H-hey guys... We're doing what DC did... Please buy our comics... Please

>H-hey guys... We're doing what DC did... Please buy our comics... Please...

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Guggie DID come to them from DC, its TV division at least.

>DC invented the "oh shit nobody likes any of our new comics better revert back to the status quo of 10 years ago to make everybody happy" trick
This has been happening since the 80s.

>Marc Guggenheim


>if you've torrented it, you should feel appropriately terrible
Well, I saw a non-torrent link to the book in this board, but since I wasn't interested in it I ignored it. Am I doing it right, Gugg?

>we want the rebirth audience without any of the rebirth talent
>that apex cringe quirky text
Just stop making comics

>If you torrented this you should feel appropriately terrible

>Trying to shame the reader I to buying there garbage

>Guggenheim manipulates a TV channel and transforms it into the DC Comics channel.
>Previously obscure characters like Eobard Thawne and Leonard Snart are now fan-favorites because of him.
>Goes to Marvel to destroy the X-Men once for all.

Pretty sure he and Didio planned this years ago.

He's evil.

Guggenheim is more talentless than Bendis.

>Email us with title suggestions.

Sup Forums, you know what you must do.

How was X-Men Gold?

Bendis is talented enough when he's just working on one title at a time he's just overstretched.
And it's his own fucking fault for doing that because he knows this.

They're actually kind of addressing the fact that moving the mansion to Central Park is a stupid fucking idea, but overall it was just meh

>no more shit guys, we're giving you back what was good about the book,so giveita chance
I don'tsee a problem here, aside from the lack of "we fucked up", but marvel desn'tdo those anyways.

>moving the mansion to Central Park
Wait, what?

Did the same thing with Loeb. I bet Didio gave his son cancer and set him loose on Marvel.

>back to basics but new stories
>double shipping monthly

Make Mine Rebirth!


>>Bring X-Men back to basic
>>Use none of the characters of interest

>torrenting comics
Does he not know what torrents are used for or what is he trying to do?

Anyone got a link to the email?

[email protected]

Have at it, Sup Forums.

>"If you torrented it you should feel appropriately terrible"
So... not at all?

Back before all the good sites were killed and after /rs/ died torrenting was my go-to for comics more than two weeks old. And that's not even accounting for private trackers dedicated specifically to comics.

So they want to take back the good old days of X-Men? Well, compared to doing nothing & constantly shitting on their entire race so they could push the Inhumans because "UGH RIGHTS!" that sounds like a good idea...let's just see who it was making X-Men so good back when when everyone was crazy abou- oh, it's ALL CLAREMONT. Should be easy, all we have to do is just make a New Chris Claremont.

How will Nick Spencer defend this?

(How does a grown man talk this way? Like, ugh!)

We didn't even get ANAD X-Men. It was the shit original 5 and and team full of the Not New Not Different.
And now it's even worse, it's full Rebirth.
Same shit teams, only they got rid of the only redeeming characters like Magik or Genesis.

They pulled an "inhumans" and dumped the school in the middle of central park, just like the Royals have done with their space city in the bay

Reads almost like Gearbox writers. Not that bad but the flavor is there.

keep it subtle though. You want something they actually might pick.

>back to the basics

Remember the Heroic Age is now 7 years old and lasted maybe a few months before Fear Itself fucked everything over

Yeah, it's sitting in the middle of Central Park so the issue ended with New York City billing Xavier's School for 33 billion or something like that.

I expect the X-Men will begin counter-billing New York for what will amount to protection money.

lol. good one.
I'm sad to say I just read Sup Forums storytimes and bother to download from the win-o-thread if a particular issue was really good. Which means I haven't downloaded anything in a very long time.

>X-cruciating to Read

>grown man
>reads comics

>Bring X-Men back to basic
>Use little interesting characters
>Young Jean and the other 4 still around

>How To Be Friends With Your X: Fearing for their property values, local housing authorities try to get the X-Men evicted.

>X-cuse Me While I Whip This Out: Due to a voting machine malfunction, Logan is elected Sheriff of NYC.

>X Gonna Give It Ya: After the Kingpin steals Christmas, it's up to Nightcrawler to deliver toys to every boy and girl in NYC. Guest-starring Forge.

>No Real Life X-amples, Please: Protesters target Storm, accusing her of facilitating repression of the White Gorilla Cult during her tenure as queen of Wakanda.

>X-Cutioner's Song 2: Rachel Summers and Dazzler team up to save a karaoke bar.

>X-Soviet Blues: Colossus attempts speed dating.

>My Super X-Girlfriend: Kitty finds an amnesiac Karma wandering the streets, who still believes the book is being written by Claremont.

>DC invented the "oh shit nobody likes any of our new comics better revert back to the status quo of 10 years ago to make everybody happy" trick
Well, yeah, they did.

