Unpopular Opinions/Coping Thread

Just another thread to vent out your inner feelings on something Sup Forums related.

Other urls found in this thread:


Rick and Morty is good but the internet praises it way too hard

CN still makes good content, it's just a shame it gets the lowest ratings out of the main three with Nick getting the highest ratings despite most of what it airs being shit

Dreamworks isn't that bad

The Hub deserved better

Viacom was constantly switching between being poor as fuck to rich that I'm surprised it didn't go bankrupt and die

Adult Swim deserves its own channel and it's a shame time warner won't just let this happen but in the end I know that would ruin the atheistic AS has going for it


You can tell a lot about a person just by knowing who they waifu because they tend to act very similar to the characters they do waifu. This is why TLH got banned. Their autism couldn't stop replicating the shitty characters.
Superman Rebirth is shit. The art is ugly and Clark's kid looks like a fucking dyke.
Gumball has never been good. Seriously, the dynamic between the characters has always been shit. The people who are complaining about it right now just want to start drama because the show has nothing worth while.
The Brave and the Bold cartoon is the only good Batman media.
Cape comics for the most part are shit due to never ending floppies.
Kingdom Come would have still been revered, even if Alex Ross wasn't the artist for the book.

Rick and Morty sucks dick.

Made for edgy teens, by edgy manchildren.
The show tries way too hard to be unique, but still manages to feel like a copy of other shows. It tries to use the South park style of shitty animation, but animation isn't shitty enough to be ironic, so is just shitty.
Jokes fall flat, nihilism isn't funny, and repeating the same joke or phrase doesn't make it funnier the 50th time.

All of these seem like fair points, really.

To your first one tho, I'd add that's true of just about everything nowadays - True Detective's first season had everyone online going "OH MY GOD SO DEEP AND BRILLIANT AND DIFFERENT, TV WILL NEVER BE THE SAME", but the story itself was nothing new if you've ever exposed yourself to true crime fiction, Southern gothic fiction or ANYTHING remotely existentialist or Lovecraftian, it was all fairly rote stuff that happened to be performed by two grade-A actors, directed by Cary Fukunaga.
Then season 2 came out, without those people involved, and suddenly those critics were declaring it THE ABSOLUTE WORST SHIT EVER 0/10 FIRE THE PRODUCERS. Now I haven't seen season 2 myself, but these kind of wildly swinging opinions seems to be par for the course nowadays - everything is either radically reinventing the entire genre and/or medium, or it's the WORST THING EVER. R&M went through the exact same thing between seasons 1 and 2 on Sup Forums.

the first season of steven universe is worth watching.
But that's also the only season worth watching

ALL modern cartoons are ultimately shit, even if some of them are fun to post about.
(Yes, this includes "revivals", "continuations", and "reboots".)

Sup Forums has the best potential out of any board for original content to thrive but it doesnt

Why the fuck do good storytimes die within a day, while shitty webcomic threads go for days on end just because one new page came out?
Do you faggots not read comics?

The sperg threads when the new Jack ep got bumped from Saturday by the surprise premiere of Rick & Morty were the most blatant, unfunny case of (you) farming I've seen in a minute.

King's Batman is terrible. It completely ignores all the previous characterisation for Bruce and many other characters, any sense of tension is removed by the end of the issue and it just feels dumb.

Hydra Cap isnt nearly as good as people say, and it's fans are likely just contrarians.

Red Son is 9/10 for the first 3rd but 3/10 for the rest.

Anime > Cartoons, but Comics > Manga. Sure it may be more consistent in quality and there's a lot of great stuff, but there isn't anything that reaches the level of creators like Mignola, Moebius, etc.

So far The Visitor hasnt been great.

Legitimately the thing im most hyped about for upcoming comics is Damian appearing in Gotham Academy, soley for his interactions with Maps. And I usually hate shipping.

*feels dull.

Though I guess dumb applies too, or at least my subconscious thinks so.

