Have we or have we not become Tumblr?

Have we or have we not become Tumblr?

It's not even possible to dispute. The question remains is it is likely this place can redeem itself.

No, we were just too welcoming of them during the raid and they never left.

mods please delete this fucking thread

There's one big difference between here and Tumblr.

Namely that they at least have some competent drawfags.

>of them

we're just too welcoming of -everybody-, it's why we get so many crossboarders who don't bother to try to fit in at all.

The Sup Forums is love meme killed us.

>Shut it down!

So we're not allowed to ask a simple question about something that keeps getting posted here?

Wew lad, am I ever glad YOU'RE not a mod...

>The Sup Forums is love meme killed us.

This, the other boards had it right with elitism. Sure it's autistic and dickish to do, but it's a lot better than the shit we have now.

Everyboard is allowed to have at least one meta thread.

>asking for censorship
Hi Tumblr.

So it's true what they say of Sup Forumsmblr. This place is a cesspool of liberalism.
Sorry you LOST THE ELECTION jewmuslim gayniggerkikes!

Wow, a yet another bait thread, can't wait to see it have a sensible discussion and not get pruned by the mods.

Why do you care? I come here to discuss about comics and cartoons, you guys are not my fucking family, ethnicity or political party

This "We wuz part of the community" bullshit is worse than fandom

Since 2008

>Why do you care? I come here to discuss about comics and cartoons, you guys are not my fucking family, ethnicity or political party
This. Plus, Sup Forums will never be anything but Sup Forums as long as posts are anonymous.

I'm not a liberal you fucking nigger

Don't be a faggot.

>muh Sup Forumsumblr
yeah great discussion guys, comics and cartoons amirite

Tumblr needs to go. They're just the inverse of Sup Forums and just shit up the quality of this board.

We need to find a way of making them fuck off.

Can you faggots actually tell what the hell Tumblr and Reddit means as an adjective? They're just social media sites.

Yes, that's what the Sup Forums part stands for.
Glad we sorted THAT out.

>Muh hurt feelings.

Post like a faggot get faggot responses.

"that thing I don't like, but I can't accuse of being Sup Forums".

Exactly. Social media. As opposed to whatever kind of anarco-capitalist shitfit Sup Forums is. No voting. No usernames. No caring about your "reputation"

THAT'S what tumblr/reddit means. "You're concerned more about APPEARING a certain way than just saying what you want to say."

No matter how bad you think it is, at least we don't have infinite scrolling, and our quotes make sense to follow.


Lefty Sup Forums. Values social progressive ideals over the work itself and thinks all forms of media should fall in line.


Le funny meme expert who love random comedy and quips.

tumblr is a good site for promoting artistic content, with a horrible community.

Reddit is a good site for general help/easy discussion on things, with a hug box/overly nice community.

that's why Sup Forums hates those websites, cause we're the "edgy" community.

What does this even really mean? Is it that Sup Forums is not as Sup Forums as the other boards? I never really see that much sjwy stuff going on here to be honest, people still say nigger and retard to eachother all the time. Is it that we're not posting nigger memes as much whenever there's a black character in something?
I mean we're not Sup Forums or Sup Forums or Sup Forums, but I don't think we're Tumblr either

Sup Forums doesn't value any specific ideals, other than hatred of obvious degeneracy of course.


Well, we constantly bitch about tumblr, constantly complain about cartoons and comics, hate certain shows if they appeal to an audience that isn't us, hate on characters or shows if they have episodes that feature characters hating on another character that serve as a self-insert, spend a lot of times posting about drama, shipping, and cheesecake/beefcake threads.

Yep. And Tumblr is that but with leftist ideals.

You mean because Sup Forums is the community where you can have REAL talk about REAL shit, whereas those sites are PC to the max (a few subreddits excluded, of course, though they censor too).

Absolutely. Sup Forumsmblr is as much as a safe space where wrongthink and bad opinions aren't allowed, and should you say something that triggers a mod you'll be removed with a reference to the handy "no trolling" rule which is defined as "anything I don't personally like", so you better make sure you only say party-approved things or it's the chopping block for you.

Inclusiveness is one of the most destructive flaws any community can have.

Except "leftist ideals" tend to be far more specific.

There's PLENTY of dickery on Sup Forums. Stop fooling yourself, user.

There's a thread about headcannon's, what do you think?


Sup Forums reachs new levels of weaponized autism every week, Sup Forums don't have a real thread since ages but waifu meme crap.

