What are your favorite DC memes and reaction images?

What are your favorite DC memes and reaction images?



















Just make a waifu thread already, jesus.

Post meemees you like then











Oh man, this bring back memories. I made these

And I inspired these in the early Injustice 2 threads with my constant Ivy faggotry. Good times

Ted is best.

Post more ivies

i don't know if these ones are in the same quality as the others, since those ones I lost them

I made those "Pepe Ivies" in the "Batman rape the Joker" threads RP that it appeared from time to time. I tried the recover the essence of those pics but I'm feeling that I didn't

Honestly these works more as reaction images than anything else really


Hal Jordan memes are all hilarious to me for some arcane reason.



I thought I did made some "Pepe Selina" and "Pepe Harley"


Because silver age Hal was a fucking idiot who ran into things and frequently gave away his secret identity.

And "Pepe Harleen"

This one's my favorite Hal image.


Somebody please explain Hal and Burgers to me

It's a screenshot, but I find Capt. Atom's expression compared to supergirl's hilarious




>so a liberal, an illegal alien, and a soldier walk into a bar


>you will never be vine-raped by Poison Ivy


It's from this page, where Hal gets possessed by greed.




I got a few of Captain Atom

I guess it's sorta niche, but watching The Flash miraculous botch every single solitary shot during the Cup a few years back is probably one of my favorite memes. For that reason alone, he'll always be The Trash to me.





I love drunken diana

Does anyone have this one pic of Harley's face from the Suicide Squad comic where she look really bizarre and is smiling?



Anybody have some IT WAS ME BARRY's?

i never understood what is up with the hamburgers and hal jordan?





he's a treasure trove of reactions





>tfw people actually saved and use your image macro




The Frostfag during the Injustice 1 threads was so much worse than the Ivyfag in the Injustice 2 threads. I've never been so mad about shitposting











i think that's a relic best left in the past.

T.captain cuckfag

Was this the original dickbutt? I recall seeing this one first but never figured out if it was the TRUE origin.

>Explosions and melodrama
You could call this "cape comics in a nutshell"

