JL8 Update

Lois a cute.


Little girl in the flower shirt sees the booty

That ponytailed fuck should be in jail.

For an auto malfunction?

Why is Lois not wearing any pants

She's wearing white pants.

that's probably lana

I think she is judging by the colors. The boots make it a little hard to tell.

Who would wear such boots? on a shiny day?

Her skin isn't pale white like her pants

She was in the sewers earlier.

They just left the sewers user.

She was walking around the sewer in the earlier issues

Go away ESL


Y'all need to get your minds out of the gutter

They're finally out of namek?



Which Namek?

Because yes.

What would they charge him with? That kind of malfunction isn't something that results just from neglecting your vehicle.

The batman tries to stick his dick in someone namek

Are people still reading this? The only good parts were the time there were in school and the green lantern camping trip.

Yeah tat's been over for a bit.

We Lois and Clark now.

I´ve read the previous pages...

Why Lois shorts are so thight? is like she doesn´t wear anything underneath.
Is Yale a lolicon perhaps?

>another namek arc
god fucking damn it

Is every ark a namek arc then? Because Diana's Birthday party lasted longer than any of these other arcs.

I'm just calling every 'dating' arc namek since it feels like forever just to see it end

Sounds like you're just bad at dating.

Stop projecting you asshat, I'm talking about how long he updates

>Play on words = projecting

Okay, user.

What city is this? What's with all the hipsters and negros? Why is Lois not in fucking shock after being on death's doorstep 3 seconds ago? Why is the neckbeard's chest not caved in by the safety belt after going from 60 to 0 MpH in a fraction of a second?

Because it's a fucking comic user

>Why is the neckbeard's chest not caved in by the safety belt after going from 60 to 0 MpH
I don't think you understand how seatbelts work, user

>famous space alien elementary school student unrecognized by hard hitting street savvy field journalist elementary school student

yes...consistent physics is the problem

Why do you care so much

No, I think you don't. They make it so you don't die, they still hurt you. And here we don't even have any of the kinetic energy being absorbed by breaking (the car flew) or the bumper and front of the vehicle (Clark stopped it instantly without damage to the car). So try running into a thin stripe of material at 60 miles per hour and see if you feel like running around thanking people and shaking hands afterwards.

Speed force.

I used to like the comic a lot, I'm liking the comic less and less and it makes me sad.

No, why do you care about the people in the background so much and why do you refuse to suspend your disbelief?

The old JL8 is never coming back.

Fine I'll crop it jeez.

What makes you think it's changed? Seems like it's the same as it ever was to me.

Excellent, save

Yale doesn't seem to have any interest in doing one-and-done comedy strips anymore, he's all about arcs now.

I seem to recall it being that way since Clark, Bruce and Hal changed their costumes, at least.

Different user here. Ever since Diana's birthday, Yale seems to think each arc needs to get serious about these kids' romance plots. Why the fuck is this an important issue when they're just a bunch of 8 year olds?

That arc with Karen and Bruce just talking about their feelings at a PB&J shop was terrible. A goldmine of reaction images, but still terrible.


Breddy gud.

I might not have been the best person to do it but it still needed to be done.

>Why the fuck is this an important issue when they're just a bunch of 8 year olds?
None of this shit is important, he does it because he wants to. There's no direction JL8 has to move in at all. It's about the journey, not the destination.

I've quite enjoyed the storylines myself. In general, I just enjoy JL8.

>Yale seems to think each arc needs to get serious about these kids' romance plots.
What about Hal, Barry and J'onn going camping? Or Diana playing baseball?

Maybe she's above yellow rags like the Daily Planet that writes about aliens and other such nonsense.

That's the face of someone with super strength, a super rope, super shibari skills, a huge penis and no scruples about using all those things on you at once.

>What about Hal, Barry and J'onn going camping? Or Diana playing baseball?
These are the types of stories that make the comic memorable. Not the romance shit. It's so fucking out of place.

>It's so fucking out of place.
I disagree.

>It should be about what I want it to be REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>shipping 8 year old children is good writing
No, not unless you're writing a r34 fanfic.

See as well. There are storyline choices that are objectively inferior. They are a bunch of superhero kids, it should be about crimefighting or kid stuff. Romance can be in there, but it shouldn't be in the forefront like it's a Spanish soap opera or a highschool drama.

Except kids are known to do this shit IRL. They see it on TV, on the TV that their parents and older siblings watch and they see them talk about it.

Monkey see, monkey do, motherfucker. They might not fully understand what they're doing, but they're gonna try to find out. I was doing this sorta shit at their age. Minus the superpowers.

Yale's got a one-track mind.

That's called "playing house". Kids do not have the social skills or the drive to build a romantic relationship at 8. A male and female doing normal things together like they do with their same-sex friends is as far as it goes. Frankly, it's degenerate indulging kids in aping adult romantic activities. I'll bet they'll sing a different tune when they start frenching or asking them on which date it's OK to sleep together.

>Kids do not have the social skills or the drive to build a romantic relationship at 8
Of course they fucking don't, but they don't know that, dumbfuck. They're gonna try anyway.

>A male and female doing normal things together like they do with their same-sex friends is as far as it goes
Were you ever a child

Nice meme

1) Well why the fuck is that even in the comic then? Is this suddenly about the influence of pop culture on child psychology now? No, it's simply forced shipping. Kids should be going on playdates, not dates.

2) Yes, if you had a crush on someone, you just treated them nice and invited to play games or whatever. At an age where sex self-segregation and the whole cootie thing is at it's strongest, that's a big thing. No one fucking took girls out to the movies or restaurants at 8.

3) Except I'm using it in it's non-meme meaning. It's indulgent attitudes from the adults that causes 8yo girls to grind on 8yo boys' crotches at dances because they think it's an adult thing to do. They should be clearly told what is age appropriate behavior and what isn't.

Which is funny because that was by far the best arc

>why the fuck is that even in the comic then? Is this suddenly about the influence of pop culture on child psychology now?
It's about kids and what kids do, whether it's what they should be doing or not, Captain Upright Citizen.

>Yes, if you had a crush on someone, you just treated them nice and invited to play games or whatever.
Yeah, if you were a fucking loser.

>At an age where sex self-segregation and the whole cootie thing is at it's strongest
That's age six, if at all. Kids don't believe in that shit anymore.

>No one fucking took girls out to the movies or restaurants at 8.
Yes they did, they took their friends as well, including friends who were girls.

>Except I'm using it in it's non-meme meaning
C'mon, we both know that's bullshit.

>It's indulgent attitudes from the adults that causes 8yo girls to grind on 8yo boys' crotches