
as abysmal as it's doing in the box office, this movie is pretty great. first Didney/Pixar flick that actually has heart and soul since The Incredibles. just hope it ends up making more than that trash that was Good Dinosaur.

Coco thread?

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What’s the box office Lore?
All I see is puff pieces for it bc it’s Disney

it's at 171m, budget was 175m.

>spending money on a pixar kids film
how old are you?

go watch Justice League you absolute underage faggot.

Jesus, looks like it’s set to be one of Pixar’s worst performers -

You’d never know that from the glowing trade pronouncements about its “success”. Mouse shilling or diversity shilling?

It got fucked by a stupid Frozen short that lasts 22 minutes and plays before the movie starts.

Yes, a movie for boys with a boy protagonist starts with 22 minutes of a story about Olaf, who's literally the most hated part of Frozen.

I saw it in a shitty rip with mexican voices.
Cryed with the final scene
It's great

nah Olaf is loved and to be honest, the Frozen thing was half okay.

but 22 minutes long? that's what made it hated. nigga we trying to watch the movie

They can’t acknowledge it’s underperforming for the same reason thy can’t acknowledge The Princess and the Frog was the lowest grossing film from Disney animation

Just proof that nobody wants to watch Mexican shit. Trash "culture" to be honest my familia.

Including a 22 minute frozen short about the fucking snowman certainly doesn't help either.

How? Voice actors?

As much as I love pixar, I cant bring myself to sit through this "mexicans are people too" propoganda

Protip: they arn't

This is already the highest grossing film in Mexican history

The film itself was great but I fucking hated the Frozen "short". The volcano short before Inside Out was good most of all because it was like a five minute song. This shit was a full episode of some shitty saturday morning tv show

This - this movie reeks of propaganda and clearly has an agenda to push. Thank god nobody is buying it.

must be central american.

do you like niggers and muslims?

the propaganda is actually look how much fun mexicans have in mexico, they should stay there
it has nothing to do with immigration, hell there's even a skeleton who wants to illegally get into the world of the living and gets continuously btfo

Again? I feel like I've seen three of those already.

Guess I'll arrive late.

>implying I know anything about the plot or characters

I saw it was about bean-niggers and instantly ignored it.

>make film with dollars, get pesos

woopie, it still hasn't recouped it's budget

>all the assblasted Central and South Americans itt


>mexican cartoon does badly in usa
how come gringos are so racist
>nhl has low ratings in mexico

>This is already the highest grossing film in Mexican history
It’s close, but a few are higher (e.g. Avengers)
However: it’s underperformed everywhere else

That’s pretty cool if true, but everything’s so politicized now that it doesn’t matter. All the “Pixar’s First POC Lead” fluffing and diversity shilling made conservatives not want to encourage Pixar to go any deeper down that rabbit hole

>175 million budget
I refuse to believe this

It only released yesterday in the states. The movie will do fine.

I don't know, I got memed into seeing Inside Out by people claiming it was a great return to form for Pixar when it was really only okay. I get the same vibe from this. So I'm just waiting to pirate Coco someday when I'm bored.

>It only released yesterday in the states
not true

>do you like niggers and muslims?

Answer the following question without deflecting again: what does that have to do with the movie or any of the discussion itt?

Yea, like he said, it's doing pretty bad

the Central/South American/nigger I responded to brought up race, so I countered.

i agree, nothing to do with movie.

>everyone who dislikes spics is from south america! there's no way based white men dislike us!
el cucko!

You’re really cool

no white man dislikes a hispanic more than a muslim or nigger.

I'm a Texan, I vastly dislike mexicans more than muslims and niggers.


>I'm a Texan

I believe you. a Texan that comes from black/south american/central american background.

>he hates mexicans he must be a bigger
You can stop lying to yourself Pablo

I'd blame it more on terrible marketing than anything else. The posters are all vague and give no indication of what the movie is about, the title is extremely generic, and only barely related to the movie (and also tells you nothing about it), and I don't know how it was marketed to kids, but I barely heard anything about it. I had absolutely no interest in the movie (seriously, who the fuck goes to see a kids movie called Coco?), until I saw an extended preview that actually told me what the movie was about, and it looks pretty great. I can't be the only one who wasn't interested because of the dumb marketing (and especially title).

If I had to guess, I'd say that Disney just didn't know how to market a movie about Latinos, and that involves death imagery so much, and kind of gave up. Death is always hard with kids movies, they've been bitten in the past with backlash from handled non-white movies insensitively, and there was already some negativity over superficial similarities to some other movie and trying to copyright the term "Day of the Dead." With a good title and better marketing, it probably would have done a lot better.

okay Jamal

No I am a white dude. We had fucking Mexicans vs Whites soccer games during recess in elementary school. They'd beat our ass and call us gringos while shouting "chinga tu madre!" every single day. I've hated them ever since.

I never understood why so many spics think whites consider Mexicans or any sort of South American an "honary aryan" it's both baffling and sad really

Nah it’s shit, Olaf is one of the most annoying cutesy sidekicks Disney has ever created

Isn’t it doing well worldwide?

lol no sane hispanic expects a white man to consider them aryan. get those memes out of your head.

I am simply saying that Hispanics are the toppest tier minority, if you consider Asian not minority.

it has an extremely staggered release ww. for example, it wont open in UK until fuckin January. so we won't know Coco's final numbers for a very, very long time.

not sure why staggered releases such as this is a thing. just release WW at the same time, no?

This. There’s actually no propaganda in the movie at all. It’s just a good story with heartfelt moments.

Literally no one is claiming racism.

>top tier immigrants
>millions of illegal aliens who couldn't bother to come over legally
>low SAT scores
>ms-13, Mexican mafia, cartels, etc.
>immigrates to an English speaking country, won't bother learning English
>average IQ in Mexico is literally 80
>Hispanic immigrants are bro tier!
>His home country is still a heaping pile of shit