/mhg/ coming to PS4 & XBOX

will the marvel heroes general come back to Sup Forums
release later this year and a closed beta coming

Don't forget that they removed every Fantastic Four related character, a quarter of the X-Men, Nick Fury, Taskmaster, Ultron, Venom, Green Golbin, Black Cat, Vision and Winter Solider.

I hate how movie shit takes over the comics. Why does Starlord have to be a retard that listens to pop music instead of the badass he was in annihilation?

i stoped playing in pc because they removed the free prestige costumes and nerfed movility

I stopped playing in pc because my PC was trash, and Destiny.

> the badass he was in annihilation
he was the kind of characther who belive the end justify the means and that kind of characthers are a bad example to kids acording to nu-marvel

So as someone who's never played because his PC is shit, but might play now that it's on PS4 I would like to know, is this like the Online DC mmo?

no is like diablo you have maps and daily mission and you can go into raids with another players

No, it's like free to play Ultimate Alliance

Ultimate Alliance had so mutch story and maps

The best thing about this game is the voice work.

You can get the Conquest/GOTGv2 costumes you dipshit.

I bet you've never even read Annihilation.

Wait, they removed Venom? Source?

>costume is the same thing as personality

kys you dumb casual

Sick graphics. Can't wait to play this on my PS2.

>play for free on Play Station

Wait is this going to be more pay2win/recruit more characters bullshit, just on a console this time?

What happened to MVC4?

>recruit more characters bullshit
yes also you need to buy costumes and stash for keep the iteams you found in the game

Nope, I played Avengers Alliance, Future Fight and Contest of Champions.
I've managed to resist Avengers Academy all this time

Not this time

its a good idea the game isnt realy worth it to be honest the only fun i had was during raids and theres only 2 of them

I get removing the FF, but why remove everyone else?

So that they can add them in later for events?

I'm in.

That trailer made me cringe

The game is already Free to Play anyway.

Why would they change that?
The drip drip drip of buying costumes and other in game shit for real money is much more lucrative anyway.

>and stash
ah fuck forgot about that I don't mind losing all my progress but having to buy stash again is mmm

>free to play Diablo clone

I was wondering how this game managed to keep X-Men and FF characters in but apparently this update removes them?
How can they even do that?

seriously same

Why do Fantastic 4 get the shaft yet X-men don't?

Good Goyim rebuy all the heroes you had on the pc. Help support our buggy game!

Did they ever update the story past the Skrulls?

>X-men get to stay
>Doom gets to stay
>the Fantastic Four get removed

This is a port of the PC version. It's essentially a "new" game. And anyways, the X-men clearly aren't getting removed since Wolverine is there and the announcement mentions Doom being in it (which he would have to be since he's critical to the story mode).

Reed, Johnny, Sue and Ben got removed though because fuck the First Family and heart of the marvel universe, amirite?

Marvel made a deal with Fox to work together on the X-men shows, so now Marvel has a stake in the X-men's success.

The F4, not so much. So while Fox is busy giving them the finger, Marvel also continues to give them the finger. It doesn't help that modern """""fans""""" have been conditioned to think that the F4 are "boring" and don't matter so there isn't the clamoring and demand that there would be if they left out the X-men or Deadpool.

fuck, no reason to play then

>Marvel Heroes on Sup Forums
Surprised mods haven't moved the thread or acted like shitters yet.

it looks like late PS2

The BUE was a mistake. It completely broke whatever semblance of balance the devs had built up over the past few years. Like a character? Well fuck you because they have a 50/50 chance of being in the garbage tier. Devs spent time on reworking certain characters and others just got thrown into a reworked system with no real rework. Movement builds? Trashed. Complex rewarding endgame progression? Fuck you, get dumbed down infinity system. PvP? Still in beta, 5 years later.

Basically, they took everything that sucked about D3 and made Marvel Heroes that so they could port it to consoles.

>giving a shit about personality
>in some shitty Diablo ripoff game

No user, you are the casual.

so its not going to be up to date with the pc version at all?

Fuck you guys I'm excited to play this on PS4 with my friends.

I main captain America :)


get out

No. NO. YOU GET OUT. I am a strong...powerful person inside. And I will not give in to you...you...trolls! I will overcome.

starlord cringy as always

that guitar rif makes it sound so cheap