Being a stupid monkey throwing shit at newcomers just brings more monkeys to throw shit at each other, Sup Forums and /r9k/ are okay with this because most of them like the shitposting, while boards like Sup Forums, /k/ and /ck/ who don't give much of a fuck about throwing tantrum who enters their board have more content related threads, because they leave people with different tastes in different threads like they should. The main problem of Sup Forums is that if a cartoon or comic that a idiot don't like get 2 threads, he makes more 100 complain about it all week.

Isn't Tumblr in a state of decline?


Nah. Western Cartoons and comics are just a reflection of the times and we're in a weird PC/SJW era. The same thing happened with Sup Forums and the indie scene.

Tumblr, reddit and the lot happen to love certain shows, just like they happen to like certain video games. And just like Sup Forums will cut their own nose off to spite their face, Sup Forums will whine on and on about how the prevalence of certain shows and video games makes them tumblr and even cling to literal shit just so they don't have to admit they like certain things.

Why is social justice so big amongst Americans anyway?

Because of the guilt of oppressing and killing brown people?

I live in a tiny European country and almost everybody is hostile towards foreigners in one way or another.

>The same thing happened with Sup Forums and the indie scene.

This complain is so fucking stupid.

> hey user, if you like X thing why you don't make it, huh? stop telling others what put things into their games!
> people do exactly that
> why are you making games with X? REEE

Because it don't bring money, american economy is based on importation of media and services to overseas

>on importation of media and services to overseas

that's not what that word means.

I meant to say

>being hostile don't bring money*

Tumblr has been notoriously known as a social site that brings the highest of "Social Justice Warrior" activity, strangely over Facebook, the King of Social Activity. Everything feminist, hugboxery, and downright ideaocity that is of or overly in favor of anti societal views has been sourced back to Tumblr. Censorship being one of them, and lo and behold; is one example of their actions (even if that's a bait post)

And Sup Forums hates Reddit because they stole Sup Forums's original memes and shit from what I heard, it's been a thing to hate Reddit much longer than Tumblr was even a thing. That place is also bad for being bias "positive" hugboxing between the site group. Thank GOD this place has no "like" system. No site today that has them has NOT just become a cesspool of circlejecking hivemind.

e.g; Smashboards, YouTube, etc.

Not really.

> not wanting the board to be flooded with dumb shit is censorship

One of our prevailing attitudes that we boasted about was how inclusive we were. Just because you're so much if a faggot that you get called fag regularly doesn't change that

We've become a pushover board that lets everyone else fucking walk all over us. Instead of telling bait threads to fuck off we entertain them for 200 posts and get pissed off the moment someone throws around buzzwords like Sup Forumsmblr and Reddit.

And people wonder why Sup Forums and Sup Forums bleed into this board so much. Sup Forums deserves its own destruction

That's one of the problems. An issue with Sup Forums is that we progressively get shittier and shittier every year and produce less content. Part of that is because of how inclusive we were.

>shit I don't like.


This way of thinking is why we get dozens of threads about the exact same topic. Some things just need to fuck off.

>anonymous free-entry community
>having a curated identity/culture

pick one

Sup Forums is the middle ground.

To Tumblr, we are as bad as Sup Forums, to the rest of Sup Forums we might as well all be trans, gay, vegan, minorities.

Dude i posted that because it's annoying to see people constantly bitch about tumblr/reddit on Sup Forums, because low and behold...they do all the time! I wasn't trying to censor anyone and I personally loath the tumblr community for their hypocrisies.

>not wanting the board to be flooded with dumb shit is censorship
Exactly. That's quite literally what censorship is. The removal of information that is made public, only done so out of ideological views.

"I don't like this post, therefore DELET THIS REEEEEEEEE!" That's censorship. That's honestly the one thing about this site that has fallen into the "hugbox" trap, the enforced rules that the mods rather follow that's purely thought-police tier.

I mean, what's the point of a blue board and a red board? The site has been proclaimed to be an 18+ SITE. So how is NSFW posts on a 18+ site a bannable offense? It get it's own board, away from the rest of the site. That's containment, that's censorship.

>I mean, what's the point of a blue board and a red board

Are you really this dumb? By that logic, we should all be one giant board called Sup Forums. Boards are split so one doesn't overtake another.

Likewise, we don't need half the board being threads about autists complaining about an april fool's joke or whatever a marvel person said on twitter because lo and behold, they always end up turning into shitfests unrelated to the board.

It's this kind of absolutism that has muddy the definition of censorship to the point of encompassing disenting speech.

Saying "delete this" is no more censorship than saying I disagree, especially since you fundamentally need to express yourself to even GET the comment.

Censorship has been reduced to anti pc crowds' version of bigot. It doesn't mean anything anymore.

