So at what point exactly did he become a redneck?

So at what point exactly did he become a redneck?

He seemed to be during maximum carnage.

his name is Cletus.....

At conception?

Question. Who's the best, highest profile redneck hero?

Admittedly it's been a long time since I've read it, but from the bits and pieces I've referenced over the years I don't think it seems that way, which is why I'm posting this thread mainly, there could be a conflict of memory for me but I really don't remember him being a hick like he is now

Right, but aside from that...these days he tends to be written explicitly as a kind of southerner stereotype

I don't remember that in the past, maybe I remember his Spider-Man TAS version too strong and that influenced by view of him in retrospect, but I don't think so, I also don't have any of the old comics on hand to go check

To me, his only old trait was "generic psychopath"
These days it seems to be "redneck psychopath"




He was raised in a orphanage in NY. Remender didn't bother to read his first appearance.

I think it dates back to Zeb Wells' Carnage miniseries. Most writers since then have followed the logic of "his name is Cletus so he must be a Redneck", until the recently-ended Carnage series, which remembered he's from Brooklyn.

Early Carnage wasn't just "generic psychopath", he was "1990s metalhead". He quoted the Wayne's World movies a lot. Those jokes probably haven't aged well.

did he bring up the orphanage in his first appearance? I thought he was just shown briefly in a cell with Brock?

After his inital debut as Carnage, Peter uncovers his past in the Bugle archives and goes after him. He finds Cletus camping among the ruins of the orphanage, talking to his old teddy bear.

I'd like to see Eddie Brock rape Carnage

his neck is red yes.

He was from an orphanage in NYC, but later writers jsut saw that his name was Cletus and for some reason Roman names must always equal Alabama redneck no matter what.

Cletus is definitely a stereotypical redneck name in general. No one knows about it being "Roman" whatever that means.

Hank Hill.

>being "Roman" whatever that means.

Fucking this. I remember being confused during the minis when he was suddenly a redneck and anons came out of the woodwork to say he was always a redneck. Which was bullshit. Fucking faggots.

dubs don't lie

>and anons came out of the woodwork to say he was always a redneck.

Those were probably shills.

Be serious here.

Did the Simpsons make that a stereotype or did they just play on an existing one?

the same kind of idiots who think the name "tyrone" means a black person, despite it being irish in origin

only instead of being nazis they're probably commies

Some folk'll never molecularly bond with an alien parasite.

But then again some folk'll.

This is where it started in Well's first mini. The only current writer to ignore the redneck idea is Bunn.


He's always been.

He really hasn't been at all
Carnage using southern dialiect and being portrayed as a southern type guy is a modern thing, never was part of his character before aside from having a name people associate with rednecks

Carnage-Man, the purest hero of all that we need but don't deserve.