Is Dragon Ball Z unfilmable?

Is Dragon Ball Z unfilmable?

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Yes. Its also unwatchable.

It is just uncastable even Donnie Yen would have a hard to capturing the Charisma of Goku

take those shitty long hair thing

if looks like this pic related its kino confirmed

Yes. Its too cartoonish for reality.

My fucking nigger.

I've thought about this abit in the past and yes. Most of what people want from it is specific to shonen / animation. It also doesn't help that is has basically no characters and no story.

>what is kunfu hustle

>18 looks 40+.. ew GROSS!!
>""white"" women age like milk

That's Vegeta

Too good for this trash. Reminder that the director of Kung Fu Hustle produced Dragonball Evolution.


Never pander to weeaboos. That's step 1.

Man of Steel proved the martial arts can be done, the only issue is how to do ki blasts.

I hope they do make it
With that no talent Donnie Yen, with everything you morons ask for

Then have it come together as one giant pile of shit everyone will laugh at. Just like Dragon Ball evolution

how does one go from making the greatest film of all time to being a part of the worst film of all time?


Don't overdramatize it. Think how Singer handled Cyclops's eye beams in X-Men.
much as I hate that faggot Singer would actually make a good Dragonball movie

Just watch man of steel

Two reasons. 1. He's Chinese and probably hates Japan. 2. He didn't direct it.

thank you my man

Maybe not.

But it is not worth filming

this is pretty much the saiyan saga. Theres a Huge nappa dude, two vegetas.

I like Trunks look here better than the bowl cut. He needs a modernized look if you were to ever adapt him in live action. Nobody has a bowl cut anymore. Android 17 & 18 look good too, no massive foreheads.

It could be done, tbqh, the closest to actual/possible DBZ combat is:

Faora movie when

No need for a live action film, the Team Four Star version is already the pinnacle of dragonballZ related media, not including classic dragonball

you have to be at least 18 to post on here

Those pics look amazing.

they are going to have to ditch the stupid ass hair

looking at the thumbnail i thought that its Dustin Hoffman

Any more of those pics? Incredible.

It can be done but it would require starting with a Dragon Ball movie or two with a lot of dedication to world building.

Already happened

Every Saiyan in the story needs to be played by a white actor because they will have blonde hair and green eyes once they go super saiyan and that will look completely ridiculous on an asian dude.

but where is gohan blanco

Yes, just don't use chink actors.

no just look at Man of Steel fight vs Zod

its doable


As long as they don't make the ki blasts fucking wind it should be okay.

t. fat neckbeard neet

why do spics love gohan so much

Does Vegeta have the 'tism?

Yes thats why animation exists. Why can't normies understand this?

>Keanu Charles Reeves was born in Beirut, Lebanon on September 2, 1964, the son of Patricia (née Taylor), an English costume designer and performer from Essex, and Samuel Nowlin Reeves, Jr., an American man from Hawaii. His father is of Chinese, English, Native Hawaiian, and Portuguese ancestry.

>almost every character is some deformed roid freak or weird midget or stupid alien
>most action scenes are characters screaming, waving their hands at each other and flying into each other
>almost every bit of comedy is a dick joke or something similar

nope, I need actors doing it because cartoons are for children and geeks

>wearing tights/leggings

worst mode

A lot of people really do think like this. I've had people say basically the same thing after being suggested something animated when asking for stuff similar to MCU movies.

The source material is bad, so any adaptation is almost guaranteed to be terrible

The better question is if it's worth trying. I'm not sure if this is a controversial thing to say but I don't think Dragon Ball Z had a very good story. Or very good characters. Or very good visuals.

The best you could get out of it is a solid, brainless action movie which would be fine, I guess, but I could still think of a million things more worth adapting.

Dragon Ball (not Z) is prime comfy but I don't think the aesthetic could work in live action

donnie yen is a faggot

if we had very highly trained martial artists then maybe but still the cgi is to unrealistic to achieve destructions and flying etc maybe in the future

A live action DB movie would have the SFX and props departments crying hard if they were asked to be accurate to the source, there was so much detail.

Zack Snyder could make a good DBZ movie.

>Saibaman: Can you job?
>Saibaman: You will


It's not about the details tho. Transformers CGIs have a far more complexity than DB.

The problem is that circular, super-deformed mechanical designs which is Toriyama's signature only looks good in the manga/anime because the characters are drawn with similar approach. They blend perfectly.

