She's not wrong

She's not wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

No corporation is going to blame itself, corporations behave like sociopaths, it's such common knowledge that it's a platitude.

Didn't she say that she liked the whole mockingbird garbage and now she says this! Kek

That just means she likes the writer's work, not the company that writer's work was made for.

the hell is happening in this picture

Of course she's not wrong, they're just going to blame the fans, like usual.

>Disney seeding new thoughts in innocent minds

The image can mean anything you want it to mean.

>Sup Forums
>being able to tell the difference between creators and the faceless corporations that employ them
I thought you would know better, Satan.

blame for what

Their daddies told them not to be ashamed of their dicks.


DC took full responsibility for the New 52 and DCYou though.

Same applies to DC, but to be fair a lot of companies think this way.

Especially when they are such good size.

Is Gail Simone a crazy cat lady? Because she seems like she is

She was married long before she became a comics writer.

Ssshhh user. We don't speak about things that are out of the ordinary here. Step back on the line and hate.

You can say that about all companies, to be honest.

But Marvel is acting far worse than any of the competition by far.

Which is sad because those were actually good while Rebirth is crap. But hey, corporations will say anything if it results in a buck. I assure you that if rebirth was the same quality but sold much less, they would have changed their tune.

True, if it weren't for Nu52 we wouldn't have great stuff like NuBo and "JUST cut my face off" Joker.

DC had problems and they basically turned things around with Rebirth. Marvel doesn't have to take the blame, just don't blame others and fix it.

Yeah but those were always seen as failures. On the other hand Rebirth is celebrating Lobdell and Humphries as their best writers.

The only cat she needs is Catman.

>But Marvel is acting far worse than any of the competition by far.
Not really. Or at least, not especially so. All companies behave like this, it only becomes noticeable and deemed a problem by outside forces or consumers when that lack of self reflection places them at odds with their desires.

I wonder if they noticed yet how bendis has been poisoning sales on everything he touches.

Or maybe the "diversity" department is above most everyone at Marvel?

It isn't.

It is just recognizing that these two are writing very enjoyable books.

Briand Reed is a writer far worse and even he was praised when wrote something enjoyable at Marvel.

>"diversity" department
Sana Amanat, andshe has an inordinate amount of power, yes.

Ever the contrarian.

I feel like Gail Simone is one of the writers Sup Forums dislikes, but I really enjoy her. Not so much her writing outside of Secret Six and a few other small things, but she just seems like a good person to have around.

Or she pushes the blame on the corporation that gave a chance to her hack writer bestie, but didn't keep her poorly series afloat.

The faster you realize everybody cares only about their circle of friends, the better.

By blaming Watchman for it....

They blame him because he can take it.

Yeah but fuck this fat faggot.

I don't care that "dude she's written some phenomenal runs". Wish she'd off her self already.

And by that I mean get off of social media.

With taste like this I'm sure you think the Ghost Rider movies were better than what we have now.

Gail blames the food companies instead of her and the fork

But a shit load of people are celebrating Tomasi's Superman as the second coming of Watchmen. If Tomasi is seen as a great writer, Rebirth is in a bad state.

Sup Forums used to like her, but nu/co/ and reddit/tumblr invasion changed that.

She's constantly bitching about inclusiveness and diversity. And won't write a story without a gay character.

How is she good to have around other than for a quick boost of "authenticity" for female writers? "Go read this shitty book, Gail says the writer is a NASTY GAL YASSS"

Superman being a father is a breath of fresh air for the character, which is what people enjoy about his run. It succeeds in giving Superman new life.

Is it really mind-blowing? No, but it works and is both fun and comfy.

I really don't know why people are so opposed to it. It's been a perfect comfy book with some decent spurts of action.

I really don't know why it gets so much actual hate.

Though I say this as someone who legitimately hates Scott Snyder and his work because normies say its "the best batman run ever."

I don't think anyone is suggesting that Superman is on par with Watchmen. In fact, it's the anti-Watchmen, and it's what has been lacking in comics; A family that legitimately loves each other. It's not "the best" written comic at DC even. But it's not trying to value signal "FUCK YOU DAD!!!!" which is what a huge portion of the market is wrapped up in right now.

comfy. Yes.

I think this is actually a point I haven't considered, myself.

Superman may be the only unambiguously "good" white guy in comics at the moment. He just runs a farm, has a beautiful family, and does some Super shit. How can people say it's "bad" or "terrible"?

Gail's non-Secret Six work changed that.

>white guy
He's an alien, though.

Black people would say he "passes" as white.

He's a white Kryptonian whose sex is male. There are also black Kryptonians.

No, she's just a weird fetishist who got a job.

>Why is Superman getting praised?
ignore the title and any preconceptions you may have about the speaker and just listen to this for 3 minutes. That's all I ask. 180 seconds.

Because it's like with clowns.
Clowns used to be this high art thing performance thing. Then it got commercialized into a kid friendly joke. Then a bunch of idiots tried to mature it up again so we got stuff like Pennywise or a bunch of sad clowns. Now ironic clowns are the new normal, and the first two are incredibly rare. Then we have a bunch of idiots dressing up as ironic monster clowns to scare people.

