the image looks fantastic.

Avatar isn't even available in 4k

>the early DVDs that are already succumbing to bit rot.

never even thought about that

What does HDR actually do? What changes? How is it perceptible?

all HDR does is make colors more life-like deeper dark colors, brighter light colors

you have to have an HDR capable TV, player and source.

you get more discernible contrasts, more visible colors, brighter picture, etc. generally a more vivid and realistic picture, more akin to how it is meant to be seen.

because of the increased contrast and colors, bright parts like lights pop off the screen, colors like animals and plants in a forest look real, and various shades of black are accurate, even true black.

i recommend an OLED tv for the best picture quality.

You get more color contrast. Brighter brights and darker darks.

Oh, I thought it had something to do with movement. No ghosting or something like that.

you are probably thinking of motion smoothing

I thought 4k was a meme until I saw it in real life. Holy fuck

Anything from Nolan especially interstellar.

The quality improves as the movies turned bland.

Is there 4k porn?

no one actually the blu ray 4k movies are mostly mastered from 2k films

what about 4k pirated content? can a tv play 4k rips from a usb? are android boxes good for 4k movies?
My laptop max output is 1080p...

All pirated 4k is fake as far as I know. They still haven't cracked 4k blu rays. I have the same doubt about USB though.

If I donwload a 4k movie, put in my flash drive and stick it into my 4k TV, is that good enough?


>Blade Runner 2049
>Baby Driver
>movies turned bland

>>Baby Driver

>They still haven't cracked 4k blu rays.

It's been cracked for a few months now slowpoke

you can definitely find legit files, its just hard to find quality ones.
you'll get one that looks great, but sounds mediocre. or the other way around.
unless you want to download 60GB files, this is the eternal struggle of 4k

Baby Driver is a great film. Maybe not on the same level as 2049 or Dunkirk, but still great.

How do I know if a file is good, aside from the size of it? I know nothing about kbps and x265, all this technical stuff.

star wars prequels and episode 7, rogue one, all the MCU movies, avatar, drive, the hobbit trilogy, lord of the rings trilogy, and probably alien


>especially some of the early DVDs that are already succumbing to bit rot.
bullshit, other than some well-documented manufacturing defects there is no wide-spread DVD bit rot.

t. owner of 1400+ DVDs

some of those are good movies but many of them aren't even available as uhd blu-rays.

Obviously flicks with lots of CGI/nice practical effects or great cinematography.

Regular BluRay is more than enough for everything else.

I don't, because I'm honestly not sure about the HDR situation. If it's overseen by the director and cinematographer, that's one thing - but if it's just a tech at the distributor fucking with the films coloring...eh. That seems off.

I would also want to know if they're real 4K transfers from films that were shot and mastered in 4K or higher, or new 4K scans of original negatives.

Sony had the whole UHD fiasco which was just pointless 4K remasters of 2K content.

>and realistic picture, more akin to how it is meant to be seen.

That's completely false though.

>If it's overseen by the director and cinematographer
thats something i never really thought about. who decides how the colors are supposed to look when the blu-ray comes out? i doubt the cinematographer has any say in it whatsoever.

but then again, i guess the cinematographer and director don't really have any say over the home media releases anyway.

Batman V Superman looks insanely good in 4K

Based Synder