The revival of theatrical 2D animation starts

>the revival of theatrical 2D animation starts
>can't be discussed on Sup Forums
Top fucking kek.

Other urls found in this thread:

This board is shit.

>The last widely released theatrical traditionally animated movie in the west was made over 8 years ago
>The future of this could determine the future of 2D animated movies in the west
There is going to salt no matter how you look at this

Wasn't there a thread allowed a few weeks ago?

i don't think one movie mean it's a revival
Especially if it's a tv movie

>Especially if it's a tv movie

What did I miss?

Spongebob out of water was 2 years ago user

I meant movie based on a tv cartoon

inb4 it doesn't count because there was 15 minutes of live-action.

>tv movie
Ignorance is bliss

It doesn't, because it wasn't advertised as such.It two timed the audience thinking it would be akin to Alvin and the Chipmunks

This is the first time a company is embracing a 2D animated movie and banking on it.

Absolute faggotry
Anime is dead


I don't know what this post is implying but have a (You) anyway

Why doesn't WB put their straight-to-video movies in theaters?

They have on ocassion but in extremely limited releases. I know they did for Killing Joke

It's a "revival" as much as The Simpsons movie was.

I meant animation

Simpsons movie was before the death

>implying this will do any more for the credibility of 2d animation than Song of the Sea or Secret of Kells. Those films were legitimately art, this is just a more drawn-out flash cartoon that will get its money back in the box office due to being cheap to produce and accomplish nothing else