WikiHow thread

WikiHow thread



>How to poop while standing on a toilet

>Stand on toilet

Truly groundbreaking.

Editors note: there is no (boys) edition of this particular wikihow.

There is now.



>some impoverished phillipino was commissioned to draw this


edited but whatever




You're supposed to do this to get mice and rabbits to pee.

Idk why you'd need to do that though.

>schizophrenia makes you feel like a dog.
that's some deep shit right there




Yes way fag

Not Sup Forums, fuck off


Literally cartoons.

That's no boy.

I like that whoever made this seems to unironically thinks six year old boys will google this, read it and take it to heart.

Especially since all the advice has to do with "be good to girls", "do everything girls want" and "always agree with everything girls say and do and give them money and food".



I remember hearing on /fit/ that someone tore their ass apart from doing this.
The toilet couldn't support their weight.

I was wondering about that

>Driving through toes




for real?

Slavs use toilets?

I mean, they're not wrong. Garlic is really good for you. That being said, I'm not sure what exactly it does for the vagina that it doesn't do for the rest of the body.

not for real real, just for play play.

probably fights infections.

>really good for you

in moderation. not so sure about eating several cloves whole like that.

>"WikiHow to either break a toilet or messily shit all over the rim and cistern"

She looks so condescending while doing it too. We are truly peasants in her eyes.

Can you imagine being hired as an artist and thinking it's a dream come true then being asked to draw some dude squatting on a toilet

I know used to eat a whole garlic a day back then, and they are still alive. Sadly.

I think that's a poorly drawn lady.

So he could sell it as fetish art.


According to the wiki its supposed to help prevent and fight yeast infections. also improve odor maybe.

it's traced.

suddenly she's way cuter.

>also improve odor maybe
your whole body going to smell like hell but at least the vagoo smells good?
it's fine by me

you do know artists are also capable of drawing stupid things because they think it's funny right?


In japan, it's a full on stereotype for strong men to eat whole cloves of garlic and onions and shit.




Is this a common problem?

I work in a movie theater. I've dealt with it a couple times.


why is egoraptor scolding him?

because egoraptor was playing with himself, but got stuck on an easy puzzle.
The other guy was just trying to help but Arin got mad and told him to shut up.


A-are there g-girls here

What kind of sandals do you need to wear to get those strange tan lines?


No, of course not.

I used to be one



Be my bf (female)

Are you into pegging?

I can pretend to be a girl (male) if that suits you

>You gotta look deep inside yourself and say 'what am I willing to put up with today?'


You need to do that to small cubs (puppies and kittens too), when they cannot do it on their own. Usually their mother would lick them there.



>tfw no qt autistic gf

>you will never cover your gf in peanut butter
why live

So what proportion of this site is earnest people vs trolls?

>she screams 'GOTTA GO FAST' when you thrust inside her

Is that Freyja?



You could get a dog, cover your dick in peanut butter, and get the dog to lick it off.

It's almost the same thing.



It was exactly shit like this that drove me away from anime fandom. I just want to watch the shows and talk about them. What is it about anime turns most of the people who watch it into turbo-autists doing shit like in the picture or yelling KAWAI DESU SENPAI


This will never not be funny

Are you this guy?

I'm proud and beautiful on the inside. Why can't society accept me the way I REALLY am, and not this disgusting shell I'm forced to wear?

Bear pepper spray is actually the best thing to use in a bear encounter.

They're not wrong. My grandma used to take whole bites out of onions and is currently in her 90's. The Mediterranean diet is not a meme.


Yep. It's fanservice

Prevent a miscarriage by coughing up part of your esophagus? Or is it saying to jam something down your throat?

What the fuck is in the throat diagram anyway? It looks like the thing that comes out of the eggs in Alien.

I think he's trying to tell her a facehugger had it's way with her, and she needs to get that shit surgically removed.


Who robs a person in broad daylight in front of an office building whilst wearing a purple, long-sleeve shirt?


>getting robbed
>take deep breath and think
>"what did that wikihow article say?"

The Joker obviously.

No, but there are faggots who masspost
