
Nooo Sette the Water women took your ma and they have come for you

They're gonna see she ain't got titties.

>There is no Nationalism nor bigotry when it comes to jumping off tall things.

also will they notice her nipplelessness?

She didn't say no nipple-ism.

Does nipples are the only thing she lacks?

And a navel.
Anything below the waist is still a mystery.

One nigga's blind, the other will just be weirded out by it, just like all of Sette's traits

>INB4 Duane chastises her for immodesty

is this good?

It's the best, go read it. It's not for idiots though.

It's pretty great.
It has some heavy stuff though, mixed in with the light pages like this.

If you mean the comic overall, damn son, you gotta give it a go

It's a long haul, but the art is seriously orgasmic, and characters and story is a lot of fun too

Matty can see... something. I'm not sure if he even has the frame of reference to tell anything's amiss.

> (OP)
>They're gonna see she ain't got titties.

My bet is, she's a construct, even more advanced than Duane, if older.

Duane has a big edge in raw horsepower, though.

Sort of like a tiny little Italian coupe compared to a big honkin' American diesel truck.

I seem to recall that his weird vision had trouble seeing Sette in the first place

Don't be like that man, Sette is a real girl! Frummagem ain't no blackhearted blacktounge, he loves his little girl.

haha no nip sette

If the old baby picture is still canon (I forget if she had no nips or navel in it and I sure as hell ain't looking for it) she at least has the 'exterior' bits. It could just be covering a peehole and nothing else though.

>best liquid kickers in the world
Sette is all about Sharteshane domination lately. I suppose it is inevitable considering the international nature of the current party. Sette has to keep up her side's end with Duane and Jivi talking up their own ways of life.

Sette is related to the mythical and extinct lions of their world.

>My bet is, she's a construct, even more advanced than Duane, if older.
A construct so advanced, the khert itself was confused? I don't know about that, and it doesn't explain her affinity toward pymarics (or I guess their affinity toward her).

Are Duane and Quigley going to have a dad-off?

They just want to see Sette shirtless

That'd be an instant win in Duane's favor.

Quigley would have to agree to be a dad for some length of time for that to happen.

Nobody in unsounded can beat Duane in a dad off, especially not Quigley.

At first I thought it was weird how Quigley adapted so readily to Duane's presence in his party, but then he didn't really have much trouble traveling with the likes of Star Fish and the Red Berry Boys either. Nothing really seems to phase him that much.

Quigley would stand no chance. Duane is as good a dad as he is wright.

If he's such a good dad how come he let his daughter get killed? Quigley might be shit in a lot of respects but he kept his kid alive at least.

god, those dragons' are creepy

He let his wife get killed and his son get blinded instead.

The two boys do realize that she's a girl right ? How come they're not embarrass of asking her to strip and swim with them

If I remember correctly, she still has breasts, just they do not have nippple
We don't know what's her bottom part look like, my guess is that she's has nothing there too.
She's like a magical living doll or artificial humene something

Jivi was raised on a pirate vessel, Sette is a Sharte and Matty is Matty. Don't nobody got time for modesty when there's swimming to be done.

Starfish didn't seem to care

Jivi is worldly as fuck and Matty is blind. Also it's probably really, really hard for anyone but Starfish to see Sette as a girl.

I remember Sette can be vary pretty and girly when she wants to, she even said that herself one time, does anyone have those page where she dress up herself ?

Did he ever molest her?

Was it ever mentioned that lions are extinct?

Duane's a pile of bones and metal, so he sinks real fast, right?

I can't believe wanting to make this dumb shit from the larger pages is what finally got me to join her patreon.

I have an important statement to make :
Parasol Duane is pure and adorable.

He would sink were it not for him being able to tacit cast. Unlike Quigley he can cast underwater. Why swim when you can invert rever stream and lift yourself up with water.
Zombie being afraid of water I can understand (important parts can fall off). But why is he afraid of sun? Doesnt want to rot faster?

Ashley said since lions were used as a symbol of Ssael/Ssaelism, Gefendurs hunted and killed, apparently, all of them

I wonder what Jivi will think if he see her like this

It's been like two years since I read this how many new pages are there, two?

I refuse to believe that you are being serious right now.


Two years since you read it? Probably, like, 268 or so new pages, then.

Seems to be closer to 150 or so.

This comic started seven years ago.

Hm, actually yeah, I forgot to account for the recent long hiatus.

Are you thinking of some other comic? Unsounded updates 3 times a week, every week, except between chapters. If you've been gone 2 years then you've missed probably about 2 chapters, maybe 200 pages?

And I've been reading it since chapter 1. Where did the time go.

And it has 937 pages.
Man, that's like 130 pages a year, not bad, close to 3 a week.

