Ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

>ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

Whats your fav 'za?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pineapple and black olive.

It's the perfect combination of sweet and salty which only patricians of my caliber appreciate.


Vinny's in the 'Burgh has the best 'za

>tfw 'za-posting during June 2016

I can enjoy low end and high end pizzas
Right now Hot and Spicy Meat Supreme from pizzahut is pretty great to have every now and again though

>that (((((crust)))))

I'm not very edgy, I like a standard pizza with new york style pepperoni and double cheese.

t. soyboy


I like a 'lil 'cha on my 'za

Pineapple on pizza is a pleb tier Amerifat thing.

There's a parlor called Angelo's in Eureka, California. Whatever pizza that place makes. The fucking best pizza and Jo jos around.

I like mushrooms, black olives, jalapenos, shrimp
The last two usually seperate from the first though

This one


Bruh, that's a good choice


What does Sup Forums prefer?
Pizza Hutt
Papa Johns

>inb4 muh local za'
This is specifically for the big chains

>fruit and vegetables are for fat americans

>Whats your fav 'za?
webm related

Where I live all we have is Pizza Hut and Dominoes

Dominoes charges 18 NZD for a standard Hawaiian, PH charges 5.

>pineapple and olives contain nutritional value

Way too much vegetable

Does Hut still have the cheese crust?

I make my Chi' style 'za at home. I'm sure Ramsey would love it.

Dominos > Pizza Hut > Papa Johns > Little Caesars > Rat shit >>> Cicis > Digiorno

'za posting is the worst Sup Forums meme

You're in a fucking pizza thread you brainlet

What the fuck hahaha.

>pile of vomit in a trash can lid
>cuts it with a paint scraper

Where my American bros at?

Mama Celeste > all

Jalapenos are so underrated

What's your vote for best pizza in New York?

What a fat fuck. American for sure.

>pizza has to be unhealthy to be good

o-ok fatso

If you can't enjoy the mature subtleties of a California-style pie, you are a child. Try again once you have some life experience.

>fat fuck
What? He looks normal to me.

Fat 'zas downtown 'ork

That looks disgusting

"super hot" sriracha on-sale for £1 a bottle

people always rave about it and how much they love hot sauce

Its like ketchup but warms your mouth

Anchovies, Onions, and Green Peppers.

looks like something HR Geiger would bake

peanut butter and clams


It's all secret pedophile code words.

This thread is not for you.

Anchovies, black olives, red onion

steamed clams

very good. I also sometimes like to get spanish onion, goat cheese, or good salami with it as well

Anyone who eats fast food 'za is a pleb.

I go to my fav french restaurant and have a 'za with vintage blue cheese, activated olives, Everest grown chillies, deep ocean lobster meat, Himalayan rock salt, and chateu de Italia tomatoes.


>tfw when invented and forced the ramsay 'za meme

'za is best in 'go, 'ork 'za is okay though

Literally the opposite here in Canada
A large Pizza Hutt is like 20+ whereas a large Dominoes is 11.50 which is why i always buy the latter


>American cuisine

'ow much 'za can a 'go 'za 'go if a 'go 'za could 'go 'za?

which pizzeria? looks delish
shame it's missing olives

Pizzeria Uno.
>B-b-but deep dish isn't real pizza
Only soyboys who can't handle a litty meal think this.

What the fuck

Does he even enjoy eating? How does he savour the taste eating that fast?

'go 'za with 'cha

wtf is that

Do it look like he enjoys eating?

I only have the finest of British cuisine

Fuck off, taco pizza is godlike.

Rate my pizza lads. Chopped peppers and sausage

The one time I had California Pizza Kitchen I had the worst shits of my life

Never again

Deep tray. Dough, hump down for 45 minutes and then let to rise for another 60. Only use unground vegan yeast and kosher salt.
We then add the sauce. Standard bologna / pastalione with sourdough chunks mixed in. Spread thick and deep. Spread on chunks of organic tortellini and sirloin rump preserve. Add black olives and campalino relish. Spread parmesan and grate on about half a millimeter of totino. Spray down with an East Italian red wine, and fire for 5 minutes under a 2000 degree grill. When done, spread with activated charcoal.
Serve light, with a hot pastrami on rye side and a vodka premix. We charge $700 if the customer eats his food disrespectfully.

>open webm
>I can hear his exact sounds in my head
>mmm mmm MMMMM
jesus christ joey

I'm having a Pizza Hut Panormormous, 2 mcdoubles, junior chicken, and 3 tallboys tonight. I'm actually losing weight trying to eat 3000 clean calories a day, gotta have a cheat day. C'MON

Imagine how much flavour his shit would have

Food kino. I've paid 800 for a pizza before.

For some reason, it pisses me the fuck off when he's trying to grab some napkins with his fat fucking arm.

I was surprised that webm didn't have him grabbing napkins.
It always strikes me as strange he goes for napkins while eating like a complete pig.

What's his endgame?

jewtube money

Have any of you seen this episode? It’s free on your tube. The fucking doe wasn’t even cooked through.

that looks like martin shkreli lol


Jalapeno or Spinach and Feta.

Post the THICC version

That's the joke.
The pizza is really, really fucking shitty.

This. Upvoted.

Pizza Hut (Cheese-stuffed) > Papa John's > Pizza Hut > Dominos



The best plain slice in America is a place called New Park Pizza in Howard Beach, Queens. It's somehow not well known outside of Queens, but I have taken a Dozen people there over the years and everyone one of them to a man was skeptical before and a believer after.

Is there a version of this but she's flat-chested?

here's my favorite """"""pizza""""""

>a man this overwieght has no skin tags

what. the actual. fuck.

What the fuck is a skin tag?


Invented by Americans, don't worry about it

honestly pizza hut but they're all overpriced garbage, I just get lil caesars because lets be honest if you're gonna eat shit might as well save $40 doing it + lil caesars has good wings


Papa John's for sure, I live near what may be the only decent one in the state.

get on my level

>Quattro formaggio & prosciutto with arugula.

i also enjoy the films of wes anderson

Ramsay is fucking based

>what kind of 'za do you want, senpai?
>i want it to burn when i poop

White Hawaiian