Brie Larson on being Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel

>"She's fighting between the flaws that are within her and all this good that she wants to try and spread and make the world a better place. She can also fly and shoot things out of her hands. And she's really funny!"

>the suggestions on the side are her origin and two volumes of bland as fuck nu-Carol
>No alcoholic fascist Civil War/Secret Invasion era Ms. Marvel

top fucking wew

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Brie a cute.

KSD run gross instead Butters, Fazekas and Reed run.

She was 10 years sober during Civil War and Secret Invasion, user.

Exiles ?? Maybe

What magazine is this? Because higher, better, faster, more is also a Vol 1.

lol further not better

Sorry I meant to write alcoholic carol or fascist Civil War/Secret Invasion Carol

Do you think the movie will be good?

I'm legit hoping it isn't. Like I want it to turn out to be Ghost Rider-tier.

i could barely stand looking at her in skull island

i think i'm gonna pass on this movie. she's so fucking ugly. to the point i just get mad everytime shes onscreen

>Do you think the movie will be good?
it's mcu at WORST it will be good

There's only one Captain Marvel.

>I'm legit hoping it isn't. Like I want it to turn out to be Ghost Rider-tier.
....So you want it to actually be entertaining? I don't get it, considering you started off your sentence saying you hoped it would fail.

Since when is Carol Danvers funny?

>women are funny
>that's why we have to keep reminding you all

Fucking stop Jesus Christ

Since she was introduced to the MCU.


>letting characters deal with substance abuse

At least it seems like she won't have that stupid new haircut.

This'll be the movie that stars the downward spiral right?

If thor or dr strange didn't, nothing will.

Who should play Jess?

>I'm legit hoping it isn't. Like I want it to turn out to be Ghost Rider-tier.
Are you really /that/ upset wonder woman is going to be a massive failure hated by literally everyone?

Yes, there is.

there's so many things wrong with this it's hilarious

Such as

>And she's really funny!
holy fuck another quipper, how the fuck is it going to be comedic if Thor is the only straight man in the entire marvel universe.

>Do you think the movie will be good?
Yes, I do.
In fact, even if it's as good as the Thor movies (that is, funny but dumb), it's going to improve ComicCarol SO much.

his name being Shazam, him being a DC character so shit by default, his movie NEVER BEING MADE, and so much more

a total flop would improve comic carol, let's be honest.

>if Thor is the only straight man in the entire marvel universe.
Did you not watch any of those awful movies.


His name isn't Shazam you fucking idiot


Clearly didn't have anything to do with the lack of "comedy", considering Loki in TTDR.

>if Thor is the only straight man in the entire marvel universe.
not for long thank Feige

>She's fighting between the flaws that are within her and all this good that she wants to try and spread and make the world a better place.
That sounds pretty fuckup murdercarol right there to me to be honest

Yeah and he's not really the comic relief

>And she's really funny

So the next Avengers movie will be 8 people all struggling to get their little "jokes" in. Fuck it won't even be dialogue anymore, just purely quip based.

I don't even dislike Marvel movies but for gods sake is it too much to ask for them to use a different fucking character archetype for once.

The New Adventures of Captain Feminazi Coalburner.

That's weird bro. Get some therapy.

Yes, he was. Every comedy moment involved him acting like an oblivious dumbass.

>And she's really funny!"

Like everyone in the MCU.
BTW, who was really funny before the movies? Only Spidey?



>Comics carol sucks RN so clearly movie Carol will be shit too

The movie will do as well as Dr. Strange and suddenly the comics Carol will suddenly become just like Movie Carol and look like Brie just like every other time marvel makes a movie.

Marvel studios knows what they are doing moreso then Marvel Comics.

>>"She's fighting between the flaws that are within her and all this good that she wants to try and spread and make the world a better place. She can also fly and shoot things out of her hands.
She managed to make Carol sound even more bland than she is.
> And she's really funny!"
Hohokay then.

Hawkeye, depending on writer.

wew lads

What about Genis and Phyla? How about Khn'nr


Next Ironman. That being said,who's else is waiting fo BP the most?

Panther is already my second favorite MCU character after Cap

No one. Jess should not exist, ever, period.

But then who would be Carol's love interest? Brand?

Marvel's ultimate slut for cosmic power, obviously.

She's researching Olsen movies. Clearly this means it's Wanda.