/// Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ///

Why the frell is no one talking about this season's spacekino?


Does anyone have the Expanse webbums? Show this brainlet what spacekino looks like.

Does The Expanse have Kreefus that constantly play with a pair of balls on screen?

I think not.

forgot webm


do you have a link to the torrent. I can't find

wait, is marlel R-rated now?

Fuckkk im still on the last season looks so good

I cant believe ive been wasting my time on the CW shit teen drama

I liked it. New setting takes them far away from the MCU during whatever crap is going down next year so they don't have to worry about the Marvel/Marvel Studio divide messing them up.

>never finished last season
>have zero fucking idea how or why they're in space now

Maybe I should finish it.

fuck off

>TELEVISON and film

LotR belongs on /lit/ too right?

thats impressive CGI for a TV show

They've cut themselves off from most of their past continuity by doing this.

So it's for real then? Not some hallucination or they're still in the Framework?


They actually joke that they hope they aren't in the Framework again because they couldn't take being stuck in it again.

>Maybe I should finish it.
You should. Season 4 was great in my opinion. Maybe the best TV shit Marvel has done behind Daredevil.


The Framework is still here tho, with a lot of old data inside.
I wonder who will be pulled out of it.
Fitz is the most likely, who am I kidding, it's gonna be Ward again.

The framework was destroyed.

this story arc is going to be absolutely boring AF. they already did the whole trapped in a dystopia for a full fucking season. i can't take anymore of this. i'm so disappointed