TV shows are absolute shit now. What's the last one you enjoyed?

TV shows are absolute shit now. What's the last one you enjoyed?

I am in the middle of Futureman. I am enjoying it even though I usually hate Eliza Coupe

I thought Atlanta was pretty good. B.A.N. is probably the funniest episode of TV I've seen in years.

I haven't enjoyed a TV show since Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

>Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
It's terminal, sorry for your loss.

>not liking BtVS

You are garbage

it's capeshit with the quips up 2000% and tumblr fanfic mixed in

>tumblr fanfics mixed in

It predates tumblr by about a decade.

It predates capeshit
>quips up 2000%
>tumblr fanfic
it finished four years before tumblr even existed

>mfw your only defence is a technicality.

>linear time
>is a technicality

This is how I know you're garbo. Name a good show, and it better not be rick and morty, faggot.

>not knowing how to greentext

>he wanted to say rick and morty

you are a human trashfire, my new friend.

>trying to deflect this hard
literal tumblrette

>everything is tumblr
>even half a decade before tumblr, it was tumblr!

tits or gtfo

Why would I watch TV when I have near instant access to virtually every film ever made? It's a fucking waste of my time.

Because films are shit

I tried giving Buffy a shot because I found all of it on some nerd's Google Drive and I couldn't make it past the theme song.

>couldn't make it past the theme song

you did all you could, user

Mindhunter, The Young Pope.

Reaper was a great show, I didn't watch anything CW wise after they shitcanned it until they did The Flash, and that's been great.

Hannibal still hurts, but he might get to make another Season of it because lol Starz shitcanned him for something more of a normal budget.


tell me more...

I remember Reaper. It had some guy that was fucking a demon woman but her demon body had the shape and voice of a man.

I really liked Mindhunter a lot
Godless is also very good
The best show I've seen recently is The Deuce though I know it's not really up Sup Forums's alley

Somebody gave cocaine to a few writers and they came up with a show that had Ray fucking Wise as the Devil himself (a perfect casting choice) and stared a kid who, on his 21'st birthday found out that his parents sold his soul to the devil so that the father could avoid dying. The Devil has him round up souls who've broken out of hell and have been causing havok on earth. And the kid is so inept that chaos ensues. It's fun as shit. At least watch until Episode 7, "Love, Bullet's and Blacktop" It's one of my favorite hours of TV ever.
When she ended up looking like this, could you blame him?

aiiight i'm sold.

Warehouse 13 was awful. The only reason to watch it is because Claudia has an amazing figure and runs around in tight pants every episode.

More like Yung Pope

>warehouse 13 was awful

fuck you it was FUN

Twin Peaks S3 was the greatest TV series of all time

Vikings, but then they killed off all the talented actors with interesting characters.

wasted quads

Guess i'm rewatching W13 again

Deal with it, nerd



River looked better in goggles.

>tfw no Allison gf