What did she want from him?

What did she want from him?

.....babies? Like. A lot of them.


a sperm dispenser

She wanted him to stuff her panini.

How did she even get Chowder to marry her and fuck her enough for 50 babies?

It can't be Goku logic because Chowder is smart enough to know enough about romance to deny it completely.

Is that what Endive meant?

So was he a cat or a bear?

Bear Bunny Cat.

She drugged him, raped him, and then when she ended up pregnant, he was guilted by his family and friends into a shotgun wedding.

Chowder truly got the worst ending compared to Schnitzel.

In the end she got what she wanted.

This episode was pretty greasy.

Only true American negroes can get this reference.

>music gets quieter


Would she have birthed an army to fight THE SAMURAI?

His chowder




I can't believe they still gotta away with this.

She's a girl, he's a boy and it's a cartoon aimed for children.
You can guess what she wants from him


A law suit and a sexual assault statement.

How thicc do you think she is under that dress



How would Schnitzel handle Jack in a fight?

I don't get it.

ANyone care to explain?

Panini and Chowder are the same species, and Chowder is the only other male of their species. Or at the very least the only one around that's of Panini's age. She's just naturally attracted to Chowder. And who knows, maybe him being a fat greasy slob is natural for their species and he's a prime male specimin?

>She's a girl, he's a boy
Could you make it any more obvious?'1

Rada, rada rada rada. Rada, RADA rada.

>You know, it's kind of romantic. Me and you, being here behind the dumpster.

I see, go on.

What's a thing that could possibly happen to you in a dark alley that begins with "R"?

>true American
you mean sweden


Heh heh, Rada rada rada. Rada, rada rada rada, rada Rada rada rada.



Thanks user.

But what about the sword?

RADA! Rada...rada rada, Rada. Rada rada rada rada, rada rad, rad ra-rada-ra.

The kids a whore for food not that hard user.

Do you think she shoved thrice cream in her cooch to make Chowder eat her out?


rotten trash

Chowder mega where?

I STILL don't get how they got away with this
What else could POSSIBLY start with an "R" in this situation that could get them past censors in case they needed to "explain" or some bullshit

user please. You know for a fact that she has.

The cute ones are always crazy.

Some Clam Chowder.

Rapscallion, Rogue, or Robber you sick fuck.

I am sick
Thank you for putting my mind at ease, finally

Mother of Gazpacho. .

>a loli cat-bear-rabbit thing will never be smitten with you

What did she see in him? Was the dick really THAT good?

She's a fucking rabbit
she'll take what she can get

But she likes everything about him.

I always thought her fixation of having dozens of babies was weird.

Did girls even remotely think like that? I knew I was autistic like chowder when it came to girls till I was like 11.

How do you take care of Aku then?

Depends on how aware and thirsty they are.


She wanted a bowl of his fresh chowder

Little girls often want big families since they want to play house. Plus she was a rabbit and breeding like crazy is what rabbits do.


I would like one too.


RADA RADA...!? Rada rada rada rada.....Rada rada rada.

It's rape you fucking imbeciles, read the fucking thread

>Tumblr assuredly, as always, jumps to the conclusion it was R for Rapist and not Robber

go get offended else where

I'm ashamed to have laughed at this

Aye? An' 'ow dae ye reckon that one oot?

Finally a chance to post this

>when you fapped to the goat kid only to find out later it was a he and not a she

kill me


...wait what

oh no

100% Male

yandere girls always get me rock solid

Rada, rada rada rada. Rada rada rada, rada rada rada raa.....RADA RADA RADA RADA RAAA

>not P
One job, etc.

200% Gay

>200% Gay

Actually, he had a crush on Panini.

So not gay.

70% gay

700% Fabulous



She wanted the Chowder-chode.

I have a feeling that Ceviche was originally a girl but the writers felt like they needed to make him explicitly a boy after his first appearance was an awkward joke where he confessed his love to Panini apropos of nothing, which could be construed as a lesbian joke.

What kind of boy has pink hair and wears a leotard?

No you sick fuck. It's obviously Rada Rada Rada!

I fkn wheezed thank you stranger.

He's a dancer so he has to make himself look fabulous.

eu sou

Son, you're a faggot and this won't be the last time I tell you too. Why couldn't you be like your brother? He's captian of the football team!




Anyone notice she look almost exactly like the sister from Gumball?

They're both technically pink cabbits.

Robber, duh

Sup Forumsfag stay.