Is Terra a filthy goddamn traitor in every timeline...

Is Terra a filthy goddamn traitor in every timeline? Just like Hank Pym is a wife beater in every timeline and dimension?

She'll always be thirsty after that Slade cock.
So yes.

Apparently so, even motherfuckin' time. They want us to hate her.

Why can't things be different, goddamn it?

Ultimate is the only universe where Hank is a wifebeater.

Terra is a nice girl,she just needs love and attention

Hank Pym is a nutjob, not a wife beater, get it right. I hate the "Hank was an abusive husband" false meme

People have come to expect it, so even if writers try to subvert it, people will always be waiting for her to inevitably betray the team.


why the fuck does the cute blonde short haired girl have to be evil and subsequently die every time? Let me HAVE this, DC.


They oughta come up with another shtick for Terra.
Poor Garth.

Thank Millar for reviving the Pym wifebeater meme.

It's more like Titans writers can't help but rehash the Wolfman and Perez stuff so we'll get endless iterations of Trigon and Judas Contract over and over until DC finally dies

Hey remember when Janet convinced a mentally unstable man to marry her and then egged him on in a highly stressed state? Hank was wrong to hit Janet, but dont act like this was an ongoing abusive thing, nor that Janet wasnt partly wrong either. Hell, Reed Richards is a bigger piece of shit than Hank

m-my god

enabling and defending assaulting women? on Sup Forums?

I think she's not evil in Earth-1.

Terra's character is a Jezebel. There is literally nothing else to her character.

Even though it's Baby's first Teen Titans, I did like her portrayal in the original show.

>Jezebel- terra will never use her earth powers to immobilize you and then slowly choke you into unconsciousness

constants and variables user haha ;D

lame uncreative writing keeps recycling ideas

Because that's all she was created to be.

She had a few issues of build up, the climax, her "death", and everything after that for her in the comics is absolute garbage. More garbage than the Judas Contract storyline itself.

Wolfman didn't intend for people to start liking her and he didn't intend for her to do anything after being the mole, getting revealed, and dying.

I think she wasn't in New 52

I've heard that certain writers have vendettas against certain characters because of personal shit in their lives before or during encountering them, but I'd like to think for Hank and a few others it's less that they must be defined by a story or moment due to some sort of mandate and more that many writers who come across them realize without it they're just not that noteworthy.

Sure you could try to build Hank outside his inferiority complex, volatile behavior and the consequences of those things but you end up with something less impactful, unnoticeable or worse(?) an entirely different character.

Take Hank in the MCU, he's similar enough to 616 Hank Pym except a tragic death, paranoia and the Pym Particle side-effects are used to justify his mood problems more than his envy of others (he's still fairly spiteful towards those like Stark, but he isn't really envious of them. He threw away his business and position) but his story is more centered around others, like his dead wife, estranged daughter and the strained relation with the son-he-never-had, than himself. Which admittedly has some undertones to 616 Hank Pym's ties with Janet, alive or dead, Jocasta and Ultron but it's not those stories really so you have to ask yourself is that even Hank Pym?

Anyway, what I'm trying to say I guess is that most writers likely decide it's better to stick to the formula rather than flop an attempt to re-invent the wheel.

>muh trigon
>muh judas contract

>H.I.V.E. retirement plan

That happened once, and Hank was literally insane at the time.

I know user, I'm beyond crestfallen, too.

It got really weird later on...

>I know I beat my wife your honor, but I was literally insane at the time

Try the Twinkie-defense out in court, see what happens.

And next is probably Blackfire but at least that isn't one of those stories TT repeats


why does this terra look like kid flash in drag


Actually, having a mental illness, which was the last attempt to rewrite him, was a nice restart point for him, given his history.
But I guess writers don't know how to deal with such issues in a convincing way. That and Remender being in a depressive mood, or something. We can bring Hank back yet, I hope, after SE. But then again, his character isn't the easiest to write: doesn't have a support cast, has a creativeness-demanding power set and needs some sort of smart writing because he's a supposedly smart guy (and you know how awful the average writer is at that job)


Post-betrayal she sports an alt-right undercut and three piercings in her ear.

Fuck feeling bad for Terra in the movie!

Poor fucking Jaime, Ese can't be near his familia and if he catches a boner, his suit wants to kill humanity.

