/got/ General

A thread were gonna discuss everything about the show & books.

>Books never gonna be finished
>Showrunners are a pair of incompetent hacks
>All good actors left years ago
>All that's left is a nonsensical mess of dick jokes and gurl power on par with Sherlock

Has a popular franchise ever been JUSTED this hard?

Gimme sea of blood

Euron Greyjoy and the giant Kraken.

I miss the old /got/ threads were everyone was on it and everyone talked about the show, books and characters. Gods I want to read /got/ thread agains from the start till now.

/got/ threads were fun and comfy to read and post, will the old classic /got/ returns?

when the show gets good again. nothing happened in Season 7 worth discussing so all we have left is Bobbyposting

I miss Salty Cunt, King of Memes, Mr whateverhisnameis, Jonposter, Jaqenposter, Syrio Forel dude, Stannisposter, Bericbros, I miss the old classic /got/


When did the books go bad?

When did the show go bad?

Game Of Thrones was trully Tolkien's greatest musical.

The books are still decent enough, some shit but also still a lot of good chapters (mostly Cersei/Jaime)
The show completely went off the rails after the Red Wedding, Badib just gave up totally and they ran out of source material pretty soon because somebody made the decision to skip two books worth of material

What's the best GOT meme?

that it's a good show

Books went bad with crows

Show went bad with season 5 (although redeemed itself a little in season 6)

Bobby B


This is under mother fucking rated

some of the Bobby B ones were good but literaly nothing beats Hi Sup Forums this is Ed Starch



snitch bitch punk ass faggot.


the book went to shit after the Purple wedding, it was clear they just hyped Joffrey to be the bad guy and the story kinda dies after that, there are still some good chapters here and there but it gets extremely boring and pointless.

nah, more like completely obvious


why didn't the audience like him ? he was a man of the people

they told the audience to hate him by making his men attack gays

>tfw winter was coming
>tfw "Was it rape?"
>tfw Storytime with Old Nan
>tfw verts and reaction images everywhere
>tfw "Hi Sup Forums, this is Edward Starch"
>tfw you didn't know Dagmer's real identity
>tfw no chain
>tfw it fit
>tfw merlings were everywhere
>tfw CLEGANEBOWL was just one guy and he'd wish you merry CLEGANEBOWLs
>tfw frogfu was just one guy doing a countdown and he never got firsts
>tfw Rickon and Dickon become gay emperors of Essos
>tfw you were haeving problems
>tfw "Friendly Reminder with Ros"
>tfw Talisa was a spy
>tfw Roose finally got loose

/got/, I dreamed I was old.

Merlings, waifu wars, Cleganebowl, Eurio, and Quentyn being alive.

:( One of the many reasons why I miss /got/

“I looked for you in the /cel/ discussion thread,” Stannismod said to them.

“We were not there,” Ser Firefu answered.

“Woe to Moot if we had been,” said Ser Buttslut.

“When the General was deleted, the mods slew your waifus with a golden banhammer, and I wondered where you were.”

“Far away,” Ser Firefu said, “or we'd still be posting, and our false brother would burn in seven 404's.”

“I came down on /got/ to lift the siege,” Stannismod told them, “and the Lords CLEGANEBOWL and Eurio dipped their banners, and all their knights bent the knee to pledge us fealty. I was certain you would be among them.”

“Our knees do not bend easily,” said Ser Frogfu.

“Ser Rickonbro is fled to /y/, with that boy he swears he didn't molest. I thought you might have sailed with him.”

“Ser Rickonbro is a shitposter and true,” said Ser Buttslut.

“But not of the Waifuguard,” Ser Firefu pointed out. “The Waifuguard does not flee.”

“Then or now,” said Ser Frogfu. He donned his helm.

“We swore a vow,” explained old Ser Firefu.

Stannismod's janitors moved up beside him, with shadow banhammers in hand. They were seven against three.

