
In celebration of the return, let's have a Gaz thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

One of the things that I learned on Sup Forums, is that if I make a waifu-bait character I will have free advertizement.

Not saying that it is the case with OP, it was unintentional, bit it sure worked.


This is not gaz. This is a fat, ugly disgrace.

>not liking bigdad
Kys, pig.

Man, that's clearly taking inspiration from IZs art style.
It's weird seeing how far BigDad has come since he's clearly gotten better and moved past this art style

So anyway, which do you guys like more?

Shortstack bigdad or titty monster big dad

Shortstack Titty Monster Bigdad. Best of both worlds.


What do you mean?

So you're talking about this one

cuz to be fair, i like that one more

His art style improved but I feel like his Gaz became too stylized in the processed. As another user said in the other thread yesterday, it feels like he drained the life and charm of the the character overtime and now she feels like a goth OC imitation Gaz then just "Gaz".

Oh, and Titty Monster.

BigDad should keep it simple or go back to original Gaz's outfit

Go back to the original hair too. Gaz already had a unique, recognizable hairstyle and Bigdad's red, spiky hair kills her current design to me.

Bump for Gaz. Anyone have art not by Bigdad? Anyone?

new movie

Fine, you ungrateful jerks. Small Dump.




return of what?


New Invader Zim movie that was announced yesterday.


This. Gaz is cute, not hot (not that those drawings are any good). You're all a buncha faggots.


She can be a cute kid and a hot adult.


What on earth is this cavalcade of jerks you've posted?


I dunno, but I loving that skirt on Gaz.









Really? Where was that announced?
And honestly, why? After all this time, this better mean a revival of the show is coming too or something.


Just type down "new Invader Zim movie" on google or something. There is even a teaser trailer on youtube. There was three threads about it yesterday, one which is still currently open.


Titty Monster Gaz in general. Doesn't matter the artist.

The bigger the better!

Love this design for an adult Gaz.

Gaz: A friend of Bigfoot.

see you all on Saturday


Whats going on Saturday?


couldn't contain yourself could you?

Thanks for taking one for the team


it's the time it's gonna take him to get unbanned

There was a no-no in the pic. He's taking a short journey on the BANNED express.


whos the artist?

Was it autism?

>Gaz's hairstyle is basically just a giant monster mouth

No idea why he made it red anyway, just further distance's the character and r34 character
He's the only artist that did that too and his Gaz is the most popular

Oh, is that all? Thought some cool Gaz related stuff was gonna happen.

The time it'll take until he gets unbanned

unless the mods wanna force an extra day and give him some extra hours

>just further distance's the character and r34 character

Then what's the point of doing sexy fanart of the character then if your not gonna make it look like her? And giant monster mouth is great.

Fanart from yesterday.

Fuck, sorry user. I can't remember where I saved that fanart.

Her brother's autism, yes

>implying Gaz wouldn't by it just for Legend of Piggy: Bacon of the Wild

It will satisfy her until Super Piggy Oddessy.

Okay folks, dump is over. I'm gonna take a nap. Hope you enjoyed me keeping this thread alive for my waifu.


just upload all of THOSE pictures to an imgur and post the link

Or just go to bloody /aco/, jeez. And don't pull the "that place is cancer" card, you're just art dumping, not art begging.

So are these designs new canon?

>characters all grown up
>clear popular shipping is at hand here
>they had kids
>an extra gir


>Zim getting taller
It's like these fucks don't even care about the canon.

>10/10 Thanks user!
Thick Gaz and anything Thick from BigDad is legendary



Best version of Gaz from BigDad so far



I'm glad he improved to this style. It's actually not disgusting like his previous stuff. It's still hardly Gaz but at least it feels a little closer.

Gaz, Mandy, and Jack Spicer for some reason

Yeah, but I meant "what's the source that would put all of these people together?"

Yours is really great as well.

JEASUS! I want to bury my face on that!

These are the best adult Gaz I've seen

Probably the artist's AU. You know they like to do things like that over on tumblr.

Zim and Tak are already at their adult size though

This. Especially consider how old Zim actually is.

Bigdad is always in danger of sliding into revolting jolly hack territory. I hope he realizes this and stops.

Also feet that small would not be able to support her weight and look pretty bad. Like Chinese foot binding bad.

Tell that to the fangirls who must have Zim be tall. I have a little respect for those who will ship adult Dib with still tiny Zim.

I have a lot of respect for Adult Gaz and tiny Zim because size difference is hot as fuck.

I saw you posting in the other thread too, and I see you posting in other threads from time to time with this unreasonable, delirious fear of large breasts and this intolerance of others peoples tastes.

I agree. I think he's much better now but the small feet is just a stylistic choice and once I like a lot.

Would fuck...

Not him but your argument doesn't support itself (heh) when the pic you post will look revolting to 99% of humanity that are on the normal side of societal views.

With that said I thought he was referring to the shortstack proportions that makes orcs look hot by comparison. Thicankles aren't hot, fatasses. And it doesn't help that now her skin is turning orc too looking at and

Dude, there's a difference between titty monster and monstrous titties. Your pic? That's monstrous titties. And not the good kind of monstrous either, I'm talking Mao monstrous.

You're mistaking me for someone else, because I've never posted anything of the kind before.
Your reply shows two things:

1. Other people think the same as I do, which is comforting.
2. You're dangerously paranoid and likely schizophrenic. I suggest you get some help, if you can.

Why do you guys even like gaz? None of the fan art or porn resembles her outside of the color scheme and hair.

God damn she has to make sure she doesn't walk into any thorns.

>Shortstacks are bad

I like Gaz and I come into these threads to complain. There's a lot of good Gaz fanart though. Some of it has been posted.