ITT: downgrades

ITT: downgrades


>OP says downgrades
>post massive upgrade

Malina should downgrade those lips onto my cock when she turns 18





>tfw such an uncultured swine, I've thought it was a photoshop edit

Yeah the CGI baby looked more realistic before.

Objectively wrong

massive upgrade right here


That's literally her sister, right?
Have the Farmiga Sisters ever done a swapsy?

Wow, I know this marriage was completely contrived and he likely didn't get a say ion it but holy shit is he a moron.

Huh? Oh! Ohhhhhh...

Maybe he actually loves her


Ikr, fucking Jews lol

personally i think she's cute

Are you retarded?


Chav slags seriously don't age well past their mid teens.

I'll take Meghan over the blonde bitch.

Really mines your unobtanium

>emulator filters


shit taste

What's Malina's sister's name again?


Found it, Ayla Weissman. Where did all her IG pics go though? Or am I mistaken


what were they thinking?

the first one already had another film on schedule I think.
It's just her replacement is really questionable, or Joker just fucking with us audience as usual.

You’re crazy if you think it’s overtaking avatar. It might beat titanic, but no way it does avatar numbers.


Well, hello, beautiful.

Oh fuck you're right they're gone
I didn't save them either goddamn


>B-b-but Sophie Turner is so hot!


Neither of those is a Farmiga.
And no, Malina Weissman and Emily Browning are not related.

What´s this actress called again ? She has the best sucking lips i have ever seen. I think i only saw her in shitty movies so that´s why i cant remember her name. Post nudes if they go with her.

The suit design is infinitely better in Civil War than in Raimi or Amazing Spider-Man.
Shame about it being almost completely CGI.


Oh yeah, this second chick is so attractive! My soy sense is tingling.

Her body is so wrong.

JLaw is walking proof that you can have an amazing body and it's means less than zero if you're an awkward cunt with no sex appeal

I'm pretty sure Nolan is homosexual and doesn't understand women or how they're supposed to look attractive to be appealing to straight men.

>amazing body
meh, not really

>JLaw is walking proof that you can have an amazing body
>average = amazing
Get laid, user.

I'm aggressively flaccid.

Fuck outta here. We all hate JLol but her Fappening leaks put any shit talk about her body to rest.

>JLaw is walking proof that you can have an amazing body

>put any shit talk about her body to rest
Yeah, shit talk about her having an amazing body.

dude, seriously... the only special thing about her fappening pics was how vulgar they were. literally below '80s italian porn tier. just compare it to MEW's fappening pics for example.

You are really retarded, her tits were flaccid even back then, imagine now. Her body was neither thick or sportslim, or light muscular. I saw men with better figure than her, how the fuck would you even call hers, certainly not hourglass.
The only reason people care is because she is famous, that´s all.

>they get uglier as the Jewishness decreases
Really made me think

What is that lighting on the right? Dear God.

Katie Holmes was qt

Kodi-Whatever is the literal definition of soyboy

opinion discarded

You must be a beta who idealizes the ugly bitch on the left on instagram, right delusional fag???

He is marrying her becausr the whore is pregnant

downgrade on income
upgrade on originality

>upgrade on originality
It's pretty cute that you actually think this.

>Hey Whedon, think you ca-
>Gotchu, phambilibingbong


>green text, blue background
Kill yourself.

Zack "The hack Attack" Snyder was a massive downgrade

or maybe it's set 5 years later and she's now old

tobey looked so fucking fat every time it wasn't a stuntman in the suit

this i jennifer lawrence ffs

Why do you think he insists he's called Tugboat McGuire?

post the mystique one

Connecting a movie universe which has like 20 movies in a final is pretty much more original even only as a concept than copying Dancing with the wolfs and Smurfs and CGI'ing it into scifi and 3D

it uses the same mold, but looks like it's made out of cheaper material.....

I didn't know Avengers 4 was 20 movies.

Why do I feel like the right one has terrible body proportion?

>movie vs tv show

gee i wonder

The tv show is better, though.

sorry dude, famkefag here, I only have Jean stuff.
could be the one you're looking for?

but it looks worse

Avengers 4 will be 22nd movie actually.

>being this much of an absolute homosexual

But is Avengers 4 individually 22 movies packed into one?
Comparing a franchise with a single movie is retarded.

because it's sophie turner. that bitch really looks like that.

that cringy lewd backstage shot when she is painting herself blue or something, is that Famke or Jlol?

>Nolan is a ge-

Nobody said it was. Read this user's post again and focus this time.

How does Iron Man 2 connect? What about Ant-Man? What about The Winter Soldier, or GotG2, or Age of Ultron? About 75% of the MCU is pure filler that advances the story in no way at all.

You could make a cinematic universe with a bunch of totally unconnected Westerns and call the movies where the same actors appear in different roles their gigantic crossover, and it would have just about the same degree of interconnectedness and narrative depth that the MCU has.

JLaw refused to sit in the makeup chair for the original makeup so they had to make it shitty to accommodate her diva bullshit

Why would Famke paint herself blue?

ah, I know what you mean. it's Jlol, I think it was way back during the DOFP days. I'm sure someone has it.

right one looks like she was modeled by netherrealm

T-thanks Jack and Jill.

>not wanting to cum inside an 8 foot tall chav

what's it like to be gay, user?

>How does Iron Man 2 connect?
Tony meeting Fury and Widow, Avengers Initiative.

>What about Ant-Man?
Hank Pym was one of the founders of SHIELD, agent Carter reappears, Ant-Man meets Falcon.

>Winter Soldier
Bucky returns, Cap works with Fury and Widow again, Arnim Zola returns (kinda), HYDRA virtually destroys SHIELD.

Not much connection aside that it takes place between GotG which featured Thanos and provided backstory of Infinity Gems, and Avengers 3 where the Guardians meet Thor and go back to Earth with him.

>Age of Ultron
Hulk going to space (eventually landing on Sakaar), Thor having visions, Scarlet Witch joining the team, beginning of Sokovia Act.

Yeah, no connections at all. Now go be retarded somewhere else.

No idea, lad. You tell me.

