Jack can't women

Is there anyone who spills their spaghetti around women more than Jack?

Women being THE greatest male weakness, that even someone like Jack cannot overcome?

Man, this show was realistic as fuck sometimes.

When you spend your whole youth learning how to be the ultimate warrior, you probably don't get to hang around woman all that often.

While you off having sex, he mastered the sword.

>implying there's a difference

Is Samurai Jack based off Musashi? He had the same problem.

To be fair, they could be Aku.

>could be

Jack just isn't into sluts that throw themselves at him

Everyone on Sup Forums.

Yeah, he killed a bunch of them in the last episode

They all are.

>Doesn't know how to approach women
>Delays his purpose
>Naive as fuck and pretty much a sperg around people
>Wants to commit sudoku
Is Jack, dare I even say it, /ourguy/? Well aside from the fact that he is a badass warrior samurai, that is.

>implying none of us are badass warrior samurai
Shows what YOU know, user.

>They're just boobs and butts.

>just bitches and hoes

>Jack, after I beat you I'm sending you back to china.


That's almost definitely the joke, considering the pic.

>Imply8ng swordmaster Trump cares.

Yeah, there's mainland China, island China, big island China, peninsula of China, and south China.

How long has he had that stupid haircut. Did he just wake up one day with really bad hair and no one told him how bad it looks?

Imma say since early 2000's? He didn't have that hair in the 90'same. Hell could be early 2010's now.

Pic unrelated but true.

He can deal with women just fine, but not when they start flirting.


You would think at some during his training, some chick would've took an interest in him.

I mean he's in great shape.

he's the Emperor's son, he probably had an arranged marriage since birth

Trump is much smarter than you Sup Forumsmblrs give him credit for, whatever you think of him otherwise.

inb4 10D chess

I don't think Jack has had much female interaction throughout his life. In the training montage I don't remember seeing any women there, and his sole purpose in life has been very specific and doesn't allow distractions. Aside from Jack having little experience with ladies, I feel that he in some ways feels guilty over lust because he senses it as a potential betrayal towards his goal.

I would refer you to all his tweets that show otherwise, but there's a limit to how much inanity a person can take.

Except he used to for more than Facebook pictures.

Nah, I respect the man and helped get him in office.

>November 8th was a glorious day on tumblr :^)

Jack still lives for others instead of isolating himself from others, is self sufficient and his death would make an impact on the world so no, he's not like us.

You do realize he has to dumb down his own account for the average Trump supporter, right?
There's another account run by his staff, that has very different posts on many of the same topics.

Why is that viewed as a bad thing to simplify issues for the public? No shit we're not all spewing Shakespeare and all this -ism

I didn't say it was a bad thing!

Jack loss


>Jack being a bottom in bed despite also being powerful as fuck during combat

>I stayed up all night watching tumblr and the media go from smuggery to concern to "deebly goncerned" to full-on tears and despair
Best night of my life.

who are you and how do you have this picture of me

>hen you spend your whole youth learning how to be the ultimate warrior, you probably don't get to hang around woman all that often.
user he spent his youth in Africa, there had to be some black girls who wanted to swallow his dick.

He's got his immortal enemy's daughter right in his hands.

Yes but he spent his teen years among celibate monks.

I know I know, but I always hearound this as a negative from shills and Dumpf spewing autist. Yet they speak the absolute worse English ever.

You justk know more than one of the animators to this movie was jerking off to Maleficent

Probably the best of November period. Tho my reaction was the opposite of that

>Literally shaking, to grouncern, to smug as fuck face.


Is that a subtle loss.

>Jack in the last episode

Where is this from? It's great.

Looks like Heavy Metal, but I might be wrong.


The mental gymnastics that faggots on these boards use to justify their nonsense is astounding. You do realize that you come across as a moron, right?

Don't make me search for doujins of this.

This. That day was full memes and the most anime as fuck thing I have ever experienced.

to be fair, he's always on his toes around company because he has a bounty on his head and Aku could be any of those women.

Now Aishi on the other hand.. she's a different story.

The Young Turks election night coverage was one of the most satisfying sights to behold.

>not "sending you back to CHYNA"

low energy post user, couldn't even meme right. SAD!

I noticed there are could be alien hookers in the future

praise Aku, humanity can fuck aliens now

Children fucking eachother is very common in Africa.

to be fair, nearly every hot women he met wanted him dead or was Aku

>Having a small talk about a funny night

I guess it's strictly cartoons to talk about or else it's bad

underrated post

>I guess it's strictly cartoons to talk about or else it's bad

The banner at the top of the page saying "Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons" and not "Sup Forums- shit that has absolutely nothing to do with comics and cartoons" wasn't a tip-off for you?