Check into a hotel on christmas eve

>check into a hotel on christmas eve

>only room they have left is the "folâtrer de la nymphe suite"

>it's expensive but you don't really have any choice

>open door

>see this

wat do?

idk what that means, sage


>sporting the nymphe suite

invite them to play tennis?

i paid all this money and theres a fucking nigger in here

she cleans up the mess afterwards

second from left has proper resting bitch face, wtf has she been through in her 8 years of life to make her so jaded?

why do you have all these pictures of little girls on your harddrive OP?

Who the fuck takes pictures like these though? Who do you have to call to take sultry pictures of your young children and their friends on a bed with?

me on the left

Shes russian.

and he just posts them from the instagram that's managed by one of the girl's mothers.

So is instagram now socially acceptable child abuse?

I think I already answered that question.


there's a whole industry

She's easily the cutest one, pleb.

pedo rights are inevitable then?

to be clear, i think this is a bad thing since I'm not into kids.

>wat do?
let nature take its course...


eventually someone will notice and make a big fuzz about this. then the sjw's will do something good for once and push instagram into banning child models or something.

her body looks like Stretch Armstrong ffs, how can you find that sexy

Uh, friend, russia. This is part of their culture.

why are you looking at her body you pedo?

It looks a lot better when her knees are locked with her elbows.


>want to watch die hard?


is this real?