Star Vs The Forces of Suffering

Will there be more suffering for season 3?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Star does something that ends up having potentially deadly consequences for people she loves and is overcome with guilt.

Hey guys! Its everyone's favorite cereal (Especially Adams)!

You will not stop us. We are cinnamon, we will unite again.

Not enough Jackie in this thread

Let's see
>Star is gonna broken up about leaving Marco and Earth
>Marco is gonna broken up about Star leaving
>Jackie is gonna be side-eyeing Marco pretyy hard after what went down. The relationship is probably going to receive a gut check
>Mewni is probably fucked shit with Toffee on the loose.
Oh yeah, suffering is coming in bulk my nigga.


>Warriors surrendered a 3-1 lead to the Cavaliers
>Indians surrendered a 3-1 lead to the Cubs
>Falcons surrendered a historic 25 point lead to the Patriots
>Star surrenders a 2 season lead of bonding and character development to a walking macguffin

Post yfw


>Mewni is destroyed and Star's title is "The Last Princess"

Oh God. I want there to be so much suffering.

I want Star to be pushed to breaking and hurl herself off a cliff before Marco makes a diving save to catch her at the bottom.

Then I want a tearful reunion, suffocatingly tight hugs, and promises to never be apart again.

Then I want Star to fuck him so hard that he can't walk for a week.

What's wrong with me Sup Forums?

So have there been a lot of OC queens of Mewni?

>Toffee rallies a monster army
>With his own wand, he's more than a match for Moon now
>Moon and River on the battlefield fighting side-by-side, just like when they met
>Moon tells Star to take the Wand and run
>Star and Marco slip away into the wildness of Mewni
>Castle Butterfly burns in the distance


That all sounds right to me

I'm still holding out hope for possessed Star

Reminder that Adam name dropped Cinnamon Toast Crunch on twitter and during an official live stream right before the premiere of season 2B. How does it feel that your cancerous cuck memes will never be ascended?

Face it. There is only one ascended meme, and it is CINNAMON!

Hot blooded rescue arc incoming right?

I remember seeing a tweet from one of the creators apologizing about the suffering in S2 but said there will be a nice payoff in S3 what exactly did he mean by this

Next season's probably also gonna have a lot of Ludo suffering


> Star confesses to Marco
> Marco doesn't feel the same
> The close friendship they had, where they felt completely comfortable around each other, and hugged all the time, is gone, forever
> Star just winces and looks sad every time Marco hugs Jackie now


>River dies protecting Moon
>Moon dies protecting Star
>Star dies protecting Marco temporarily.

If Star was a cereal, what type of cereal would she be?

Besides Cinnamon

Would she have marshmallows? Little wands and Stars and cute wand creatures?

Corn flakes

Apple jacks?

When I see this image I just imagine this being the theme song


I hope there's a villain song next season

I don't get it, how can Marco hug Jackie when he's on Mewni and she's on Earth?

Threadly reminder that its considered extremely offensive to argue about which Dew color the goddess produces. We have come to a consensus that all Dews are created equal under law. We will not tolerate infighting.

Go now, live your lives, the goddess wills it.


[zaglo]Hold this[/zaglo]


Ok what is the cinnamon meme about. I'm new to Star vs and therefore new to the shitposting.

No. Suffering fags are a cancer on this thread. Your time is over. ONLY POST CUTE STARS.


Lucky Charms, only the marshmallows

feel like this is half the episodes in the series

>Toffee forcibly puts himself inside the body of a 14 year old girl.
>Defeated by Chris Hansen.

Can we get some Cute Stars in here?
I need to decide which one I'm bringing to Syria when I get drafted for WW3.

I want Star to breakdown so hard that she goes full Eclipsa

Man, I hope so

every threat until you like it

Stay salty starcucks your ship has ended




We wont get to see SVTFOE because of WW3


Remind that Marco has bad parents, Marco and Jackie fucked after the concert and Eden Sher hates the show and the fans.

Oh well thats not bad. What about the red mountain dew?


Full steam ahead, Jarco.

Possession feels a bit cheap to me as a plot point sometimes, at least for the character who's actually being possessed

With Ludo you can kinda see it as fitting, Toffee having used him as a pawn so many times that now it's reached the point where he's literally just moving Ludo around himself. But honestly I was hoping they wouldn't do Ludo possession either, even though to the show's credit they're handling it well so far

And Star has a proboscis and mewmans lay eggs.

>That episode where Ms Heinous rips out Princess Marco's heart and reveals she was his mother all along


> Eden sher hates the show




It's a well known fact among the fandom.

Eden Sher hates the show and supports the trans Marco theory.


Omg i'm retarded eden sher is the girl from the show "The middle"

But does she really hate the show and fans?
Idk that much about her

You are like little baby
Watch this



>Omg i'm retarded eden sher is the girl from the show "The middle"

You're even more retarded, Eden Sher voices Star.

Still can't tell if this was an actual frame, or her sleeves got edited out.

>we'll all be dead before season 3
Alright, sound off. American here, how are we going to make sure we don't shoot another /sveg/fag?

She doesn't hate the show or the fan she just isn't as involved as some of the other people on the show. It's just a job to her.

No, it's just trolling because she doesn't interact with the fandom the way Adam does.

She has a picture of her instagram of her with the guidebook so she's interested in it to some extent.

>all this ironic posting and Jarco posting

Am I the only one here who wants Starco to happen??


>It's a "Toffee and Moon are in a dysfunctional interspecies pedophilic possibly incestuous relationship but it's okay because he's handsome and monsters dindu nuffin" AU
tumblr was a mistake

Yo where did all this come from?

As in, is it shipping war time again because you're running out of ideas? Bored and whatnot?

God I hope you fuck off soon then. Thread's nothing but garbage when shipping wars are in session. We had a pretty good streak, like 4-5 threads back without bullshit.

>jackiefags not being SICK FUCKS
>inb4 this posts gets falseflagged/namecalled for being 'mad'/other usual rhetoric when 'muh jarco' is in session

Paint lightning bolts on our cheeks


>Yo where did all this come from?
Shitposting? This is Sup Forums, shitposting is as natural as breathing to us.

I think it could be real because the dress she wears in that episode is the one with shoulder straps, and so in that pose they could be covered up

in either case that shot's only supposed to be on the screen for like a second; it just looks weird out of context

What position did you play?

When are we going to get some Moonco shipping?

It's shitposting you fucking newfag

bost mor finnish ebits :DDDDDD

Ah ok thanks for clearing it up for me

Have this star climbing a tree


For some reason I'm getting the sinking feeling the show's heading that route. Though I'm expecting "friendship" rather than romance for the same reasons as you.

Let's hope the actual show can handle it better than all the fanart I guess.

Who wins?


Can Michael C. Hall sing?

Man, Mewberty would be fucking wild in the Ludo Star AU

Alan Two Dicks can, I think

Hold the fuck on, did Disney XD just confirm Stump Day was Star's birthday? So she's 15 now? Why didn't they state this in the show?



Can't be. Star had never experienced summer holidays as of Starcrushed so she must have been on Earth for less than one year.

and according to the book Marco's fav drink is hot chocolate with cinnamon.

Stump day =/= Song day

Did they say when "Stump Day" even is? I don't have XD.

If they said it was like today or some shit then that can easily be ignored as wrong. Advertisers don't really affect canon the way something like the episodes/books do.

cute stickbug

>Which one of these 3 options is a lie?
t. Disney XD Twitter feed

If so, why didn't this come from the crew?



We have no idea what Stump Day is.