Wonder Woman thread

Describe her personality.

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Not as blood thirsty as murder!Carol

But when she is you should watch your neck

Strong feminist icon.
So no personality to speak of.

She loves everyone and everything no matter what, even you OP, and she just wants whats best for you. All you have to be willing to do is submit. Let her have control. If you resist and continue down your destructive path for too long, she will kill you if you make her.

Caring, Motherly



I would add but practical to that. Or motherly in the since that a mother Lion or Bear will tear you from limb to limb if you fuck with them or their cubs.

For one page at the start of every new authors run yeah.

no. Maybe the mother lion bit, but she is not motherly at all.

And caring is so vague.

I bet you think Superman is generally fatherly too?

Yeah, he generally is.
He was to Supergirl, Chris and Jon and even Dick sometimes.

I mean he is, but its not his defining character trait.

So is Batman, Green Lantern(s) Aquaman, pretty much every adult leaguer when around children. All of them are caring and generally parental towards the good and innocent.

But they all also have other traits too.


depends on the writer

>Yeah he generally is
No, not really. To people that are more or less following in his footsteps or that he has to care for he is, and he will offer an ear to listen to your woes, but generally Superman is not fatherly.

Outside of the ending scenes where he actually has kids, none of his iconic stories have any kind of fatherly aspect to them.

For The Man Who Has Everything (outside of the scenes where he actually has kids)
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow (again, outside of the last scene).
Kingdom Come
Red Son
Secret Identity
All Star Superman
For All Seasons

none of these really have any fatherly moments in them.

>and even Dick sometimes.

I get more of a cool uncle vibe at those moments.
Like your dad is super stict and even though you and the team won the game he's just immediately points out the thing you could have done better. You're just kind of standing there feeling all shit now. Then cool Uncle Clark walks up slaps you a little to hard on the back and starts talking about how amazing that play was you scored on with a big smile on his face before he asks if you wanna go get a burger.

>when around children
sure, but generally Superman isnt like that. Like you said, MOST Leaguers are like that around children.

Secret Identity was all about protecting his family though

like I said, outside of the scenes specifically with his children, I didnt see anything particularly fatherly about him.

Big boobs. Dark hair

Considerate, not in a personal kind of way but in a considers or has considered the possible consequences of her actions (considerate seemed better than thoughtful). Unwilling to back down from a challenge a bit confrontational. Not careless or overly aggressive to often but just a meet a problem head on kind person. Helpful, Compassionate, Naive.

Superman is fatherly as fuck to civilians all the time.

Like half the book was just him looking out for his family. He only worked with the government in order to protect them.

What? Unless he is specifically interacting with children he's not fatherly?

Superman is basically the idealized father figure, he's what most kids think their father is or wish he was. Capable of anything, a kind ear to their troubles, manly in the non-macho ways. When he's around you don't have to worry about anything.

>all star superman

again, nothing about how he protects his family or interacts with anyone in that book is particularly fatherly in tone, outside of the scenes with his children.

He can be very fatherly with children, and other people's sidekicks, but with most people he really isnt.

>Superman is basically the idealized father figure

hahah wow you are a pleb. I would not want pic related as a father.

outside of the suicide scene from All Star Superman, post some proof. And being a superhero/good in general does not equate to fatherly.

Shit, even in Grounded when he is saving that child from his abusive father he mostly just yells angrily at the father.

>all encouragement is fatherly now

Its like you never had a dad or anything.

Sure cherry pick a panel from a book where he's likely out of character.


thats not from All Star Superman

or any of his iconic books like I mentioned, you basically did exactly what

said, you cherry picked and I could just yell OUT OF CHARACTER and call it a day.

Grounded was out of character garbage, though.

I'm sorry you were molested.

You didn't say it had to be.
And I never mentioned ASSM

Like all super heroes she's the best of all worlds. She is Feminist but doesn't treat men like monsters but as equals. That's what I get from her, also less peaceful than super man because she's a warrior.

