Where were you when you watched the greatest action movie of all time


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>not black and chrome edition
youre missing out

I thought it was mediocre

In the cinema.

That day, in the afternoom, I went to a local forest with my soon-to-be-gf and we took ayuascha by the river. We felt the forest, river, animals, ourselves and nature as a unity...
Then we saw the Moon, Saturn and Jupter on the telecospe for the first time, amazing experience.
After that we went to the theater and watched Mad Max: Fury Road for the first time with no expectations...
It was one of the best days of my life

We broke up in the end of 2015.

>cars crashing into each other for 2 hours
>"greatest action mobie everrrrr"

wanna know how i know you watched it on your laptop?

Why? The movie was shot in colour. Desaturating it doesn't make it a good black and white movie

Chinese theater with the new laser 3D system put in place. I had no expectations for the movie because I didn't believe a modern Mad Max could exceed Road Warrior and didn't even know it was out. After that, my car was locked in a parking garage, so I had the opportunity to see psychotic naked homeless men at 2 AM on Hollywood boulevard being arrested by cops, then being forced to take a $300 hotel room for five hours to shield my fiancee from the horrors of LA. I was also called a racist earlier in the day by a black guy who was giving away his mixtape in a massive crowd of tourists.

Fuck LA, but Fury Road was worth it.

Slit pls

Dead franchise

t. Clumsy warboy who want be riding in Valhalla

The cinema. Twice.

That's fine, I'd rather they not try to franchise it. The Mad Max game got pretty old trying to expand and explain the universe.

Actually yes. Simple set-up, cool designs, good directing, fantastic score. That's all it takes.
Non-instrusive CGI (except for the War Rig's explosion) to boot.
>reddit spacing
The movie did a good job of telling you what it was going to do without holding your hand. I always remember the initial chase where the War Rig's motorblock catches fire. I thought "they'll have to extinguish that somehow. Can they use the fact they're in a desert somehow? Sand extinguishes fire. Can't they use the shovel on the front to kick up a sandstorm?"
*Furiosa pulls a lever*
*front shovel is lowered* *Exhaust valves slam shut*
*music swells*
Let's fucking go.
It was a great moment. Honestly.

Saw it 3 times in theatres. Each time with a different person. Easily 2nd best movie experience I've ever had.

Werent they making more 2 movies?
There is no reason why since fury road was so succeful

Miller had been scheming up a fourth Mad Max since the late nintees, I doubt we'll another one

We'd better not. This was peak Maxkino. It's all downhill from here.

Watched it in a Casino's theater after a fun day out, playing laser tag and gambling with my buds

Regal Cinemas Battery Park 11

I was at home watching Aliens (Alien 2) on tv in the 90's

Its a movie men will never understand

do men really understand anything at all, the stupid shits?

I was there too. We probably saw each other.

Film soyboys will never understand

>Men not understanding a film written by a man
Ok roasties.

And edited by a woman. Like Star Wars. Checkmate dickbearers.

Never watched it because plot didn't appeal to me and all the girl power stuff turned me off it. I'm pretty happy it's not getting a sequel.


Do girls scare you?

Only the man-hating ones desu~
Otherwise, I love action heroines.

I agree with you friend.

While watching it (first time i had paid a ticket to watch a movie in ages) i remember thinking to myself "oh, that's why theatres still exist".

Loved every second.

>t. tranny

Roasties don't browse Sup Forums.

The girl power stuff is not that bad/justified. It only becomes intrusive if you're willing to accept Immortan Joe's harem bimbos who've been locked away from the world as some sort of authority in anything. The worst thing the movie does is having the brides trying to kick Nux off the truck while he says something like "I didn't hurt you" and the ditzy blonde (Dag, I think), who is characterized chiefly by her airheaded arrogance, to ask him "Then who killed the world?"
Well, Nux didn't. He grew up in it same as them.

Which is also the movie's one big drawback. It doesn't work as wellon the small screen.

i was sat at theatre eating popped corn when friend lean over whisper

‘max is kino’


I was so pissed this didnt win best documentary at the oscars.

Well played

it wasn't even that good

literally just driving out to nowhere and then driving back because lulz

you should check it out because the turbo nerds that haunt this board are wrong


At home watching Robocop when I was 11.

>literally admitting you're 14