Threads about stupid shows with nothing going for them aside from people wanting porn of the female characters is ruining the board. No-one genuinely likes fucking monster high or littlest pet shop or whatever.

Unpopular opinions on Sup Forums:

Sup Forums gives up way to easily when it comes to someone false flagging and shitposting

Thicc-tan could have been interesting enough to gain more artists but the anti-thicc posters are incredibly autistic and will attack anyone that get's involved in it.
Not too mention that people were giving "muh bad design" user way too much attention for him not to go away, with anons constantly telling him to shut up and drawfags actually trying to appease him when nothing they did could fix his shit taste

The guy posting thicc-tan in every thicc-tan was likely a false flagger, considering all the autism surrounding it at the time now that I think about it

>Red Son is 9/10 for the first 3rd but 3/10 for the rest.
I fucking agree.
I can't believe that the majority of Sup Forums likes that fucking book.

>want to get into the industry
>have produced many pieces of joke art that might stir up controversy if found
I mean, not talking Shadman levels but; is this reason for concern?

I feel like this place talks about the same cartoons over and over and we ignore good obscure cartoon. The only great cartoon I have found through Sup Forums is The Last Man, everything else people discuss is current popular stuff or old popular stuff we all watched as kids.

On the other hand, i do feel the comics side ventures into more indie titles than other comic forums, where the most obscure shit they recommend is Sex Criminals or Saga. I'm grateful for that.

Babes & Bullets is better than Garfield's Nine Lives

Sup Forums is only good for comics. Any cartoon thread here is pure weaponized shit.

Samurai Jack was an overrated series and, while season 5 is an improvement, it only stands out because most currently airing cartoons are garbage.

X-23 is an overrated character, not terrible though. Ever since her first appearance in X-men Evolution she's exploded in popularity and it just didn't seem warranted at all.

Star VS The Forces of Evil is garbage but people like it because Star looks (admittedly) hot as fuck

i like the new 52. especially synder's batman run

Most artists here are absolutely pathetic.
They have a skill and all they fucking do is waste it on lewds of shitty characters so they can get easy popularity.

Vegeta would work well as a silver age dc villain.

Shipping isn't that bad.

>wildly swinging opinions seems to be par for the course nowadays
you can't just like or dislike something, it has to be the best or the worst
i'm not sure if it's a product of media hyperbole or just people circlejerking over shared experiences and then other people circlejerking about how the first group sucks

Agreed, sadly. It's kind of hard to believe how hard this show has declined. For me, the last truly great episode was Sword to the Sword.

anime is by and large better than most western cartoons.

Yeah, I'm pretty sick of seeing nothing but sex stuff.

Bendis has a great X-men run that lasted a couple of months too long. (save for the Iceman shit)

Gillen's was kind of overrated.

Daily threads ARE the Cancer killing Sup Forums.
>Raven threads
>Waifu threads
>obscure waifu threads
>any General
>cheesecake threads
>threads that belong in /aco/ but faggots too stupid with "muh traditions" won't post in there
>___ did nothing wrong threads

Fuck neo Sup Forums

That's... not an unpopular opinion, user. Even here.


There is a 'tumblr style' of comics that I'd refer to in the pejorative, but they aren't really marked by art or a diverse cast rather a total avoidance of any tension.

Stories that are very safe; the protagonist may have some flaws but are never closely examined and are quickly overcome, if there's a villain they'll be very flat and either quickly won over or pushed into the background, there may be a pretence of social criticism but won't engage with the issue etc.

It's not that it's better, but that there's a fuckton more of it. It's easy to cherrypick the good stuff. Most of it is still garbage like any other medium.

Enough of your pathetic excuses.
Anime is of much higher *average* quality.

>Gumball has never been good. Seriously, the dynamic between the characters has always been shit. The people who are complaining about it right now just want to start drama because the show has nothing worth while.
>The Brave and the Bold cartoon is the only good Batman media.

What awful taste.

It's not an excuse, it's an explanation. I like anime, but there's a lot of shit.

Is it political? Then maybe.