“And now it begins,” said Ser Frogfu, the Sword of Firsts. He unsheathed Ellie_shopping.gif and held it with both hands. Her skin was pale as milkglass, alive with light.

“No,” Stannismod said with sadness in his voice. “Now it ends.”


Delaney... I'm only going to ask you this once.


>TFW you thought maybe Darkstar was secretly Arthur Dayne because why else introduce a faggot character with a shady past
>TFW "Darkstar" cut off the ear because he only wanted to wound her b/c Dayne still a good character & is a badass surgeon with a sword
>TFW you thought GRRM was saving the reveal for an ultimate twist b/c Dayne was gonna come back and wreck all his enemies
>TFW you realize it was all for nothing and GRRM is a hack

The show couldn't even take the time to make the great sword Dawn look right. It's THE MOST FAMOUS SWORD IN THE WORLD and it looks like a basic bitch sword. fuck GoT and fuck white people and drumpf.

Pic unrelated, it's an actual good book

>tfw always wondered why Jorah is my favourite character, besides his voice
>tfw it's because he is the only main character without an autistic fanbase

>the only main character without an autistic fanbase
Except for the guys who worshipped him as a kind of martyr

>tfw I bingewatched the first four seasons of GOT some years ago
>tfw Jorah became my favourite by Season 3
>tfw my friends were the ones that told me he was friendzoned by Daenerys

I had thought he loved her as his child, which is what Iain Glen seems to portray him as

>tfw my friends were the ones that told me he was friendzoned by Daenerys

Ah, yes! Here it is! The Friendzone meme! The Cuckold meme! Proudly said by a Internet dweeb that has never even touched a woman that wasn't his mother in his life! But hey, at least he was never friendzoned, which is the single worse flaw a man can make!

Such sunless troll convinently forgets that there was a time Jorah was the greatest war hero in all of Westeros. Such happen during the Greyjoy Rebellion, during which he was second breaching the walls of Pyke, and knighted for bravery. Afterwards, he won a tournament against Jaime Lannister himself, and after that had his second marriage to a member of the Hightower house, the most beautiful girl in the continent, who marry him, not for a startegic alliance, but for love. Sure, eventually the marriage ended, and he disgraced himself because of her, but at least he can say he bedded the most beautiful woman in his continent, which 99% of the people that will ever read this will never be able to say so.

Now, it seems that he is making the same mistakes, and only following Daenerys in hopes of bedding her. But such is not the case. He already accepted she will never bed him, but he still thinks of her as the most politically suited candidate for the throne. That is the reason he follows Daenerys now, and has diagraced himself for her. Something you would have noticed if you had actually watched the show.

But no, you see him getting rejected, and think of him only as LE LORD FRIENDZONE WHAT A KEKOLD LOL XD!!!, whitout getting to know his reasons and story, and without admiting how much more of a man he is when next to you. You even think he is the most friendzoned guy in the show, when Littlefinger exists. And yet you pretend to watch the show.

But then, you may have never have touched a woman, sure, but at least you aren't a cuckold like Jorah.

newfriends too young to remember

>tfw my pasta did become a meme
Thanks, man. Godspeed

Some nice sides I had once



Jorah is the Azor Ahai and not giving Jorah his own pov was a mistake.

Agree with the first part (he's gonna slay the Dragon Whore, join the new Night's Watch and become its 1000th Commander), but I like him better with his inner thoughts not being expressed in his own pov

People who deserved a POV in asoiaf books:

Thoros (or a member of BWB
Tormund (or another a wildling)
Member of Sons of Harpy
Margaery or Olenna

We don't we have to read Jorah's inner thoughts, but see some of the action throug his eyes and sometimes about his past and regrets.

Tyrion may someday lose his tongue and depending on the situation he may he may not have a pov chapter.

That is the shittiest, unfunniest picture I've ever seen. Please delete it from your computer immediately.

Does anyone have the "Jon Snow Master Ruseman" vert?