46 years old

>46 years old
>no children
How come?

Other urls found in this thread:


she prefers gigoglos over children

>no winona you can't shoplift my baby

>"just downloading this baby okay"

what a beautiful woman

Wow that vein that runs down her head must be like some weird huge freakish artery.

She hasn't met me yet.

>getting a child after 46 years

imagine how big her khazar milkers would get if she got preggy

>Those crazy eyes

What happened they used to be beautiful before ?


back the fuck off?!?!?

will disappeared

she got the thousand dried ovaries stare

Crazy Liberal Jew who used to dress like a guy in high school, and RIGHTFULLY got her ass beat over it. She's also a fucking prude whom no man wants anything to do with.

giv Crazy Liberal Jew who used to dress like a guy in high school, and RIGHTFULLY got her ass beat over it. She's also a fucking prude whom no man wants anything to do with.

Best part of this otherwise bleh movie, along with Gary Oldman.

She fell for the independent woman who need no man, no child no family meme

She just got Depp'd really hard

They didn't dodge so good.


It's totally possible especially with the amount of cum I'd dump into her.



>falling for the kids meme

She was molested by Hollywood perverts when she was a child actress, and now she wants nothing to do with men.

She's saving herself for me.

is she remembering being beaten for being a dyke?




>She's also a fucking prude

Blind items say otherwise.

She has craziness in her eyes.


she crazy

Why no one ride her?

...please laugh.

how can anybody argue that she's not the most beautiful woman ever?

>I hereby sentence you to be my gf


that's one harsh sentence, judge

For someone who just looks crazy, there isn't really much gossip around her. No stories at all I can think of

She hasn't met me and asked me to impregnate her yet

Nah, she got BTFO by Sadie Frost in her ghost orgasm scene.
Winny just seemed like a little girl trying to be teh sexy by comparison.
Same with Stranger Things, she lacks the ability to just let go as an actor.
She has a legit emotional block of some kind. She can only strain, not explode.

She probably needs to go out into the woods with one of those male primal scream groups and just let rip. Let whatever the hell is inside her out. Get it out of her system.

she's a recluse who rarely leaves her house.

she likes em young


all sperm dodged her oven


>punishment for being a romanian jew
It's too much.

I feel nothing but sadness.

>How come

No one came, that's the problem.

Sup Forums seriously needs to get a life and stop worrying about others'

based sentencing guidelines

R: 43 / I: 6
What happened to her? She's only 33.

I hate the fact that high IQ beautiful successful women are the demographic least likely to have kids. They'll never pass on those Ubermensch genes, whilst white trash are having 5 kids and polluting the gene pool. Women like her are selfish . They are helping create an idiocracy, along with the welfare state.

>Whoever has a conservative opinion is a neo Nazi Hispanic larp


>>Sup Forums

Sup Forums is the only place here that obsesses over white people having or not having children.

Why don't you faggots try improving your lives instead of worrying about others?

If I was pol, I'd be glad she wasn't breeding since pol has an irrational hatred of Jews

this is the grey goo effect in action m8, the problem of reproduction has to be solved before humanity can achieve meaningful progress from our current state

And I'm pretty sure Pol is full of the white suburban trash I hate.

are high IQ people really less likely to reproduce, even when given the chance? so that means functioning high IQ rather than savants or otherwise shut in, "out of society" type people.

Would pump full of sperm in a futile attempt to create a retarded mongoloid babby.

As long as there's involuntary influence of others on my life, you can name no reason why I should not worry about it.

For the last few decades, yes.

what's the reason?

Urbanisation and hypergamy. The more a woman's makes, the less likely she'll be married or have children.


it's always good when a filthy jew removes her filthy genes from the human pool

High IQ people tend to be good at their jobs/are highly motivated in their pursuits. Kids do nothing but get in the way of that.

Todays western woman is all about herself. If they have a child then that directs attention away from them and that's the last thing they want, the first and last thing they want to think of is themselves.

Playing hide the sausage is more important.


The right kind of crazy.

did she drop acid?

>it's bad because women should have children

>it's good because jews shouldn't have children

>fraser gets shit on for an awkward clap
>she gets away with this
Stranger JUST

>no kid

jews are not westerners

Then why are people upset that she doesn't have kids?

As women gain parity with men in the workplace , you're going to see more women have no children. Despite decades of feminism, women's base desires for a dominant man who makes more than them still persists even though they no longer need high earning men to survive. The pool of men who make more than these women shrinks every year, and men who are the lucky ones are either playing the field until their late 40s, where they'll eventually marry a mid 20s girl, or they've been Inna long term relationship since their early 20s. There's going to be a lot of unsatisfied high earning women.

Pushing women into the workplace will probably result in the total dysgenics and population implosion around the west in the next 60 years.

It was a bit.

the only ones who are upset are jews

left barren after all the rapes she endured

I'm not a Jew

t. lying jew

Her oven is too hot and causes the Jew babies to slither out like Depp's old heroin.

So that pusy is still tight?

she used to have a hell of a rack

That's cruel and unusual punishment

>high IQ

she doesn't want one because she's mentally ill

I'd suck on her

>39 years old
>no children
How come?

Been my waifu since I was a kid, she’s still stunning imo.

>she will never be your drug addicted mommy

>forcing yourself to bring a child into this you likely wouldn't care about and/or fuck up raising into this horrible world to satisfy some dipshit Sup Forumsposter


>No kids

Prime Jennifer Connelly exists

He meant she has a
>high JQ