Why does America make the best movies and TV?

Why does America make the best movies and TV?

Seriously Europe are you even trying?

Film is probably America's greatest contribution to world culture

It's really the only thing that we did first and we still do consistently the best

>North Dakota isn't Fargo

I thought Napoleon Dynamite was in Iowa and Jurassic Park in the Caribbean. Iron Man has a house on the coast, so that's at least partially wrong.

Wow, look at all those Reddit releases

economy of scale, English is lingua franca and Hollywood has America+Canada as a humongous domestic market. It's easy to make money around the world. India is big but no one outside of India speaks their 50 languages so it's hard to have a global impact.

mfw no twin peaks, washington

Just about every kino "Hollywood" film was made at Shepperton or Elstree or Pinewood.

What is the best state?

puerto rico

Not Texas, I can tell you that.

If truly Arizona is Joe Dirt and Twilight, i hope NK nukes hit there first

>not putting Fargo in North Dakota

Probably Colorado. Too bad it's full.

Fuck off california


Iron Man is all over the place. I think the first Jurassic Park had them digging in Montana, but that's a flimsy one

>shore instead of sopranos

This state looks incredibly depressing.

A lot of it goes back to the US being the only one that was able to use silver nitrate for film at a time

Crappy map. Pic related.


>not Heathers

Shouldn't Twilight be in Washington?


>Lumps Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts together

Fuck off

>most of what's pictured is absolute garbage
>some places don't even showcase the best stuff based there
>no No country for old men/twin peaks etc
What point are you trying to make with this thing?

It's probably the only thing that Forks exports that isn't meth

Well, give me one good movie based in Vermont and/or New Hampshire. You can't even name one. Good Will Hunting sits atop modest pile of Boston movies. Not an unworthy choice.

I'll agree with you guys there, what the hell?
>The Incredible Hulk in Wisconsin
Wat? I know we don't have much here outside of That 70's Show, but that's really grasping at straws.

Nobody cares about you

Because they're trying to hide the fact that the average American look like this. Face it, Americucks. This is your future.

>all the iconic films that take place in New York
>Choose Friends and How I met your mother

Twilight never existed kid.

Stay out.

>I thought Napoleon Dynamite was in Iowa

Depends on what you want.

what do we call these?

>Wayne's World and Married With Children

las bestias negras

where is simpsons

>Apollo 13
Uhh, didn't that take place in space?

Texas is actually bigger than outer space, believe it or not

Is Joe Dirt in AZ?

But Raising Arizona should be apart of AZ, such great kino

Bella was from Arizona, but the entire Twilight story mostly takes place in Washington State.

>Jurassic Park in Montana

Should have included Tombstone for Arizona.

Yeah it was in idaho. Played football against Preston (where it was filmed) when I was in high school. We had a mannequin head on a stick with a wig like in the movies and would wave it around.

Tommy Boy is infinitely better than Glee. Thanks, user.

thats where the dino dig in the beginning is set

>Not Twin Peaks
Is this a shitpost


I Fing love science.

>Arizona is twilight because its mention Kstew is from phoenix
wtf is this shit

Also Jazz

I would say tombstone

Jurassic park is not in montana. it is literally in fake island in costa rica, or on san diego in California. Montana is a cameo you nigger.

The whole fucking chart only includes like the film's locations that are shown first. It's really dumb


this one is profoundly better

Any state is perfectly fine as long as you live in or near a college town