He really shouldn't mention pirating comics. A lot of Normies don't even know that's an option. I remember when Blackest Night got leaked and everyone at my LCS was like "what? You can pirate comics?"

The X-Men are gonna do what all immigrants/ refugees do and become organized crime instead of fighting it?

>DC sends 2 sleeper agents to destroy marvel


If we all send him the same suggestion then they have to pick it. The question is which meme will we use?

>Due to a voting machine malfunction, Logan is elected Sheriff of NYC.
I would love the hell out of this. Logan would make either horribly bad or a good sheriff.

write better, new, original comics

the first miss marvel run were the first marvel comics i bought new since the death of ultimate spiderman

so... is it readable?

This was terrible. The idea was right, but the writing and art was terrible.

But user, they didn't introduce three Jokers.

>expecting people to pay actual real-life money for a Marc Guggenheim comic

>if you've torrented it, you should feel appropriately terrible

HAHAHAHAHA, trying to shame people into feeling terrible about not spending money on current year Marvel

>X-cuse Me While I Whip This Out: Due to a voting machine malfunction, Logan is elected Sheriff of NYC.

Hell yeah!

Just curious, what is "Back to Basics" for the X-Men, in your opinion? I started with the cartoon show and eventually into the comics, but to me the entire series is politics/warfare cranked up to 11, time travel, World Police, and mutants boning in Xavier's mansion. All of that feels like it's happening now, minus Chris Claremont's fetishism. I guess there will be more actual villain with villainous plots but is that it?

I'm sure it'll be terrible. Marvel doesn't realize that their shit writing was the reason the comics stopped selling, not the diversity.

>Retards thinking Marvel actually cares about their comics sales.

They can go years without selling a comic due to all the money their films have raked in.

Really? Syaf? Ugh.

Also: $8 a month is not worth, moron.

Fans: We want a Marvel Rebirth!

Marvel decides to do just that

Fans:Stop copying DC!

You can't have it both fucking ways.

I want to go back

I'm going to torrent all marvel comics, upload to zippy and not even read them for the next few months, just out of spite

Did you know the third JSA omnibus omits his (and Willingham's) run? It stops pretty much when Johns leaves the book.
That's how I see it too.

But that doesn't make any fucking sense. It's not a civil matter, it's a criminal one. I live in NYC and can't just go build a house in Central Park because it's public property.

The city should be arresting them. If they resist they'd call in the National Guard or the Army.


OP here. As you've probably seen, nothing Marvel is doing is going as far as what DC did to win back fans. At best, it's a completely half-assed attempt where they swear they're changing but not really. The retailer summit clusrerfuck more or less cements it, where they're telling the retailers what they want to hear but then completely walk back on those comments once the internet and their target audience of non-comic buyers gets wind of it.

we ask him about battletoads?

I buy omnis for older stuff and have Unlimited for more current shit. Piracy implies eagerness. There is nothing Marvel puts out that I can't wait 6 months to scroll past on unlimited without reading.



>Being a passive aggressive little bitch in the second sentence
I usually don't pirate comics but just to spite this guy I will.
All he had to do is say thanks for the support but, no he decide to a bitch and add a snarky remark.

Heroic Age was a bunch of pretty covers but thats it. It was the same Bendis buttfucking all over.

When demonoid was a thing I would just go download the 6 month xmen collection once every six months when someone put it together. Now its not even worth getting them individually. I just read what Sup Forums posts and even then only a bit cause its all shit now.

>I live in NYC and can't just go build a house in Central Park because it's public property.
Now, to be fair, if Marble Editorial can allow Bendy to plagiarize the tv series (NOT THE MOVIE, the fucking tv series!) Minority Report; then they can't very well stop Uncle Organic from ripping off The Beverly Hillbillies:

They might have 3 wolverines though.

He has written more comics for Marvel than DC. Other than scripting the death of Bart in Countdown, I'm grasping hard at anything else he has done. But I remember he did Wolverine, Young X-Men and Blade for Marvel.

>The idea was right, but the writing and art was terrible.
That's about 4/5 of the output from Disney Comics these days (and 99% of the Big Events).

Secret Invasion was a great opportunity to fix some of the cruft ... but, nope.

Secret Wars *could* have been Marble Rebirth ... but, nope.

Resurr(X)iOn and Generations? With the exact same Editorial and the exact same Creative Teams?? Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, Familia.

Yeah, it used to be pretty good for comics around 5-10 years ago. If I had knew how shitty it was going to get I would have spent more time downloading and hoarding some of the big chronology torrents.

>They might have 3 wolverines though.
Old Man Logan, X-23, and Gabby ( the clone of the clone/Laura's Mini-Me ) are already running around, user.

Generations is supposed to bring back Less Old Logan which will bump it up to 4 ( not counting Sabertooth who's been playing Logan's part in Magneto's X-Force after being Inverted during Sixis).

>a modern Marvel comic
I'd sooner use ReadComicOnline than waste any hard drive space on garbage.