Had never heard of this thing before, quit after three chapters. Derivative crap at best, just crap at worst.

literally perflat

>Derivative crap at best
Derivative of what exactly?

>937 pages for 7*52 weeks = 2.5 pages per week
That's pretty good given the various hiatuses, though one wonders if the breaks were shorter earlier on and the slight loss of pages from a multiple update day for a slightly longer break than it being posted regularly would cover rarer.

Being derivative is better than being ultra super unique for the sake of being different.
Not that Unsounded is particularly derivative, your post just reminded me to state that in general.

He kept her in a dog basket in the stables.

I think it's implied that he tried to pimp her out, but Sette is not equipped for that kind of "work."


I can't help but hate that religion the more that I hear about it.

Has Cope jossed the theory that Sette is some form of Senet Beast? Would explain the missing navel.

I wonder if he could even tread water. Guess he won't drown at least even if he does sink.

Okay, so Uaid's really obviously going to die, right?

In my opinion the first three chapters kinda suck at points, but the plot picks up once its established.

It's not for everyone though.


She always talked like that when the opportunity arose though, especially about the Frummagem family in particular. Let's not forget that to most people of other nations Sharteshane is nothing but a big pit of criminal scum; girl's just defending her homeland.

She's made a point of the fact that Senet Beasts, being first materials, can't be cast upon, but Sette absolutely can, and the pymary that works on her is the same as the pymary that works on normal people.
Doesn't mean she's a normal human but at least probably not a senet beast?

I liked Duane and Sette wandering around the wilderness.

>Uaid'll always be around!
Matty just signed his death warrant so damned hard.

That said, I dunno how you actually kill something that's stilll alive after being chopped into pieces, experimented on, and glued back together by a mad scientist wife. I'd have to go back and see how Duane did it to the root thingy.

The mountain ogre baby isn't actually alive.
Uaid's an artificial personality programmed by Matty's mom inserted into the machine made of mountain ogre corpse and other materials.

And I'm sure that's an argument Quigley's going to clumsily attempt when Uaid dies and Matty's having a breakdown.

I did too, but the world wasn't superduper established and could seem a little generic high fantasy Slapstick/Straight character at some pages.
It's past that though in my opinion.

>Had never heard of this thing before,
hi redddit

are we
are we gonna see sette's boobs

We've already seen em, theres nothin there.

Is it when pedo whatshisface starts to undress her
I forgot

it would make sense but as far as storytelling goes I'm pretty sure they are going to get interrupted next page.

Aw shit. I had forgotten.

We see way before that, in like chapter 2.

I'm saying, Uaid didn't survive "being chopped into pieces, experimented on, and glued back together by a mad scientist wife"

They're going to give her shit for her lack of nipples.

and then she's gonna give them shit for their lack of tail

That's not going to make her feel better.

Duane will comfort her with headpats later.


>fully realised secondary world fantasy
>derivative crap
It copies the method of Tolkien, not the trappings. Which is what you ought to do.

Shit, think about how Dishonored came out after this did.

I really like Duane a lot. Best self loathing zombie priest ever.

>utawarerumono girls outside Sup Forums
Now I'm shocked

Why? It's not like we haven't seen Sette shirtless in this comic. Did you forget what you were reading?

If she's got nothing to see it doesn't matter

It looks better here. I'm not sure what it is but Looks like one of those airbrushed photos, like it is smeared or something.

They live in the age were kids could do that user. Happens all the time in places that aren't America. The general thought is she has nothing that could be considered sexual in the first place. Though I bet she spots Minnow first and gets scared because of the whole drowned my mom thing.

Stylization. The more recent one is less stylized, so it triggers your 'this is not human' reflex.

The Starfish scene just uses more natural shading; you can see hints of her ribcage. I think it was probably aiming to set up an uncanny valley feeling, being so close to actual human anatomy yet lacking important bits. That would be especially poignant in the sexual context of the scene

The two pages are four years apart. The comic's changed its look. It's less cartoony these days.

Time to send her attack zombie against the fishmonster?

Except for when pudgy plats are taking diving lessons

My guess is that it's more likely she'll panic and Duane will have to pull her out of the water, maybe move to keep Minnow back if she tried something as well.
That reminds me, I wonder if there's some way to find out what materials exist in a place you can't see, like an "identify(material;sphere(x1,R))" command or something.

>They live in the age were kids could do that user. Happens all the time in places that aren't America.
>The ghost of puritans arn't laughing at us because puritans don't do that but they are smugly frowning in our direction
Pseudo christian motherfuckers.
I hate them so much.

I forgot how much I liked chapter's 4-6.

>that time Sette pretended by a child prostitute