What are some soiboy core movies?

What are some soiboy core movies?

DC and Marvel films. All of them


Mumblecore, capeshit, tweeshit, "independent film", "art films" that are essentially just their friends' sex tapes, 80's nostalgia, Spike Jonez, PTA, "stronk womyn", Nolan, 15 minute "one shot" takes, "great cinematography", "important " movies, movies that are literally for children (pixar dreamworks disney) """"historical""""" racial dramas, movies that pamper but do not provide for the soul.

soooooo every good movie_

T. Joss Whedon.

name your top 5 faggot

sounds like I touched a nerve?

>desperately changes the subject avoids naming movies he likes
tells me everything I needs to know

In Bruges is for soyboys.

The real kino is Goodfellas

Marvel films post-Avengers 1 and nu-Wars are essential soycore.

this post is bold, brutal, honesty and deserves an applause

Can someone explain how this meme even took off? Does everybody really watch Alex Jones here or what?

What's the point? I could just lie.
Even if my tastes aligned with yours exactly, you'd still shit on whatever I say.

both are for men, lying subversive soygoy

>doing EVERYTHING in his power to not talk about movies
just give up my dude

Sounds like you're the one steering the conversation towards my character and away from the original point of the thread.
If you like soycore go ahead and enjoy it, not hurting me none.

Anything with a Rotten Tomatoes Certified Fresh ranking

Thread over

Anything anyone has ever or will ever conceivably enjoy to any agree.

All enjoyment of life is for soyboys LMAO

But that's every movie.

>Soyboy core
anything you like
>chad core
anything I like

this is accurate
I would also say Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe

exactly, read a book