Pay respects to the true victim of the film!

so she looks even more like a man?

Lugers are a really good investment, Simpson Ltd. pretty much controls Luger pricing in the collectors market so if HIVE manages to scoop it up in a similar manner they could probably have it contribute to pension funds.

How was this movie?

I enjoyed it. It was a big rehash of same story we've seen like five times but the animation was good and there was no restrictions on violence so a lot of people died. Good fight scenes.

>adult woman(barbara) has consensual sex with a slightly older man
>actual young girl(terra) has underage sex with an actual old man
>-t-this things happens sometime!!!1

you fucking hypocrites why the fuck there's not uproar about this? i hate all of you.

>talking shit about pym
kys fgt

Why don't you make him if you're so tough?

I don't know from whom you got the idea that the whole Terra and Slade things wasn't creepy as shit from its very inception, but they are very very wrong

This one seemed extra creepy because she seemed even younger than usually portrayed and he seemed older than usual, so it looked like a 14 / 60 romance. Like not as bad as Muhammad / Aisha but it's getting close.

Because Bruce/Barbara slights Dick and Sup Forums is full of pedophiles.

Anyway Slade/Terra was literally there since the beginning, not something writers push occasionally and make both characters OOC for.

>so it looked like a 14 / 60 romance
So you mean like how it originally was

What will they do after that?

stop stigmatizing the mentally ill you bigot

Seems to work just fine for serial killers like the Joker.

>There are times where Slade is giving Terra the dicking while Robin is just somewhere else trying to ignore the loud terra moans and Slade dick slapping

I dunno, I only think Blackfire will cause Starfire hinted at her, has some jewel, it'll be the thing that probably fucks up her relationship with Dick, and we'd find out about the aliens in the flashback

Though scarab shenanigans are possible and Jericho is alive

>There are times where Slade is giving Robin the dicking while Terra is just somewhere else trying to ignore the loud Robin moans and Slade dick slapping

The teen titans cartoon is actually better written than the fucking movie. Who would have thought?

>that mullet

what a horrible time that was

That Terra looks much hotter than the cartoon version that just looked trashy.


Why was there no cyborg? Because he's in the JL movie and they don't want people getting confused?

Why was there some black girl with bug wings in the titans before the timeskip? What happened to her? Why did everyone age but beast boy after the time skip? Does he not age or something? Robin changed from kid-robin to adult Nightwing but beast boy looked exactly the same.

>it's ok to beat your wife if she drives you literally insane

I think they retconned that as being a clone or something stupid like that anyways.

>Muhammad / Aisha

It's always okay to beat sluts.

>Lose goth daughter in custody battle
>Try to win her over with promises of sharing our heritage
>It backfires because of her flamboyantly dressed friends
>Get trapped in her forehead diamond
>Forced to watch her get boned by the worst Robin and masturbate thinking of him

Truly a fate worse than death.

Jesus come on, he's not worse than Jason Todd.

The Dickbats run made me appreciate every Robin BUT Tim Drake, to be honest. Damian, Grayson, and Jason Todd were written extremely well.

>cuckboy selfie!


This ancient Timfag meme again.

Slade is a bad guy and Terra is a psycho bitch.

>slightly older
One, bruce was old enough to be her father
Two, laughing at something is not excusing it.

Well Jason Todd is most well-known for dying, coming back in a really cheap way, being evil for no particularly good reason, then being REALLY evil for ABSOLUTELY no reason & then dying again before being the star of the book that made Speedy a trucker & an alcoholic & Starfire a ditzy idiot w/ a brain the size of a goldfish who REFUSED to EVER talk about the Titans.

I have no problem with Barbara being with an older man.
>it just has to be the right older man.

Red Hood and the Outlaws and New 52 Hawkman were the first comics I ever bought. I don't know how I'm still on this board with all the disappointment that year gave me.

Putting your faith in Hawkman not getting canceled or the Red Hood being an engaging character are huge failures on your part. I mean, I'm all for the idea of Hawkman, but he's just never given enough of a place to grow anywhere. And Red Hood was just "How can we have a character who is edgy for edge's sake?"

>One, bruce was old enough to be her father
No, he wasn't.

