ACTION COMICS #977 Preview








>book labeled "Siegel and Shuster"

What happened to Metallo in new52?

He became a better man and sacrificed himself/.

>Dat supes

thats muh superman

Perry is now Jons Godfather? neet. Also is that Cat Grant in the background?

So how old is Superman and Lois now?

Superdad and Mumlois were just about 40-45 I think. They were mid/early thirties when they arrived in the new52 verse, when jon was a few days old. Now Jon is 10, making them ~40.

But post merge with new52 Supes and Lois, I think they are around 30-35?

>Superman moves to Metropolis after finishing collage, around about age 22.
>Meets Lois, also around that age, whirlwind romance and she gets knocked up with Jon.
>Around this point, Darkseid invades and the Justice League forms.
>Things progress, taking key moments from both New52 Superman and Post crisis.

And the restaurant called "The Swan" after Curt Swan.

You beat me too it user

Is that story worth reading? Most of new52 Supes run were pure garbage.

Given that as of Rebirth we know 10 years had been 'stolen', and New52 had Superheroes emerge in 2007, and then Rebirth in 2017, so Superman has been around for 20 years and had Jon halfway through.

Metalla wasn't in new 52 Supes, he was in Paktion Comics.Which is the 2nd best new 52 run after morrison comics.

Wew, thank you, gonna read this one then.

>Perry is Jon's Godfather
Pic so related.

Moving to the city. Dang Jon gonna have to leave his girl. Unless she does turn out to be Miss Martian or similar.

>He became a better man and sacrificed himself/.
Well Fuck that noise and backpedal him to be a villain!

>Also is that Cat Grant in the background

nah, I was actually wondering, "where is Cat?" while doing these, and other action/superman.

however, found the answer in Supergirl. Catco media. Cat is not there, because Cat founded Catco like in the tv show.

Hey God son! Do you like Sports?

It was Superman: Reborn, Cotton

Guy is a sentient dumpster fire. Guy can't do anything right.

I like his hair.

Man, Zircher really got great. I wish my studies could improve like he did.

(I know this issue isn't him)

Is that supposed to whatsisface from Truth or somebody else

Cyborg superman and bryne metallo.

I give it until the new team takes over Supergirl.

>Bob Harras Editing Made Easy

Action comics is pretty much great for like 80% of it. 1 - 18 are Morrison and then 25 - 50 are Pak and Kuder. There's too many crossovers, but it's the best instance of Superbro period.

I get that they wanna set up this new Superman, but they keep pretending the New 52 versions never happened. It was less than a year ago that we saw Metallo give his Kryptonite heart to help Superman stop Savage. I guess none of that matters in the new timeline. We just reset back to the most famous iterations, cept Lex.

The math doesn't add up no matter how you crunch it. Plus it's weird that Batman's still acting like he learned of Jon months ago, when in reality Superman probably would have mentioned having a kid shortly after he was born.

This is a great variant.

>shitty metropolis status quo again

bravo jurgens and tomasi, way to go to fuck off everything.

>Superman starts losing his memory
>he doesn't immediately write down everything he knows