Wonderful. In a womanly way.

I got just as much encouragement from friends and my mother as I did my father.

I'd say fatherly is more like Stein's relationship with his younger Firestorm counterpart.

>beat him to make him good

top tier father material

No, I'm saying it looks like from that panel he's acting in a way so counter to his normal characterization that there is likely something going on in the comic where he's out of character. You don't take a panel of him suffering from Kryptonite and say that's his normal strength. I don't know where that comic is from but I'll bet something happened in it where he's not himself.

Or do you consider a neckbeard view of women a core part of Superman's characterization that can be found frequently throughout his recent runs?

>Describe her personality

>gives the minimal amount of attention to be thought of as friendly and good
>cant even stay to listen to a friend's woes

Ding ding ding

Why are people so triggered at Superman acting fatherly?

> I don't know where that comic is from but I'll bet something happened in it where he's not himself.

Well you are just wrong, Silver Age Superman was a dick to Donna Troy.

And all I'm saying is that Superman just generally isnt fatherly. His go-to emotion is not fatherly. He CAN be fatherly, especially to those it is appropriate to be so with, just as Batman can, but I'd say Batman is more inherently fatherly than Superman (even if Batman is a shittier father than Superman)

>getting coffee is fatherly

this is what friends do user. I have never seen a father in a tv show get coffee for their kid, but its the go-to trope for friends comforting each other.

Easier to tear something down than to accept your reality doesn't measure up.

I can see why the people saying he's fatherly think that, but I think he's more just a general kind of role model.

coal burner



Now unless this guy is lying, that's a crazy mad scientist who mind swapped himself into Superman's body.

I never said it was? It was just a picture.

However he very much was a father figure to Kara in her run. Even in her N52 Run.

>Wonder Woman thread
>Quickly becomes about Superman.

Anyway, fatherly often means being protective and affectionate - often with the implication that the fatherly actor is more physically able to protect the child/innocent civilian/mere mortal than they themselves. I think a lot of the argument here is about people having different ideas of what fatherly is. Its not exactly a precise term.

>Describe her personality.
I think at her best, shes a defender of the downtrodden. She seeks to right injustices, and does so as a warrior - aggressively pushing against societal injustice, moreso than other major heroes. Shes caring, willing to forgive. If she sees someone as a victim, she'll go to extreme lengths to save them, even if that person does horrific things (see Chetah).

She's also stubbon, and unwilling to compromise. She's willing to cross lines - i.e. to kill - if it becomes necessary. She doesn't regret killing, but does regret that she had to.

I also think that most writers have no idea what her personality is either.

I'm not sure if I've just described her character or her personality.

Yeah exactly. Thank you. He is a generally good role model, with flaws and mistakes and everything, but I just dont see fatherly as one of the things that make Superman, well, Superman.

That panel isnt from Silver Age, its from Action Comics by Byrne. That panel specifically was out of character for Superman, but him being a general dick to women is not (at least in the Silver Age)

thats a good description of WW, I'd just add more submission to it like

I've got two threads here so you can start finding out yourself, user:

I'm posting another dozen issues of this run tonight and starting a different run tomorrow.

If you can't wait I'd suggest trying out Greg Rucka's run, as it's very accessible. You can download it here:

The variance that shows in all of these threads is the exact reason no movie will ever satisfy every fan. Especially the type of fan that posts about comics online.

I've read it all. I'm just creating discussion, because she varies so much, even within runs and arcs.

And so much of what is being described here is character, rather than personality.

Thanks for the recs though.

Off the top of my head Injustice has the boy falling off his bike and Superman checking he was alright then trying to fix the wheel and the robbers who went out without bullets in their guns because they didn't want to face Superman being disappointed in them or upset because they hurt someone.

Ah, so you're aware that it's a point of contention even among fans. Not sure I get exactly what you mean by character rather than personality, though.

