Voltron: Legendary Defender

This thread's theme is galra, but other discussions are welcome as well

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you think Sendak will come back?

anyone else watching Voltron 84

galrafags can only hope

Things which keep these threads alive:
Kallura magic
Smoker Shiro

You forgot
>mice user


Op here, I may have fucked up in posting this a little too soon. People are probably sleeping

>Slut Keith
>Religion roleplay

>Hunk's very submissive
sounds like the rock will fuck Hunk

There's a good chance only the sleepless and the eurotrash see this. but I'm glad it's here, OP.

>Lancefags defending worst boy

Drawfags who draw things like Sirk, bless them

>Hating Klance and Shallura

pls no bully

he tries

The Kallura anons are literally the best people on these threads and I don't care for any shipping stuff.

Don't forget our dear MS Paint user.

I liked it when they were drinking champagne and someone uploaded sacura's Kallura champagne art.

That party was great.

Shlav appreciation
Crack theories people take seriously

Where is Lotllura user? Does he know Kimberly Brooks thinks Lotor is hot? I hope he's doing ok.

The most moral ship there is.

It was a glorious time.






Quick question, are these not considered copyright infringement? Can these mouse pad makers be sued for that?


technically yes
It just depends if the company gives a shit/knows it exists

Kinda reminds me of when Nintendo found out about that porn parody of mario and they bought the rights to it so it wouldn't be distributed anymore

Shiro's tiddies aren't big enough here. Shame.

Sirk is best girl.

gotta love the mice

And of course KLANCE!!

All day and all night, because he's worth it.

Another already mentioned hating Klance.

Even klance fanart admits they don't have mutual feeling for each other.

We can't leave out greentext stories.

They have all their feelings mutual for each other. That's half the fun.

>They have all their feelings mutual for each other.
Why not Hance then, user?

Different level of feelings. You don't necessarily fall in love with your bromance or treat your bickering like foreplay with them.

Mutual feelings of intense dislike, sure.

top kek

>posting klance on Sup Forums

Like I said: foreplay.

I've been seeing that ridiculous Haggar is the blue paladin theory floating around. I'm not going to post it here since the blogger insists that Alfor was the red paladin, but what are your thoughts on blue paladin Haggar? Has that ever crossed your mind?

>thinking no one's going to post Klance on Sup Forums

It would add an interesting element to Haggar, at least. Like, it wasn't just Zarkon that broke up the Voltron team back in the past, but more than one of them rebelling against the group. Or even if it wasn't Zarkon's initial idea at all, but maybe Haggar's, and when Alfor confronted her about it Zarkon sided with her over him? Food for thought, at least, but we need more info.

That image is fucking amazing.

Voltron: Legendary Cuckolder


>...there’s plenty of Galra that are good and are fighting against Zarkon, [and] one of the worst people in the universe is Altean [Haggar]... And it shows just how far back and how intertwined the histories of the Galra and the Alteans are because we’ve painted this picture of Alfor versus Zarkon, but it wasn’t always the case… Maybe in the future we’ll get to see how Haggar and Zarkon met and how did she come to want to support this character that’s basically destroyed her whole planet. It just opens up more questions that I hope people will want to see the answers to.

Maybe Alfor did something stupid?

Lover's tiff gone galactic.

Alfor accidentally killed Cova.

Alfor probably just got in the black lion for a sec.

I wish this series was released 4 years ago so I wouldn't have to wait for any new seasons

Rubbed his big altean cock over the leather seating.

I was wondering where Cova went.

Lance: Hunk, when we go back home to our families, let's agree...all that Galra killing was in self-defense. I just want to get our story straight for later.
Hunk: Maybe we could just say Pidge did it.
Lance: Yeah, she does seem the type to kill hundreds of thousands of alien space cats for like, I dunno, science?
Hunk: They did kidnap her dad and brother.
Lance: That makes it all legit, practically, kinda

>Hance banter
Could you do one for female sheith?

>Shiro as a big buff lesbian


I'm still mad at myself for not saving that one really good femShiro.



>it's a "Lotor and Allura share a tender moment on the ruins of Altea" episode

voltron: lesbian defender


I hope so, but it's looking more bleak with each season. All I can say is if he's gone, it might be the worst death I've seen in a tv show and a massive waste of character potential.

I saw this gif earlier and it made me think of Sirk and Svendak.


>Sirk accidentally playing to rough with Svendak again

Everything was going just fine until the rule 63 shitters showed up.


I want Cova to eat the space mice.

That's the plan but you keep disappearing.

Imagine four tiny headstones for the space mice.

Coran would just flush them down their equivalent of a toilet.

There wouldn't be anything left to flush.

Bunches of tiny little bones, teeth, tails, the sort of thing you don't want to have to try and digest.

Same, Keith.


Coran flushes Cova's poop down the toilet.

Man, Klancers/Shitllurans are going nuts in the comments.


It's ironic because they spam their annoying pro-ship comments everywhere but they're autistically getting mad at that one person saying Shallura is dead.

This is really funny because that Meiruki user is being accused of being a Sheither. She's a friend of a friend of mine and she's diehard Kallura shipper. She doesn't care for Sheith at all.

Eyebrows has to give her mittens after she nearly scratched one of Svendak's eyes out.

Kallura shippers are the true MVPs

It seems like Misha Lover left a comment there but it got deleted.

I would pay for his hugs anyway

They actually think Allura was de-aged just now for Kallura? The fuck is this?

I guess it's better than those little kitten claw caps. Still, she was pretty embarrassed walking around with them.

Delusion. These people really think Shallura was ever meant to happen (to make way for Klance) and the creators are screwing with them on purpose.

Apparently the Shitllura cockroaches were reposing with death threats but the owner of the video deleted them.

This. I have had to scroll through so many obnoxious Klancer comments about Broganes when it comes to Voltron videos.

They're full of love.

>if you don't like shallura then you must be a filthy sheither REEEEEEEE

So here's an eternal question for the perfect reverse trap:

Glasses [ ]

No Glasses [ ]

Would lovingly impregnate either way. [ ]


I love this one so much