Is reality TV kino back on the menu?

Is reality TV kino back on the menu?

Why are Floridians so fucking insane, burgerbros?

The black girl is the only hot one. How.

When the other 56%ers are that below the bar

It is basically Australia. All the plants and animals want to kill you. People high on meth and bath salts wanting to eat your face.

so they're just going to set up a show to use southerners as a butt of a joke?

No income tax.

Jersey Shore was true kino, kids these days just don't get it.

blonde one is a fat pig
other two "white" girls have had plastic surgery that make them look like puppets

I only really like Jeremiah and Gus for the moment it's all about the bromance.

Who the fuck put this cast together? Don't they know that the #1 when casting a reality tv show is that over most of the cast needs to be eye candy?

Aren't they already reviving the original Jersey shore?

>you will never be Floridian
>you will never be immortalised in an article headlined "Florida Man Rides Alligator Through Walmart While High On Bath Salts"

Trying to recreate Jersey Shore is like trying to recreate The Room.

>tfw will never have discuss /js/ on Sup Forums,Sup Forums or /fit/.

Those were good times..

yep. 2018

This is Florida's finest my boy

Aren't they too old?

Florida is fucking magic. I went with my 50 year old uncle and 2 cousins last winter and we all fucked girls no older than 19 the entire time we were there, thats including my fat old uncle.

Only if we can have weekly power rankings and live preshow fantasy drafts.

I miss when Sup Forums and Sup Forums where bros.

The girl pissing on the nigger's bed was gross as fuck. Hope that wasn't suppose to be funny.

I watched an episode today, a couple of the guys are beefcakes and the fat one is comic relief but the women are absolute dogs.

They're descended from people who bought land in Florida, for starters.

Florida's records are all public.Other states would have Florida's reputation if they too had public records.

haha yes, welcome to my world

I usually avoid these trashy hicks by sticking to chill state park beaches, but sometimes they're fun for people watching. Watch out when they're fully drunk and it's after dark, they love acting aggressively towards strangers and picking fights over nothing and then having a dozen of their bros immediately jump you if you get into it with one of them lol

dont florida people have guns so don't these drunks shot people?

Florida is where deadbeats go to "start fresh." Its full of losers, addicts, absentee fathers, gamblers, basically all degenerates

Will you stop trying to make this happen

It's not gonna happen.

All of TV is politicized but MTV is the mother of subversive themes on TV. We already know the whole show will be staged and every character is a vehicle to influence perception of each demographic.

I'm guessing the two white guys up front will be gay?

Not usually because people don't want to go to prison or possibly get shot and killed themselves if a cop or someone else legally packing heat who wants to be a hero.

There's rule of law here, you can't just go around shooting people without any consequences, most people know it's not worth it.

But at the same time, you should assume someone is armed and they might just happen to be a crazy motherfucker without much to lose or some random guy in his worst mood on his worst day loses it for a sec snaps shoots someone in traffic or something.

I don't really worry about it and just walk away if I need to instead of getting into it with some random idiot and possibly getting shot, or just getting my ass beat lol. This is a good idea anyway, you don't need to always be getting into fights trying to prove yourself to mouth breathing strangers.