Put that design with real human in a live-action movie and you'll get an awkward, downright ugly looking movie ever.

There might come a day when live action Dragon Ball is done right, but it's definitely not going to happen any time soon. Too many variables and there are a lot of bad producers and artists in Hollywood these days. It'd take a miracle among miracles.

Animation is just too different of a format, some stuff you could adapt like Monster but anything that takes advantage of it being animated isn't going to adapt well to live action. You'd need to give a different experience like how the Nolan Batman films aren't really like the comics at all or how the stage production of The Lion King is totally different.

But fucking why? I love Dragon Ball but its literally just a dumb cartoon, with the BARE MINIMUM story whatsoever. Adding too many lore too it would ruin it, and without that it would be too dumb. Who even cares? It would be nothing else just a CGI fest anyway.

It would actually be interesting to me if they cast everyone as Asians except the sayians and then cast gohan as a hapa

I think this is the key.

OF COURSE, DBZ can be adapted but if it is adapted in the truest sense (as in as close to its animation / manga form as possible) then it will not be considered 'good'.

A dbz film would only really be for the fans, meaning it would never get the budget needed to make it truly viable.

Fuck off.

Siayans arent japanese anywayz.

The hair and the clothing from the cartoons would never work.

If they could somehow get past those 2 important details then maybe?

Also casting asian actors as western looking cartoons just looks ridiculous.

The source material is shit so I'm not surprised that it is impossible to adapt.

>main characters are literally dark haired dark eyed midgets
>western looking

Toriyama pretty clearly signposted when characters were meant to be Asian, like Krillin, Chi Chi and Taopaipai, not to mention the Saiyans are literally aliens that achieve their strongest form through gaining green eyes and blonde hair.

Dbz? Yeah
Dragon Ball? No but to do it right you'd have to make it cgi and probably a show beyond Pilaf so what's even the point?

>trying this hard to inject race where it doesn't belong
Hey, SJW.

I mean everything about the movie is godawful but I never got why evolution got for Goku and even Piccolo being whites when they're aliens with one bring green. Everyone else was Asian

Yeah these guys should totally be played by asian actors. Definitely won't look ridiculous at all.

Only way to make Vegeta look remotely acceptable in live-action is to make him look like Kazuya.

How is Goku, a little dark haired manlet with a Chinese name living in fantasy Chinaland not clearly signposted to be Asian. Asian is the default in Dragonball, if anything it's non Asians that are 'signposted'.

Those guys are all asian, they suffer a transformation that makes their hair glow and change to golden, red and blue.

Dark hair does not equal asian, and the dragon ball world is nowhere close to fantasy china land. really, I would say characters like Goku and others have no set ethnicity, while evry once in a while Toriyama decided to give certain characters a clear ethnicity for whatever reason, like Chi Chi being chinese, and Bulma being white.

this look stupid in real life no matter what the race

Songoku and co. will always be asian, only deluded westerners think otherwise.

Son Goku is literally an alien from the planet Vegeta. How is he Asian you fucking retard?

Is Ginyu mexican?

So is superman and that doesn't stop him from looking like an european man, friend.

Americans are too afraid goku could actually beat Superman ass into pieces

>dragon ball world is nowhere close to fantasy china land
>magical chinese dragon that grants wishes
>everyone fights with magical martial arts
>based off a chinese legend
>main character wears traditional asian clothing
There's plenty of non-asians, but asians are the default in the story

I don't know why you're opposed to the idea that the main character of an Asian fantasy series is asian, when Sup Forums throws a shitfit any time the main character of a European fantasy series is played by a non-European.


Imagine the shitposting on this board if they cast an asian or black man as Superman.

Snyder can do it. Not even memeing. Leave the deep jesus shit to the side and just focus on his "house gym" shit. That's the primary theme of Dragonball, he already has that down.
I mean shit replace Journey to the West the myth and replace it with a more literal less ancient story about Chinese Immigrants coming to America and this movie kinda had it down too.

Just as long as he doesn't turn Goku into Jesus.


You should watch A chinese story I,II & III

I that most anons who shitpost here would actually die.

No he can not, keep that hack away from my Dragon Ball.






Go on



>No he can not, keep that hack away from my Dragon Ball.
You're right, fun is actually essential to Dragonball. Even the movie I posted isn't a "fun" watch until the "snyderesque before snyder" Statue of Liberty final battle. But I only remember seeing it as a kid.
Maybe this hack can do it and consult with whoever directed that movie for the fights.