>not realizing I'm responsible for much of said dickery myself

>Frog poster.

Off to Reddit with you.

You're kidding... right?

>defending Mamoa, Erza casting
>Defending black valk
>Yasss queen
>Liking Kamala

It is what it is

Nope. Like everything here, once it gets popular it become more of a Reddit thing.

>we should all be one giant board called Sup Forums
Ultimately, it should be. As much as I detest places like Smashboards but that place had one thing that other forum sites have, universal rules. What's bannable in this thread, is bannable EVERYWHERE else. Because there's not really a "board" like Sup Forums, but a collection of threads that anyone would like to have a discussion about and that's it.

Honestly the "overtaking" aspect of this place could be that havingtoo much activity in one location of the site, reasonable. But that wouldn't be too much of a issue with better organization practices done for the site in general to maintain that. Really, the board system IS a form of organiztion, but the problem comes from non universal rules again being NSFW posts on a certain part of Sup Forums for a site that is 18+ to begin with. Are you saying the shit that gets posted on /aco/ isn't acceptable for both discussion and image posts for Sup Forums, especially when HALF of the posts on Sup Forums are waifu threads and lewd drawings anyways?

Have you been to Sup Forums recently, user? Or /r9k/?
Both still filled with frogposts.
OTOH I literally don't remember the last time I saw Pepe on Reddit, though it varies by subreddit ofc.

>Implying Sup Forums hasn't become infested by Reddit.

AFAIK, the difference is that Sup Forums doesn't allow EXPLICIT drawings, while /aco/ does. It's obviously not a hard-and-fast rule, but the mods do a pretty decent job of it from what I've seen (deleted posts).

Sup Forums was created explicitly as a containment board for an invasion of stormfags, but now it's readily accepted as part of 4chen, yet people want to turn around and bitch that Sup Forums or whatever pet board of theirs isn't the same after X years.

Shit changes, get used to it.

Yes, KHV autists on Sup Forums and KHV autists on Reddit tend to be many of the same people. Still doesn't change the fact that Pepe is Sup Forums's baby through-and-through, and everyone knows that.

>I'd rather talk about website politics than cartoons and comics.

You mean why Sup Forums and Sup Forums loathe those websites, m8.

Most of the other boards usually don't mind, ignore, or might post some stuff from reddit for something, but those two boards have so MUCH autism they really go stupidly upset over "muh board culture".

>Sup Forums was created explicitly as a containment board for an invasion of stormfags

Not it wasn't. It was made because /news/ became too right wing.

The difference?

They were always there. It wasn't an invasion.

I hate these stereotypes. They're superficially true, but anyone who has spent a moderate amount of time exploring the site(s) would realize there's more to them than SJWUPVOTES

It's like when people characterize Sup Forums as being "that place where people call each other niggers and fags and post gore" after taking a 5 minute glance at Sup Forums

Sure, it's superficially true, but it's missing the entire fucking point in its oversimplification.

>full of artists making OC
>full of pornography
>many, many pornography artists
You can choose which tags you track and which artists you follow. There's no reason for you to see much, if any, SJW garbage unless you specifically search for it.

>actually has a usable search function
>easy to maintain conversation over long periods of time (via PMs, threads that don't expire until > 4 months)
>wide range of niche forums
>most subs have useful FAQs/guides
Again, since you can sub/unsub to whatever niche communities you want, it's trivial to tailor the content you're exposed to.

Really, if there's any valid complaint, it would be over the structure of these sites. Things like how impossible it is to search tumblr for specific images or posts, follow artists who change their blog names, how reddit's karma system disproportionately rewards early comments over later ones, how Sup Forums rewards inflammatory bait posts by providing (You)s

>Have we or have we not become Tumblr?
We don't post nearly enough porn or cheesecake, and there aren't any "famous" posters here that people follow, so no.

The SJW vs REDPILL discussions are fucking annoying though. It's always the same shit.

Good for promoting not good for actually hosting the art though.
Really it's more a case of being the biggest game in town. It's awkward to search for stuff, apparently tons of size limitations, the only positive is there's tons of nonartists and it's easily shared.

Because off-topic conversation and assholery derails boards and creates toxic environments were discussion doesn't exist. As well as pornography.

We also have absolutely shit-tier moderation

But on the bright side I can post all the off topic threads I want if I mildly pretend to be on topic.

>steven universe
>MLP 2.0
>tumblrina garbage
>autistic kid and retarded lesbian rocks
>is popular show on Sup Forums
>many threads about that garbage
YES! SU should be blacklisted!