

So good to see this Nazi get his brain bashed out. Someday the same thing will happen to all the drumpftsers.

>scenes filthy kikes will never understand

How old were you when you realised that the good guys lost and we are now living in dystopian aftermath?

Any time some storm-fag says this movie is a Jewish power fantasy, I point them to this scene.

Sup Forumstards and phonepsoters need to be purged

uhhhhhhh...... drumpfy dump trump orange cheeto puff cheesy nazi ??? hitltter????

>beating the brains out of a heroic german soldier
>not a jewish power fantasy

Drumpf syndrome

I just realized this german guy is the same guy who plays Snoke!!!

>Nazis win WW2
>Now have to deal with expanded territories filled with rebels
>War economy wears off
>Socialism begins to work its magic and ruin the economy
>3rd reich collapses in on itself
>Rebels take advantage of this and systematically slaughter the Germans
>Jewish laughter fills the air as the top Nazi brass are hung without trial
>Hitler kills himself before they get to him

i could handle all the political shit that's going on. i just want a house and a family, but i'm 50 years too late to earn the former the honest, or dishonest way and it's killing me. actually about 12 years and some parental guidance would probably do.

>i've spent over 10 years on this website

oh shit son I diden't know that you fought in Stalingrad and battle of kursk

> rebels
Oh no the rebels on the other side of the ocean

>Missing the point this hard
The whole focus of the scene is that the Nazi officer is, quite opposite of the common perception, bravely fighting for his country. The Jewish soldier doesn't heroically defeat him; he beats him to death while the heroic music abruptly cuts out.
The whole point was to highlight how savage American culture is for celebrating the death of Nazi soldiers and disregarding their individual humanity, you inbred guero.

>that Sup Forums harbor dip

Moot was an idiot.

Yes, because the French Resistance was never a thing, and every country happily spread their cheeks for big daddy hitler

> French Resistance
> The partisan peasants acting like fuking rascals in villages and mountains
Yeah okay man, not all the people ware uncouth, you wanted change, you joined the army and fought for your beliefs. You lost you moved on like most normal people. If Germans would have won the resistance would have been a temporary thing, after war is won there is nothing more people want more than moving on.

>Sup Forumstards and phonepsoters need to be purged

>3rd Reich would not survive because each country had few rats operating from sewers and sabotaging food supplies

i dont think you understand how jewish power fantasies work

the fact that the bear jew gets away with gleefully committing a war crime while his buddies cheer him on is the pornographic appeal of this scene
