Did he win?

Did he win?

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Well, he hasn't been arrested, yet, so I guess that counts as winning. But there's no statute of limitations, so he could lose at any time.

>Sonic comic still going, even after the Penders-forced reboot threw all history into the trash

>Barely anyone remembers Penders, his current project might as well not exist.

Yeah, he sure showed them.

He's still a loser. He doesn't make his own comics and is permanently in the planning stages. He just took some other people down with him.

Don't know what comic you're reading but I've been waiting since December for a new issue.

If Penders was to die, do you think (barring Sega saying no) that Archie would ever consider try bringing back the old universe as like a seperate comic? I know that's not how it works but I doubt his family gives enough of a shit to bother with it. Flynn also has enough to do but if he was willing would Archie bring it back?

>He just took some other people down with him.
that's how i want to die, bring people down into the mud with me before the lights go out. No point on going out alone.

The answer is 100% no. The issue isn't Penders owning characters, it's that Archie's claim to them isn't rock-solid. From a legal standpoint, it's not safe and a foolish decision to tempt someone else into suing them.

Pender's family owning characters and not caring doesn't even factor. Because if they can sue for money, I think they might START to care.

Please call your local law enforcement and tell them exactly what you told me.

A new comic hasn't come out in months. Subscriptions are being cancelled left and right. Last I heard, Archie is "talking" to Sega. However you want to put that, it doesn't sound good.

I don't know if he's won, but he's definitely scarred the comics and left a negative effect. He's earned a lot people's hatred for the rest of his life, and he knows and relishes in it.

>Sonic Mega Drive will never be finished

The least autistic Sonic comic I've read in years and it's ruined.

When Sonic is involved, there can be no winners.

>Succeeded in getting the comic rebooted and later cancelled
>Is despised and mocked by the entire fanbase
>No publisher is going to want to work with him in getting his shitty Lara Su comic released
>Has nothing else to fall back on since Sonic was the only notable thing he did
>Good luck getting on a different series after all this shit
He fucked himself over pretty hard when you think about it. He should've just made Lara Su as a fan comic or make it as it's own thing not tied to Sonic. He'd probably be getting more respect now if he did that.

wait sonic the comic is cancelled?

it ran like 2 decades straight!

Not officially, but the writing is on the wall.

>And you can have it all...
>My empire of dirt...
>I will let you down...
>I will make you hurt.

>Sonic comic still going
user...I have some bad news...

>sonic the comic
That was cancelled in 2002.


Jerry Siegels family and decendants could give 2 shits about Superman but they do give enough of a fuck about the money to attempt to assfuck DC/WB every so often in the attempt for mo monie with the added threat of somehow taking Superman away from em and selling it to Marvel or other cunty ideas

There are no winners in war user, especially not in a war as retarded as that one...

Nothing confirmed, but it's not looking good.

killer, man

I love Blur

Why doesn't Penders get a job at Marvel? Seems like a perfect fit

>Sonic comic still going
You might wanna come out from under that rock, my dude.

>there is an alternative universe where Penders wins the lawsuit and his pitch Sonic movie becomes a reality

I've followed this Penders/Sonic shit from afar with morbid fascination. I've never heard of Ken Penders in my entire life, mostly because I've never read any of the Sonic comics from Archie. Can someone give me the bare bones of the situation? How, exactly, does one man I've never heard of have the power to take down Sega?

Not Sega, just Archie Sonic.
He sued for the rights to recolors and while any competant lawyer could easily ahoot down his arguments, Sega didn't want to deal with it. They said to settle it out of court or they'd pull the liscence. So Archie was forced to give into his demands which led to a reboot. Everything was relatively okay until Penders coerced another former Sonic writer to do the same thing leading to a new lawsuit. And now, we've heard nothing from Archie for months.
So there it all is. Chris-chan Sr finally won. Whopdee-fuckin-doo.

being annoyance? yeah

Where the rumors of another publisher picking it up just that?