But no one really cares about vulgarity, all artists do it.
I mean maybe do a little cleaning up for your professional image but it existing shouldn't be a hindrance.

This is a safe space!

I don't like the Teen Titans.
'Go' and the original. I'm also not a waifu-faggot so I don't care about that shit.

Carol and Jess are Marvel's biggest missed opportunity in recent memory.

>Do you faggots not read comics?
Really though, I do agree with you.

It hurts how true this is.

Samurai Jack is overrated and there are a million other shows that deserved the opportunity it got.

For four seasons they meandered around and did next to nothing with their ongoing plot but it came out at a time that let people pretend they were mature and sophisticated for watching it so these days they can successfully pass off a barely connected episodic show as needing an "epic finale". Can't advance the plot along and make a successful series, gotta have an episode where Jack needs new shoes.

Spectacular Spider-man objectively deserved a revival more than Jack did.

Rick and Morty is not that great.
Cape comics are shit, even worse are the company wars involving them.
People that just post pictures of characters they want to fuck (or that thread about their waifu's breasts of whatever that lasted for an honest-to-god week) do not contribute to discussion and ought to be deleted on sight.
Live action content should also not be allowed on Sup Forums.
Damian Wayne is cool.

Nobody wants any capeshit revived. Sorry, user.
TT is the only exception.

Thicc threads were being spammed dude. You guys deserved to get shut down

>spectacular Spider-Man
>literally the same Spider-Man story we've seen 8 million times but with worse character designs
>needs a revival


Fuck Sup Forums

>>threads that belong in /aco/ but faggots too stupid with "muh traditions" won't post in there
This tradition garbage is fucking stupid anyway. This is an imageboard, not a fucking country club. Just because people have been posting bullshit for years doesn't mean it's okay.

Leaving the bone in does not add flavor to the meat. It does nothing. People just say that to sound like they know something about cooking.


I honestly think anime would probably appeal to me far more than any other narrative medium if I gave it the time of day.

I didn't push and campaign for an /aco/ for years during moot's reign only to have faggots still post samey cheesecake threads here. Use the fucking board you cunts, no excuses

Skottie Young baby variants are fucking cancer

Francesco Francavilla is a lazy whore of an artist who gets an easy pass for having an uninspired retro-nostalgic approach and riding trends

Jeff Lemire legitimately cannot draw for shit

Cartoonfags are the cancer killing Sup Forums

It's because hyperbole stands out amongst other opinions. No one wants to take the time to read a nuanced criticism. The louder and simpler you are, the more clicks you'll get.

Bob's Burgers is raw, unfiltered, grade-A, guaranteed-or-your-money-back trash.

The only main character who isn't Reddit-tier in terms of being a goofy meme-spouting idiot is Bob, and he's voiced by fucking H. Jon Benjamin of all people so I can't take him seriously

Yeah I kinda feel the same. You can't have 4/5 of the main characters be so fucking obnoxious, it's just too much.

I'm actually sad that Sup Forums/Co/'s Bizarre Adventure is gone.

I know it got really cringy and sad in it's last few months, but at least the few people that did run it were having fun and wanted to create something. Even if it was a parody.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.

I prefer Billy Batson being called Shazam over Captain Marvel
I think Hunter Zolomon would look better if he wore the costume featured in the CW Flash show (hate nearly everything else about the show though)
I like The Superior Doctor Octopus, including the costume. Think its a nice progression for Otto
Certain villains like Killer Moth, Scorpion (Gargan), Giganta, and Mad Hatter deserve more love/deserve to be reinvented

Your OC is shit get over it

i honestly like a lot of jimmy screamerclauz's work. i think he has some cool ideas, but isint able to bring them to there full potential. plus, this interview makes me sympathies with him alot. he seems like a cool guy

Naruto and Buroto is better than 99% of comics, cape or otherwise. Sad but true.

>Rick and Morty is good but the internet praises it way too hard
It's not bad. It's good. But it's autistic fanbase is making me feel negatively towards it in the same vein as Homestuck or MLP.