Superman's book is a return to form. He's the cirue do soliel of comic books.

>Living in a rural area
>Having a normal happy family

To some folks, these are terrible sins.

Domino's publicly admitted that their pizza tasted like shit, and worked to improve the quality.

If I had to go back in time and stop Moore from writing Watchmen I think I would. Not because the work itself is bad, but because its legacy of ignorant copycats has utterly screwed up the genre/medium in such a way that I'm not sure it'll ever truly recover.

Now every barely competent vaginal belch thinks "What if I made this nice guy a turbocunt!" is the highest form of art they can aspire to, with none of the subtlety or nuance.

Tomasi wrote great runs like "Batman and Robin" and "Green Lantern Corps". He is WAY better than some writers praised here, like Zdarsky or Hopeless.

Again, if the comic is good, why shouldn't people like it?

If Moore wasn't there, someone else would take his place, like Frank Miller.

That's completely wrong. Clowns were not high art, they were another form of theater. We perceive theater to be a form of high art these days due to its cost and rarity, but until the 30s the theater was really all their was in visual mass entertainment for most people.

As for Pennywise and sad clowns, they're long-standing clown archetypes going all the way back to the cultural and psychological/sociological underpinnings of the very concept of clowning.

>Fraction wrote a bad X-Men, a divisive Thor and a terrible event (Fear Itself)
>His Hawkeye, Iron Fist and Iron Man can be considered good despite that

>Tomasi wrote Green Lantern Corps and Batman and Robin, both considered great.
>His very good Superman can't be considered good because of... something.

Some people really deserve Bendis.

I'll just leave this here.



New 52 and DC You had higher highs and deeper lows. But for me the bad outweighed the good.

With Rebirth most of the line is average/decent with a couple of titles I really enjoy and nothing I hate.

>sshhh user, we don't do [thing I think we should do]

No one has once said that it's quality is anywhere near Watchmen, just that it's one of the most enjoyable right now.

I've heard Wondys is great, haven't read it myself though.

Not liking Tomasi superman. Let me guess you want super bro back or you prefer him with Wonder Woman.

they "admitted" it in the sense that they pumped a ton of money into ads cheekily saying "yeah, our pizza used to suck, but we fixed it, come try us (again)"

My favorite thing about this is that Sodam here looks like Kyle and didn't actually do shit other than get his ass beat.

Don't worry, user. In few years, DC will call Rebirth a mistake too.

>all those Earths were a mistake
>Crisis was a mistake
>Zero Hour was a mistake
>Hypertime was a mistake
>Final Crisis was a mistake
And it goes on and on and on.

Admitting that you're wrong makes you look weak, and that's something a patriarchic company like marvel would never do.

God, the captions in this video are the smuggest shit possible.

I don't understand how "patriarchic" comes into play.

They are being blinded by the comfy moments. I like superdad, but his book doesn't deserve all praise it's getting.

based Ralph Steadman

If anything, the market is flooded with comfy and "fun" comics. Anybody who tries to go the opposite is labeled as edgy and 90s.

who cares? Lots of people said the same in the older threads.

This is the state of modern day Cape comics. No wonder Johns, Bendis and Tomasi are seen as good writers.

Morrison pls

Indiefag pls

That's dumb, why do you hate freedom of speech that much? You sound like a fucking fascist there.

Your mom's a fascist.

DCYou wasn't even all that bad, they just marketed it poorly compared to the New 53, Convergence, and Rebirth.

/Still mad about Prez.

Rebirth is good and it's blowing Marvel out of the water though

And both were a trillion times better than Marvel right now

Nick Spencer debunked the marketing meme.
There's no market for progressive propaganda, as Marvel keeps finding out, so Prez wasn't going to be a success no matter what.

...why does the snake have a wig?

Alan Moore worships Glycon.

Fuck the video. We should read the comic. I actually haven't read superman since they went fuck the police/gentrification a year or three ago.

Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that political stance, but the comic was boring and predictable.

It's a pretty different take on Wonder Woman's origin and such lol what's new but it's pretty solid throughout. Just the fact that it was the same writer who had an overarching plan for the entire run is nice.

Which is a shame, Prez was pretty funny.

DC's giving you Prez but with Flintstones and Prez but with Snagglepuss so it's not like it truly went away.

Yeah, it's scratching the same itch but would have liked Prez to finish.

Doesn't mean we should stop giving them shit for it.

My friend says the reason people keep redoing Wondy's origin is that it never FINISHES. She never sets up a base in her Gotham or Metropolis to really start her day to day activities which is why it's so unbalanced; she had the army in the golden age but they ditched that and replaced it with nothing.

But she did have one, it was the Diana Prince identity in Washington DC. The Crisis/Perez removed all that.
I've always wanted to spoon feed.

Oh wait you said that just in a different way, army was just too vague for me.