I kept hearing Image might have an interest in the license.

You left out the details of the case.

Ken Penders, like all comic writers, signed a work-for-hire contract. This means that anything created under the company belongs to the company. However, the original copy of his contract was lost in a flood of the Archie offices, and although Archie could produce copies of the original, the judge decided that didn't count and deemed the work-for-hire contract void.

In basically any other court in the country Penders wouldn't have won, but he got extremely lucky on a stupid technicality and weaseled his way out of a contract.

If Archie Sonic is officially cancelled, kinda.

Fulop would be likely dealing the final blow, though.

I haven't heard any rumors regarding interest in the license.

No one is gonna buy his shitty book, so at best he managed to drag Archie down with him

And he's shown himself to be so staggeringly unprofessional that it's impossible to imagine any publisher ever willingly working with him again. He's committed career suicide over the rights to a bunch of characters who are worthless in the hands of anyone buy Archie anyway.

If I recall correctly, it was essentially the judge punishing archie for shady contract records practices, though I don't recall the specifics of what they pulled that came back to bite them in the ass again.

>Golden Age Superman teams up with America

O god how much do they want?

Archie had shit practices to begin with.

Their lawyer was a nub.
They had no notarized copies kept offsite. (Something a simple bank + drop box will do)

Penders just lucked up into getting a lawyer that knew how to pull off Disney 8D chess law suit tactics.

And given Archie's other problems, it is a miracle they have lasted this long.

>Achie comic officially cancelled
>SEGA sells the rights to a new publisher
>They start a whole new universe
>Inevitably they're going to go down the "evil counterpart of main character" trope or try to delve into Knuckles' past
>Penders springs into action and tries to sue
>This publisher has competent lawyers and absolutely decimate him in court


Bringing a company down while being scorned by everyone isn't winning, it's relying on your wife to be the one who puts food on your plate for the rest of your life

This is one of those things I really wish a seasoned IP lawyer could explain to me.

How does Sega not own any and all derivative characters created in anything related to Sonic, regardless of medium? How could they even allow an artist to take anything away?

Why should the ineptitude and buffoonery at Archie affect Sega? How can Archie give away something that Sega never meant for them to have?

Even without the original work for hire contract, how can Penders continue to use those derivative characters?

I don't follow Sonic, my interest in this is only of the morbid variety, so I hope someone can clue me in.

>How does Sega not own any and all derivative characters created in anything related to Sonic, regardless of medium? How could they even allow an artist to take anything away?

They expected Archie to not be retarded, to not have shitty lawyers, and have contracts for all their employees which Penders weaseled his way out by claiming he never signed shit which and they didn't want to waste money trying to get characters they give zero fucks about.

>Why should the ineptitude and buffoonery at Archie affect Sega? How can Archie give away something that Sega never meant for them to have?

Except for Penders lawsuit claiming Sonic Chronicles took his ideas, it doesn't really affect Sega since they don't care too much about the comics. At most they were just really pissed that it got so far in the first place and just wanted it to go away as quickly as possible, so Archie got pressured into settling.

>Even without the original work for hire contract, how can Penders continue to use those derivative characters?

By all rights, he shouldn't be able to, but in his mind shit like girl Knuckles is completely original. Guess we'll see what happens if his dumb book ever gets finished

>How does Sega not own any and all derivative characters created in anything related to Sonic, regardless of medium? How could they even allow an artist to take anything away?

No IP expert but this is fairly common among companies. For example Sega can't use Sonic the Comic, the Sonic Anime, and other characters in the games. In fact Ian mentions that is so strict on this to the point they can't even use a hat from said anime.

SatAM seems to be the only ones they own completely.

I thought the thing with Knuckles hat was that Sega didn't want that image associated with Knuckles anymore

I'm nearly positive this fucker is the reason we haven't seen Emerl in another game.