>Two, laughing at something is not excusing it.
Yes, it is. Everyone here (including me) wanted Slad to fuck Terra. We don't have a problem with that relationship at all.

Because it's a garbage pairing that literally only Bruce Timm ships for some unfathomable reason. Even within the context of his own universe, Dick x Barbara makes more sense. Batman could have hooked up with


rather than fucking Batgirl.

I should've known about the former once Liefeld took the reigns but I had no idea about Scott Lobdell's track record. I like the idea of Jason Todd but the reality seldom works.

The problem was that Batgirl & Batman were never given ANY chemistry pretty much ANYWHERE except for here, so first off you're trying to establish a relationship out of NOTHING.

Second, your trying to shoehorn it in ONLY to make the Killing Joke have SOME stakes, since otherwise it was just a Refrigerator moment.

Third, what does it matter though? Killing Joke is over, it's not getting a sequel, the relationship isn't going to go anywhere & once the film's over, they're not going to go back & be like "OH YEAH! When Batgirl was with Batman that one time, ESPECIALLY since DC pretty much unwrote Killing Joke so they could have a hipster hero that all the coolkids will just adore.

Wasn't that SkrullPym??

>They want us to hate her.

They have failed.

The difference between classic Teen Titans and the new movie is that Old Terra had a heart and really cared about the other Titans, including Beast Boy. In the new film, Terra hates them for 90% of it and only softens up to them a little bit in the last 20 minutes. She doesn't even feel sorry about killing them. She only switches sides because Slade betrays her.

Yeah she didn't even blink when they were in the murder machine, she just said "Hurry up and kill this shitty trash so we can get out of here and Slade can start hammering my blond pussy"

I dunno man, I'd probably betray everybody and then kill myself too if the alternative was to end up having to date beastboy.

She had her eye on Damian repeatedly in the first half of the movie, the Wayne attraction won again.

You realize Beastboy can change into a horse, right?

But Dick is already a horse but with a man's face.

Does anyone else fucking hate the art style of these new DC movies?

Yeah. I think it's the same studio that did Young Justice, and I hated it then, too.

Yeah but Catherine the Great died that way, people know better now.

this was literally a Judas Contract adaptation. You can't fucking complain about references to the source material in an adaptation.

I think YJ is fine, it's basically Timm's style with realistic proportions. These movies are like borderline animeqsue in a pretty annoying way.

To be honest, the "realy "classic Terra in the comic is far more worst than both adaptation. I actually like what they did with Terra in the movie, she's a mix of the Terra in the comic and the Terra in the cartoon show.

And speaking of the TV series, I have grow to have mix feelings about the show. On one hand, it was a interesting show that really boose the popularity of Teen Titan. But on the hand, it also limited the potential of the show.
Because of the show, people keep complain about Starfire being sexy or Terra has sexual relationship with Slade.
The show made many people see Teen Titan as some funny and children friendly show, thus can't accept anything more adult and unlike the tv

What the fuck is wrong with her?

It was literally the defining aspect of her character and the entire purpose she was created in the first place. The second time she appears is the first time she's introduced, and she is shown to be working with Slade IMMEDIATELY afterwords.

Batman has dead parents, Krypton us exploded, Uncle Ben is murdered, and Terra betrays the Teen Titans.
Now, some people who watched the show and were twenty years late to the party were surprised about this, but you don't get to complain about spoilers when people talk about King Kong getting killed either.

Fuck off. No one has a problem with Starfire being sexy; they have a problem with her being a slut who sleeps around.

The Teen Titans TV show was a masterpiece. It hit all the right notes, and the comics since then have done nothing but fuck it up.

>Batman has dead parents, Krypton us exploded, Uncle Ben is murdered, and Terra betrays the Teen Titans

The first three are things that happened to characters. The last one is something a character DOES.

I thought that was batman

Reed is shit tho

Maybe it's what you do. Terra IS betrayal. You can change her hair, get rid of those beaver teeth, tweak her powers - but she's gotta stab you in the back, through the heart, at least once.

Why doesn't Peter Parker get this treatment? MJ was pregnant when he slapped her around, and Pete's got spider-strength to boot.


>Fuck off. No one has a problem with Starfire being sexy; they have a problem with her being a slut who sleeps around.
Good thing she doesn't do that