What would you have done if you were Bobby?

What would you have done if you were Bobby?

>gives up being the reincarnated god of billions of asians for his gf
>they break up a few episodes later

Run away with my pet

No superpowers, no regrets.

>eternal anglo problems

Let's be honest, Bobby wouldn't have liked that life

>pretend you're the new reincarnation of whoever
>say that followers need to have sex with you

Could anyone stop you?

They aren't 'allowed' to but you'd soon die after drinking your afternoon tea if you pissed on thousands of years of tradition.

>Khans are from Laos, which is Theravada Buddhist country
>Entire episode is based around Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism

This entire episode was like watching Calvinists suddenly celebrating Orthodox Easter

Sure you can't get that stick a few more inches upwards?

I'm not that guy but he makes a good point. Lamas are really only a thing in Tibet.

KOTH's writers prided themselves on the accuracy with which they portrayed suburban Texas life, and they chose to have Laotian main characters, so they opened themselves up for criticism on things like this. They could have at least acknowledged this discrepancy - maybe Kahn and Minh are Theravada Buddhists but they pretend to be Vajrayana to impress the monks and increase their social standing. That would be dumb but at least it would be in character for them.

>No superpowers, no regrets.
All it took was a blow to the back to get them all again.

It was the exact same thing as those shitty cliche amnesia cartoon/sitcom episodes.

they DID clearly do a LOT of research though, and treated the whole thing with a lot of respect
i'm sure at some point someone was like "uh that's tibet, not vietnam" "you mean laos" "right, laos. not vietnam. i mean, tibet, not.. you know what i mean" "but we already wrote it and it's great" "yeah nobody will notice"

khan and minh are clearly lipstick buddhists anyway, they give zero fucks

er, he had to briefly let katara die in order to get them in the first place. at least, mentally. he had to break himself of her in a few seconds, in order to save anyone. that's the lesson we're supposed to learn here.. that you have to have love for all people, and you can't ever let love for one person cloud it

>Fred Flintstone enters the Avatar state

>khan and minh are clearly lipstick buddhists anyway, they give zero fucks

Which is kinda sad. Connie seems to take her beliefs seriously.

told them all to piss off and not taken the test at all

That's basically what he did, but through a symbolic gesture which strengthened his bond with Connie.

quiet child, adults are speaking

and also probably proved he was indeed the reincarnation.

So are you Chinese, or Japanese?

Asked him politely, but sternly, to leave

Khan was an asshole and never went to the services because there was nobody to network with


>Aang must detach himself from his earthly love of Katara in order to enter the Avatar state at will
>Roku could enter the Avatar state at will and still managed to have a happy marriage

Not all spiritual issues are the same. Besides Aang was looking for a "shortcut"

As the reincarnation of a Lama, he was always destined to not be married.

Khan and Mihn are ladder climbers. Remember; they though it was hokum until they realized that they could get some benefit out of the monks looking favouribly on them.

Hell, Khan's not even surprised when Ted Wassanasong tells him that he's now Presbyterian purely because it's good business. Anytime Khan DOES profess his Buddhism outside of this episode, it's very non-denominational; like any Christian talking about someone clearly be an asshole as someone going to hell.

It did, because a Lama would sacrifice great status to ensure someone else's happiness.


Exactly what he did, considering I'd be him.


Didn't him choosing to give up that path prove he was the reincarnated Asian god in the first place?

Why don't Calvinists celebrate Easter?

No joke, I actually had a friend who ended up being one of hear reincarnated lamas or whatever.
No idea where in the world he is now but he's been given "demon made swords" n' shit from Germany to brazil.

They straight up flew a motherfucker from TIBET to confirm him. Apparently, he passed.

Don't stop there, give us the bits

Tell us more

Not fucking break up with Connie down the road I tell ya hwat.

*snatch Sangluck's purse*
*click lamah in testicles*
"Come on, Khanie, let's go makeout with tongues."
*ride off into the sunset to become a fruit pie salesman*


that's some real Anthem shit right there