>Chris Chan Sr

>In fact Ian mentions that is so strict on this to the point they can't even use a hat from said anime.
It was used in an issue of the Sonic Boom comic.

This is completely asinine if true. Archie is a mere license holder. It shouldn't matter if any original material was created for the comics, they can't do anything with it once Sega withdraws license, unless Sega gave that up. None of this should have been allowed in the first place.

They also let the hat get cameos. They specifically don't want Knuckles (mainline) wearing the hat because it would imply similarity to the other Knuckles. Boom Knuckles is dissimilar enough that they can get away with it for a panel.

It is true. You know how Disney has policies like none of the Disney Princesses being allowed to look at each other? SEGA has more restrictions on Sonic than Disney does on Disney characters.

>You know how Disney has policies like none of the Disney Princesses being allowed to look at each other

The universe would shatter.


Their logic is that the characters aren't allowed to interact or be part of the same universe, so they can't acknowledge each other.

Look at any Disney Princess merchandise that has a group of princesses and track where their eyes are looking.

My god...

why do all losers like him ALL fucking look the same? like 70s pedos, jesus. cut that pedo stache

Or look at the cut scene in Kingdom Hearts when Sora reunites with the Disney Princesses at Hollow Bastion. It looks like they're talking to each other at the default, but once the ACTUAL cut scene is triggered? They look away and do not acknowledge each other at all. Kind of soul-less.

I don't know what Penders expects to happen. Is he supposed to get money from this case?

Does he legitimately think people would buy his shitty work?

That's pretty weird...

It'd be a thing of beauty if the man actually manages to publish a few copies of his comic, crow triumphantly about, and in the process of doing so gets the attention of Sega who breaks him in half with a lawsuit for his characters all being variants of Knuckles.

>Barely anyone remembers Penders

People remember Penders, if only for how insane he was.

Its not even just variants of Knuckles, Knuckles himself appears in Penders comic. Hes got a different name, but its some lazy shit like K'nox, so you know its him. Also a preview page he posted had a panel containing art lifted directly from an Archie Sonic comic.


What the hell is going on with Archie Sonic? Is it finally dying? What issue will it end on?

If it is cancelled, then 290 will be the last issue.

>ARCHIE COMICS: "Penders really fucked us, Ian. All of his palette swap characters are off the board. But you're our go to guy, we need you to figure out a way to get rid of every one of his echidna characters. Can you do it in a way that it's a fuck you to his shitty 'mythos'?"

>IAN FLYNN: "(snicker) What if (snicker) I just write that all the echidnas get put in a hole?

>ARCHIE COMICS: ".... brilliant!"

How so?

The way the Echidnas were written out was simply a result of bad timing as they were in the middle of a story arc involving them and they needed to go away inbetween issues. If it weren't for that, they probably would've just never mentioned them again.

It does suck that Thrash is forever tainted though because Ian had to use him to Hitler all the echidnas

no, everybody lost

You mean [Inarticulate Manchild Rage].

I hope they work out something. Id kill for Idw or boom to get it. I've been reading this series for twenty years. I'm missing two issues of SU, better hit eBay at this point

>sonic movie
>gives sonic a hoverboard at the beginning of the movie

Archie stopped taking subscriptions and took them down from their website in January. They haven't released anything Sonic for about 3 months now and were delaying issues for awhile. A few things have been listed as cancelled, like the magazine, digest, and Mega Drive.

Archie and SEGA have nothing really to share on the matter at the moment.

So it's not cancelled or dead yet, but it's not a very good looking situation.

I'm looking forward to it.


and thanks to the reboot Knuckles doesn't even remember them anymore.

It's sad for the character but hilarious otherwise.

He really should've not started the legal battle in the first place.

More like:
>ARCHIE: Ian! The story you've craft six months in advance just went in the shitter because we can't hire a real lawyer to handle a manchild! Re-write the script and turn it in today!

>IAN: ...fuck.

This man is very weird.