This. It's all gay shit. And not good gay shit. Just gay gay shit.

This. I feel Sup Forums is turning into Sup Forums.

>King's Batman is terrible.
I wouldn't say terrible, but it's definitely got different characterisation. It's consistent though.

>Anime > Cartoons, but Comics > Manga.
This is downright criminal that you think that. Please reconsider.


Fuck off with your mass replies

>Unpopular opinion

>Fuck off with your mass replies
Why in the hell do you think that is a problem?
Are you fucking phoneposting?

I enjoyed Korra more than the Last Airbender


I honestly can not believer Invader zim fans are going to try acting Superior to anyone

This should not be an unpopular opinion. Anyone that defends that show should be sent to MySpace where they belong.

>nurr hurrrrr


Every time I see SU fan art regardless of it's quality I get triggered…like 'the my soul dies a little inside until there is nothing there' kind of triggered.
Probably not that unpopular of an opinion but I am sick to death of it appearing everywhere.

Idk. I started watching Last Airbender after it was already over, but before Korra was ever announced. While I enjoyed watching it, Book one felt... a bit aimless in some episodes. I didn't really get into it until book 2. I just enjoyed every villain in Korra a lot and while book 2 of Korra was weak, I still found I enjoyed it after all the Mako/Korra stuff finished in the first few episodes. Book 1, 3 and 4 were really strong for me. I understand why people don't like it though.

>make a point to mention the spammer was likely a false flagger, given the autism and infighting going on
>"y-you guys deserved it! T-they were getting spammed!"

That's fair. As much as I might like a show, some types of fan art still get me going. I do like SU... but I don't like some of the fans. Gemsonas are the new Sonic OC

Thank you.
What types of fan art of the show bother you the most? The ocs?

It's because the deviantart kids that were obsessed with it are now grown and on Sup Forums.

Can't say I agree, but I can respect that. I quite enjoyed Book 1 until the final few episodes. Book 3 was an improvement over book 2, but I never thought it was near ATLA level. It must be hard having that opinion on here when people just shit on it every time it's brought up.

Eh. OCs get me more worked up when they are just needlessly strong or clearly self-insertion. Obviously, a bit of self-insertion is going to happen but when it's just the person drawn blue.... eh. Also people in the overwatch and SU fandom can be awful to other artist for not drawing a character right. I remember someone complaining about Garnet being too "light" when there was a light source clearly being shined on her face. It's just bullshit. There are plenty of people who are chill about this acceptance stuff without being total cunts.

It's whatever.

It also should be noted I like the setting of Korra a lot more. World building and stuff like that has always been a huge thing for me. I fully understand that ATLA might be better. But I still enjoyed Korra slightly more. I hold both in my list of favorite animated shows.
Also I enjoyed the fights in Korra more and I like buff girls.... so.

>I like buff girls.... so.
Say no more. I understand.


America should be storytimed all day every day

Nigga most boards have been on that path

It breaks my heart seeing what happened to Sup Forums and /tg/


Sorry, I ain't fuckin no kiddies

People would actually be fine with generals if they all didnt derail into shitposting,waifu posting,inside jokes, and all around drama happening inside it

I'm so fucking sick of east vs west threads that automatically get 400+ fucking replies

Man, I wish /tg/ spoke about FFTCG instead of just Magic formats. Or maybe I've just not seen them. I wish FF wasn't so dead in the water.

He doesn't have to explain himself to you asshole

I was simply curious, no mean to offend.

I feel like image boards just are not what they used to be.

Sup Forums sucks

The alternatives that pop which exclaim are better than Sup Forums end up sucking

Nah dude user is okay. user is chill.

Same. I realized the other day that I've probably just outgrown the majority of the userbase here. Sup Forums ain't the same place I started browsing in '08 anymore, too much irony and shitposting

Thanks Hiro!

Are you talking about atechans Sup Forums?

its like this place but more pissed off

> infinity train