OTP thread





Shit taste OP

Hot of the presses

You should read the Spider-Woman comic

>Posting Land
Stop. I agree but fucking STOP.

Rogue kisses everyone. It doesn't mean anything.

The new movie was a godsend for this ship

I miss these two kids.

Fuck off with that shit.


I wish they make Mari canon through some Sailor Moon level shit, and have bait her hooking up with Damian.

God I want her to go virgin killer on Tyke

All Bat-pairings with Dick are inferior.
Dickfire is where it's at.

The difference is that Deadpool is a team mate of hers that she hated at first.

Doesn't matter.
Rogue is like Storm; passed around from love interest to love interest because none of her bigger love interests have really stuck in pop culture very long.


And Deadpool even made fun of that

No thanks.

You just HAD to make me cry, didn't you? :(

"Take to the heavens illusionary ships, forever and always to sail the skies. Now part from this world on wings to arrive."


Who wrote this run?

I thought he was married to a vampire?

Why does she have a mullet

They're gonna break up in the next TT movie, user.



Makes more sense than what actually happened.

Best gay comics ship
Harlivy a shit

>Harlivy a shit
Man, please be respectful. We are going through a tough time right now


>Dick/Kori for Tv

>Dick/Helena for comics

>Dick/Babs dead forever

It would be perfect

My preferences for Dick ships are basically 'anyone but Babs' at this point

What happened?


Deadpool was married to a succubus but they're literally in middle of a dp divorce event.

Bruce Timm's new movie trailer showed Ivy as the villain and Harley hooking up with Nightwing

Bruce Timm sunk the damn ship, it went kabloomey, now we are trying to salvage it however we can. Pray for us

Harley wants to fuck Nightwing in her movie so Harley/Ivy fags and Dickfags are freaking out

You don't deserve shit. No one in shipping does.

But no one deserve to be treated like this, the way Timm is treating Harlivy is downright despicable, no respect

Deodato drew her hair like that for a while, before Anka made it more consistent.

Your ship is taking it in the keester.

Okay, dude, okay. Let's just not talk about it, okay?. There's are other ships to trash, let's this one alone for the time being

>other ships to trash
Shit ships that belong in the garbage and if you like them you are human waste: Dickbabs, SuperWonder, WonderBat



tis is from DP, DP and SM, or somewhere else?


Uncanny Avengers 22

Timm does indeed have a horrible taste in pairing.


its a shame, my wife is as crazy, violent, apitefull and sexy as Shiklah, but not in divorse yet.. i like to headcanon us as dp/shiklah

She eventually ends up locked back in her crystal coffin, which dp put inside of his chest.

So in a way you could say..she'll always be close to his heart.

yeah i read that thing, but you know how linear is the future in comics. what really gotme was that hint about DP becoming an super asshole after stryfe, deadpool´s sisyphusness strike again

Deadpool will do anything to save kids.

I still want him to find out about Mattie Franklin and give Kraven the death he's been searching for.



Implying buttraped hawkeye needs real hawkeye


Which X-Men book is this from? I really like the inking and colouring.

>Which X-Men book is this from? I really like the inking and colouring.
All new Xmen #19.

My man in Amsterdam

I dropped All-New after I realised what a hack Bendis is (I'd only just been getting back into comics), was the Hopeless run worth looking into though?

maybe it was the cartoon, but I always like rogue and gambit. Everything else is just different. although Wade/Rogue is growing slowly on me

>was the Hopeless run worth looking into though?
From meh to Decent, probably hopeless best work.

This user gets it


Didn't his own get blown up?

Thats fine. I have backups.

Why he didn't fuck her pussy right there ??



As time goes on, Dick/Babs is going to die out, as DickFire grows because more people were expose to the latter in media, like the TT cartoon and these various animated films.

Glad it's over. Jess got slaughtered in that

>a pairing popular among comic writers is gonna die out
>a pairing with two characters chained to the Batman franchise is gonna die out

gonna point and laugh at your hopeless optimism user

kys my man. It's the best WW or BM ship.

It's terrible for WW. Why would you want her to be emotionally abused?

She absorbs cancer now?

>emotionally abused
You make it seem like she'd be in a relationship with the fucking Joker or something.

Batmans has had good functioning relationships before writers decided to throw whoever the woman was under the fucking bus.

No, emotional abuse is rarely intentional like that.

>before writers decided to throw whoever the woman was under the fucking bus.

Exactly. WW deserves better.

Do tell what its like then, cause I've heard it said about Batman all the time.

You really think writers will treat her the same as some no-name bimbo of the week they have Bruce Wayne go through?

It already has, user. Get with the times.

These are both God-tier ships.
>tfw DP gets Shiklah in canon and all the fans want him to be with Spidey

being Wade is suffering.

When I was younger I legitimately thought that was the direction they were heading in because of how obsessed Naruto was with him despite how much of a shit friend he was, seemed like an obsessive blind love thing, but I never shipped it because Sasuke is a faggot and Naruto, for all his retardation, is a good dude and deserved better.


Fuck it, I'm down with this ship. I know it won't last a year but it's actually been shown to be fun and adorable, and I just want Wade to be happy dammit. Maybe actually be able to take his kid out on movie nights with Rogue or something.


Ignore any ship Timm-related. Remember, this is the guy that pushes Bruce-Babs.

ClintxBobbi forever

>no-name bimbo


I didn't think Duggan would actually do it.

The madman.

Well the guy practically worships Deadpool. Why didn't you think he would do it?

Since Duggan wasn't intending them to have chemistry when he started the run.

That, and Wade being with Shik-lah made the ship unlikely. That said, the violent dissolution of their marriage provides just cause.

Well honestly you're a fool. They got far more focus every other character in the book, it was pretty obvious what he was doing.

Best BM ship is Superbat, best WW ship is literally anyone who's not Supes or Batman, everyone knows this.