Tangled: The Series

Fitzherbert P.I.
>Eugene sets out to find a role for himself in the castle and decides to be a royal guard.

Episode links:
>WATCH Disney Channel

>WatchCartoonOnline stream

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Please tell me this won't end with cassandra once again treating him like shit.

oh yes oh yes oh yes tanggleeeeed!


I hate that they're listing it as episode 4 on the Watch Disney Channel site. Before Ever After was advertised as the lead up to the series, not the first episode. Now it's all inconsistent when you go to download episodes.

Storyboard user, what episode just aired officially? 3 or 4?


looks like they tweaked flynns hair. texture isnt there

The episode that's airing now isn't the new episode right? Right? ;_;

It's a sorta strange perspective. I don't think we get a lot of shots with the tops of heads

It should be. Is it "Fitzherbert P.I."?

I see that Eugene is stronk.

im watching the episode now, and it hasn't been present in any shot so far. talking about the texture overlay in pic related. i don't mind it being gone. just a curious thing.

Nvm, the new episode is airing now. But the one that played before I hadn't seen yet.

I don't like the perma blush everyone has in this show. Makes them all look sick.

punzie bunzie in a onezie for funzie

That was last week's episode.

Just FYI for everyone.

The latest episode is 'Fitzherbert PI' . Last week's was 'Rapunzel's Enemy'.

Wouldn't they paint like, as many portraits of the princess as possible?
Also, don't prince consorts basically just faff around doing whatever?

When do the girls kiss?



Cass revealing her princess lust is the season 1 climax. That love triangle becomes the major storyline in S2. By the third season they're in a polyamorous relationship with lots of kisses. Keep watching!


Drat, it seems my earlier hope that the disney channel website would make each episode available after the next one airs was wrong

Come to the dark side.

Heads up:

There will be no new episodes in May because Western Animation cannot into proper scheduling.

Anyone also ship Cass and Eugene after watching this episode?



Source? I see a lot of shows only get their schedules released one month at a time.




Super cute.




The series is nothing special. It's okay, but it has no distinguishing characteristics besides the main relationship dynamic.








Yeah? I don't think anyone is hailing this as a masterpiece or whatever. It's a nice cute vehicle to spend more time with the characters you presumably have come to love from the movie.

And to indulge in bisexual threesome fantasies, can't forget that.

Please if it wasn't for Raps everyone would be shipping Cass/Eugene.


Pascal episode when?


I see your large amount of fanart and raise you a Rapunzel/Eugene in a modern setting fanart.

It looks like he has a beard.

He never came across as gay to me. I think he really loves Rapunzel.



When in Rome


do you have a larger version of that sketch on the left? it's beautiful


Here's a slightly larger version. I believe the sketch was done by Jon Diesta. You could try checking his facebook page. I can't see it without an account.


I see from the Disney streaming link that they're officially counting Before Ever After as the first episode of the series. Good to know.

Also thank you to the user who alerted me to the existence of this thread.

>they're officially counting Before Ever After as the first episode of the series.
I don't know how much we should trust that. This person is a storyboarder and called "What The Hair!" the "premiere episode":

The people running the streaming site don't work on the show and probably just called BEA "episode 1" to keep it all organized and in order. I personally don't think we should call it an episode when we're numbering them.

Yeah fair enough.

The ending was the gayest ending ever. Only Legend of Kora is gayer!

I assume Cass will end up being a time traveling Gothel

>Cass will end up being a time traveling Gothel

That sounds like the most stupid thing ever

I can't imagine time travel being a thing in this show. The absolute most I'll believe is that Cass is Gothel's daughter, but she's not evil. It'd just be a way to add drama and mistrust that they'd have to overcome.

And even that's a stretch based on nothing more than her hair color. I'd bet money that that won't happen.

>similar outfit
>similar hair color
>appears right after a gothel vision
>extremely protective of Rapunzel and Disney probably won't do a gay storyline
>hates Eugene for reasons unknown

either that or she'll be related somehow

I consider myself tough to impress when it comes to animation, but I'm enjoying it and I don't even really like any of Disney's more recent animated movies. It's a fun show with good writing and good performances by the main cast. And I like the art style a lot.

>reasons unknown
Being a smug, blabbermouthed two-bit hood seems like reason enough to dislike him.

And seriously, you're still on about this? Cassandra being nice to Eugene in this episode and encouraging him wasn't enough for you? Fuck off, your husbando isn't worth being this pissy over.

Also, Cassandra is protective of Rapunzel because protecting her is literally her job. Moron.

You're not wrong, but this person wasn't shitting all over Cass like some others have. No need to be so rude about it.

>extremely protective of Rapunzel

That's part of her job, if she fails they'll send her to a convent

>similar outfit

I don't see the resemblance

Also, that science kid also had a similar hair color, is he related to Mother Gothel too?

A literal convent.

Suddenly I want way more episodes to focus on Rapunzel's mom.

No real evidence for that theory, but I admit it would be intriguing.

Do we know how old Cassandra is in the show? If Gothel immediately got herself knocked up after kidnapping Rapunzel and regaining her beauty, then Cassandra would be less than a year younger.

The episode title made me think I was in for a cliche eye roll-inducing 20 minutes, but thankfully I was surprised to find it excellent

ps: long hair is rad

Seriously. The Queen seems like she's down to party.


I'm enjoying this series, feel the animation in this works with the expressiveness of the characters. Also, I loved that part when Eugene found a job he was good at but was fired immediately because he robbed the place before.

I feel that if she ends up being related to Gothel it would be something such as she was her aunt or a distant family member. Doubt she's evil, her dad also hates Eugene.




>#very into the butt shots lately

I like this show's crew.

>"Corona's best gal pals"
They're the best.

Btw this nigger failed to hide his secret desires

I'm hoping Cassandra is a few years older.

>it's a Cassandra is jealous of Eugene/Flynn episode

Sounda like you slipped, kiddo. Take it easy!

>ywn be bothered by a cute dyke who is constantly jealous of the adoration you receive from your/her gf/bff

Rapunzel was a better painter.
Giovanni a SHIT


Short hair is worst hair.

You're the worst hair.

Is this really the sort of show that benefits from being super HD?

Preview for the next episode, "Challenge of the Brave".
Also includes the end of this week's episode, so avoid if you haven't seen that yet.

Every episode of this show gives more fuel to my perverse desire to see Eugene /Rapunzel/Cassandra become a thing.

The best disney QILF

I think you're forgetting someone.

I really really dislike the art, is the series itself good?

It's alright but not good enough if you absolutely hate the art and can't stand to look at it


Well most everyone who's watched the series here has said it's good.

You could try watching the Before Ever After pilot yourself and see if you like it.