Some guy posted this last year and it's pretty much the personality I subscribe to. It's vague enough that I can reconcile multiple writers' interpretations in my head with it, but specific enough to be unique to her.

Yep. That's pretty much why I don't want to see the movie. I don't think I could judge it fairly because I'm just too much of a fan, and I'd probably not even be able to enjoy it because I'd be judging it too much while watching it.

depends who writes her

At least this movie likely will suck and you wont have to deal with assholes telling you that you're wrong to hate it because it's not what you wanted to see.

A bunch of non-sperges love Logan and somehow its the "best CBM of all time" even though it looks nothing like and in fact makes fun of it's source material. Stings to those of us who always loved the sniktbub and now have people praising his worst What-if story and the movie barely based on it.

i like when she's kind, but violent.
Currently, in the rebirth book, she brought a whole boar to Clark's house as a housewarming gift. I like when she's naive to conventional behaviours of men as well.

>>Wonder Woman thread
>>Quickly becomes about Superman.

Logan didn't make fun of superhero comics

It made fun of people who criticized them on a surface level, "This can't be serious because of the costumes"

The comics inspire hope in X-23, and ultimately that's what superheros are all about


Well I mean this thread is stupid because no character that's been around as long as her has maintained a totally consistent personality.

That said, I prefer her to be kind and motherly to mortals/civilians but entirely ruthless against monsters/gods. Like I see her looking down on mortals/humans/civilians, not in a condescending way but looking at them almost like children.

I like the idea of her being the most ruthless of DC's Trinity, when it really comes down to it she'll do things that'll disgust Supes and Batman but all in the name of protecting the weak.

Damn she looks good on her knees.

Depends on the writer.




Friendly in an approachable way to everyone. Unless you cross in which case she'll rip out your spine.

It's big and soft and pillowy and poop comes out of it sometimes.

OK but I think disillusionment with men is a pretty consistent facet of her character across most interpretations.

>I see her looking down on mortals/humans/civilians, not in a condescending way but looking at them almost like children
that's pretty condescending, user.

And stupid Sup Forums knows nothing about WW user says she looks down on "mortals" well that would make sense if she wasn't one and her people weren't basically built out of the need to protect the weak and promote equality. People tend to forget all the Amazons where once normal women who where killed by mans aggression and where enslaved by Hercules.

>Strong feminist icon.
>So no personality to speak of.

Very different from this bad anorexic example for women

Likes to cut and/or break necks.

This isn't 1950s anymore. Outside of his immediate family, where is he acting fatherly to strangers, etc? He's primarily been written as a super cool celeb superstar where everybody literally creams themselves if he's in their presence

Actually she tends to embrace them and serve as a bridge between Themyscira and Man's World. She sees the best in people.

It's common for writers not to get this though because they think that the way to make a character seem feminist is to just make them hate men.

>She is Feminist but doesn't treat men like monsters but as equals

That's what feminism means.

Solaris should be used more. Grant really wanted him to be ONE OF THE BIGGEST THREATS TO SUPERMAN but he barely gets to show up at all.

Strong willed, stubborn, reserved, defiant, loyal. Agree on the mother lion bit when she cares about someone.

Kind and empathic to a fault, paternal, moralistic to her own morals, tries to teach and educate, believes themself to be right. willing to resort to violence to the point of execution , a violent person who enjoys combat but hates causing pain, genuinely thinks everyone has at least the option to resolve things non violently but accepts that some people will not choose the non violent path and must be engaged with violence

Costume department fixed it, just like they fixed Fatfleck.

Disillusionment doesn't mean hatred. Humans are pretty fucked up, everyone should be disillusioned. But if she actually hated men she wouldn't be a superhero.

Superman is definitely fatherly a lot, but I always look at him like a cool older brother.

His shirt looks like it says Astro City

Does this confirm he's playing Confessor in an Astro City movie?